Monday, May 23, 2011

So... lots happening this week. It's been incredible if I must say so myself. I love it soooo much. Last Sunday, we were praying for a miracle... and it HAPPENED!! haha took all week, but it happened. We were tracking in a place that one of our ward mission leaders prayed and recieved an answer for us to go to. There we found ... wait for it.... A FAMILY!! Just sitting there-ready to hear. I swear it. This little boy answers and says come in.. and we were like get your mum please.. casuse well, duh... anyways, so the mum comes and we start talking to her, she basically knows the gospel without knowing it and a few glitches.. but then she says "here, talk to my son josh. he is really interested in this stuff.. oh and please COME IN." We were floored. So, we sit down and start talking to them. All the kids were all over us from the start asking if we could have dinner there and what not.. so amazing. So we start into our conversation and answering questions that Josh (14) has... we define him as a mini Joseph Smith. His questions were well thought out and very thought provoking for a 14 yr. old. When we explained the Restoration to he and his mum it made complete sense to them. They asked us to come back on Friday. Hope to tell you more on this family as it progressses.
One of our investigators.. she's who you would like to call an eternal investigator, been taught for basically forever and never decided on a date, we have her down for a date, june 18th!! I hope she sticks with it. So, for now it is happening, but church was ... interesting yesterday. could we not talk about how we get our converts converted into the church by fellowshipping them in strategies in front of them in Sunday School... super awkward. The lesson started out great, then turned bad. She was squirming we were shrinking and ya, let's pray it wasn't as bad as we think it might have been. She has issues with trust, so basically... it's the Lord's work and in His hands. We just hope she makes the right choice.
Yesterday, we had another family in the ward pray for a street for us to look on and they picked the golden street. So many people who want to know!! I hope it turns out!! we were kinda hyper and maybe a sang a song or five loudly in the car driving away... we have fun. yes we do. Sister Nadsady is more than I could have asked for in a companion. She is perfect for me at this moment. I love it...
Soooo funny story #1: we go to find this less active member and her husband comes out in a white shirt and tie with nice trousers on... and his fly down with the bottom of his shirt hanging out. We had to look up and not laugh, but we did smile big and probably looked REALLY friendly and happy, even though we were just dying inside. We both looked at each other and said walking away... who should tell him, and i wonder when he'll figure it out... so we now leave conversations saying FLY down and out. it was pretty hysterical to us.
Then there is this little boy in the ward who is a doll. We're easting at their house and I have curly hair mind you and he looks at me and says (in his little proper english accent) "sister you need to brush your hair"... soooo cute and funny and his mother was soooooo embarrassed. haha well I love it here and I know I am doing the Lord's work. As we enjoy His work and put our best foot forward we are blessed. It is all in His timing and way and I know that. He wants His children home and will do it as He sees fit and as they choose to come unto Him. I am greateful for all I have learned prior to being here, it really helps. We had a recent convert who is less active and hurts herself a lot (which is why she never comes cause the bishop told her not to do it at church anymore). She told us we were annoying... because we did and said exactly what she needed whether she wanted help or not.. and usually she doesn't which is the problem, but I love her. I do. The spirit is strong with every child of God, it is just a matter of inviting it in. Music really helps. We decided to sing at every lesson, unless we felt prompted not to... people love it and it really does help.
This lady named Mair that we visit.. and kinda teach (she's less active and very happy about it) LOVES OBAMA... shoot me. She tells me every time to vote for him.. I just shut my mouth and nod my head. Hardest thing for me to do this week was to hear about it.. but I love her sooooo much and I will continue to love her, even if I dislike what she enjoys bringing up :) hahaha my testimony is continually growing and I feel soooo blessed to be here in this beautifully country. One month down!!  Crazy how time flies when you are having fun!! and doing the Lord's work. Till next week!! Ta da Butt!! (goodbye in Welsch)

Your very own : Sister Lauren Lee Filichia

Hugs and Kisses!! Muah!!

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