Wednesday, April 27, 2011


This has been the craziest week for me-- actually not as busy as some folks at the Provo MTC say it is but maybe that's because we only have 32 Elders and 8 Sisters(including me) here and we all minus 2 are focused on English... our first language. So it's pretty low key. My Mission president and his wife are incredible. So is the counselor. Sister Walker (Mission president's wife) is president Hinkley's daughter and is super spunky. I hope to be like her someday.
Oh the experiences we are having here. I am realizing that you can't just think "yes, I will give everything to the Lord" and it's done. We must work at it and work hard. It is tough. There are temptations here and working through them made my temple experience today one that  I will never forget. I learned that I need to give my heart to the Lord and make promises with Him that I intend to keep and He will bless me in overcoming these temptations.
I have made such incredible life-long friends here. The sisters are not frumpy and are absolutely HILARIOUS. We are almost too loud during meal times. I don't know if I have ever laughed this hard in my life. It is absolutely insane the amount of fun I am able to have with them. Sister Willard is my companion and she is great. A little cheesy sometimes, but I do love her. She is very smart and knowledgeable. Very patient with me, which I am grateful for. I have learned a lot about myself this past week and I cannot tell you how blessed I feel to know that there is a God and that He loves me regardless of how silly I can be.
I can be so hard on myself and I know that it's not God doing that to me. It is a good opportunity to learn about myself and I am grateful for the experience. This gospel is true.
Well Sister Mills is another sister I am serving with. I get along with all of the sisters but Sister Mills is a kindred spirit. I love her so much. She has taught me how to serve and listen and love. Sister Stuki is HILARIOUS and actually dated Matt Lefrandt.. she says she kinda wouldn't mind going back to him after this mission experience but she thinks he'll be married.. who knows her and Jeanette would get along great.. they're very similar. Oh and she was Sleeping Beauty at Disneyland! So tell the girls (Cami & Cassie) that I am serving with a real princess, their mommy's favorite ;)
I am grateful for the friends that wrote me prior to coming out here. Please tell Alexis Hyland that her letter made me cry and I love her a million times for it. Mom- thank you thank you I could picture you writing and you made me cry. Your testimony lifts me up sooo high. Really you don't know what it does to us to hear you testify. We are here testifying all day, and yet doubt still sets in. Hearing others testify and bear witness, I am strengthened and do not have a worry about my belief and relationship with God. I AM GRATEFUL I HAVE FRIENDS THAT HAVE WRITTEN SUCH UPLIFTING LETTERS! I LOVE YOU BECAUSE OF THESE LETTERS.... because I needed then a lot this week. I had many Gethsameane moments and even got to see the counselor.. yep I am a girl. but I am grateful for it because my relationship with my Savior is stronger for it.
I have a cough currently that I wish would go away because it gets my hands dirty and I don't want to shake peoples hands when I have germs galore on mine!!! There have been so many things happen and not enough time to tell you everything.
Easter was AMAZING. I sang "I Know He Lives"... I guess they took my offer seriously and quickly. I also was able to sing in a quintet to "I Know that My Redeemer Lives"... that's where it all started with the singing bit. ha-ha we got to do an Easter egg hunt and then read the story- great idea for my future family, thank you Sis. Walker for that, and ended with a devotional from Elder Bednar, broadcasted from a few years ago.
I have to go.. but I love you soooo much. I hope all is well at home. dearelder me or email me or write me :)
Sister Lauren Lee Filichia


  1. Can't wait to follow your adventures! Your an inspiration!!! Keep writing! I promise I'll write you this week, I cant wait to hear more!

  2. You are so amazing Lauren! So proud of you! XO

  3. Oh this made me soo stinkin happy! :) If this is Liz posting (or anyone from the Filichia family for that matter) can I get her address, or a way to send letters and packages? I would greatly appreciate that. Before she left,Lauren said someone would send me that info...? Possibly? Anyway. Thanks so much! (This is Carrie, by the way..)
