Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Alright so this week has been the first off-I am driving on the wrong side of the road.. and at first I was scared to bits, but now I am driving 60 on the roads it is legal to! & They are not straight!!!!!!!! Man, Arizona freeways will be boring when I get home!
ANYWAYS, this week we had area conference on Sunday and it was amazing!! Elder Kearon, Sister Thompson, Elder Perry, and President Monson all spoke. I know that this church is true simply because of the spirit I felt during that meeting and what happened after... so remember last week when I spoke to you about that family that we tracted into and the 14 year old is like a mini Joseph Smith? Well last night we had our third lesson with them and they had come on Sunday to the area conference (which I swear was perfectly all meant for them... every talk answered a question they had asked during the previous 2 lessons) Josh (14) said 'you know how that man (Elder Kearon) spoke about baptism? How would I go about doing that? Do I need to fill something out? Pay for it?' pretty sure our jaws dropped. We had had the LONGEST day of tracting with absolutely no success... well that's not true, but to say the least, things weren't going well... and then the Lord blessed us with this.. some ASKING  to be baptized!!! We talked to his mum who said 'i am fine with it..' she wasn't sure how acceptable it would be for her because she sometimes has to work on Sunday's... we assured her that's not an issue. So we then watched the video 'The Restoration' and answered the many questions they had after it. The mum then said... 'so I have arthritis in my knees and can't bend them so what are they gonna do with me when i get baptized?' once again joy... joy joy joy.... can I please say we are obsessed with their family. This lady and her children have so much faith and are probably the most polite family in the sharing of food that I have ever met!! They feed us sooooo much... which is sometimes nice but nights like last night I kinda want to puke because it was too much, but none the less, I am sooo grateful for their example. I know that the Lord has been able to 'open their eyes to a new way' (in the words of Sharon) so fast becasue of the way they live their life. They are practically already Mormon... just the whole coffee drinking bit and Lord's name in vain... but those are side things that should be fine. They have a willingness to serve God. Just like I was saying before about how Sharon was so worried about the coming to church bit.. she gets it!! We haven't even taught that lesson and she gets the importance!! They asked about tithing and we were able to share experiences and they got it. She said I am so grateful you explain so well and for how well you know the scriptures... can I please say that my scripture knowledge is lacking.. my companion's is good, but the spirit is better. The Lord wants these people taught in His way and in His timing and it is being done. He leads and guides the conversations and the scriptures that are used during the discussions. I have nothing to do wtih it, I can assure you that. Any time I try to interfere.. it goes.. less than perfect.. a lot less. haha. humility. Really though we are so excited.
The first week I got here was all the 'eternal investigators' that I had to get to know and are not progressing but we are still working on them and less actives like CRAZY that we get to know but are set in their ways. We were praying and fasting for a new investigator that we hoped would start to lift our spirits- we found them a week after and a week and 3days later they ask to be baptized. yep spirit lifted. The Lord blesses us as we strive for perfection in word deed, and mission rules ;)
Linda, our investigator with a baptismal date, is struggling... she can't give on the druggies... one a day isn't sooo bad... my goodness, it's so hard to reason with people, but that's why we must be converted by God and the spirit with a willingness to follow Him in always possible. We are going to do the stop smoking program with her.. I have a feeling it's going to take a little patience and control of the frustration and lots of checking in with more prayers than ever on her behalf... but the Lord will bless us and I think if this happens the way it should that she will gain that pure testimony that she needs to be fully converted and happy in life. Life is too short to worry, but also too important to just sit back and relax. 'Face your doubts, master your fears!!' - Elder Holland. We only fear when we let Satan get past that first point of doubt, but call upon God immediately and he will show you the light to be the master of your fears instead of the servant to them. God loves us and I know this to be true!! Till next time!! Ta Da Butt/Duck (butt for boys duck for girls... it's a welsch thing..)

Love you forever and always and beyond!!

Sister Lauren Lee Filichia

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