Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Last Thursday we went out street contacting and it was fun... interesting I suppose. Humbling to say the least. Some people were polite, but not receptive.. one man told us to go to Hell-that was fun. And one went on and on and on about how we worshipped a false God. Interestingly enough everything he said was correct, just about the wrong God. It reminded me of when Satan spoke to Moses and confused him for a moment. When Satan asked for praise though, Moses refused. I refused to believe this man and I know in my heart that God loves this man. Our Savior loves all His children regardless of how much or how little they love Him. I felt Our Savior's love for this man and although my companion was getting a little sassy with him, (which was driving me CRAZY) I could still feel the love and spirit very strong and clear in that moment. Contention is completely of the devil and is the only reason why this man could not hear our message and was instead confused about which God to love and worship. I could see the contention he felt in his eyes. I learned a lot that day.
There was one girl we met at the very end (it's ALWAYS at the end it seems), that had heard about the church and was excited to read the Book of Mormon. She didn't understand nor love the lifestyle from what she had known of her very straight laced LDS friends. We testified that although the commandments and the Word of Wisdom seem very limiting, they are actually the opposite and give you freedom and happiness.When she heard this, she lit up and basically grabbed the Book of Mormon from us. She is a winner, I know it.
There are a lot of Scottish people around me here at the MTC and now I think in a Scottish accent but fun fact- no accent- probably won't have one. The people here laugh at you when you try. On the train back from Preston into Chorley (which is where I am now), there were two little boys we chatted with that had us try to speak in accents and yes-they did in fact laugh at us... oh well i'll immerse myself and try to figure it out!!
This Sunday, my Italian friend, Elder Botta and were asked to sing "If You Could Hie to Kolob" in Italian!...(The Italian is Elder Botta's idea) ... I'm scared to mess up ... yep.
Today we went and saw some of England's historical sites. It was AMAZING, gorgeous and the spirit was captivating. The longer I am here, the more I feel and know the spirit is always with me.  Heavenly Father knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows how HIS CHILDREN need to be reached and taught. I am learning that as we pray, ask our Father in Heaven to guide us and then submit our full will to Him, acting on the promises we have made, He will bless us. When we are perfectly obedient, we are perfectly blessed. I know this church is true and I love it and all of you.
Love you more than anything in my whole life!!!
Sister Lauren Lee

ps Tell Diana Thurber how grateful I am for the missionary commission bookmark she dave me. The other day, I pulled it out and everything made sense!

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