Monday, June 13, 2011

Well hello my dear & beautiful family,
This last week I was inside for two and a half days- I read ALOT but I was grateful because I had to give a talk yesterday (again I know and we have at least 60 people in our ward... we haven't even had speakers since I last spoke...) but none the less it was good for me. I was soooo grateful when we were able to get out and do the Lord's work because I was able to better apply all that I had studied.
This week was slow though even when we did go out, but we met one girl and she let us in. She is a beautiful girl who is so kind and sweet- she says her husband is not at all so the ' Eternal families' thing sounded like ... not joy to her. Which made me sad, but we talked to her about how these principles and doctrines and faith can help to make your relationship better so you will want to be together for and time and all of Eternity. When we were talking to her at first she asked which religion we were (because EVERYONE thinks we are j-dubs) and we said Latter-Day Saints, ya know Mormon's? and she went oh yes!! my friend Rachel is one of you!! She and her sister were such good happy girls! I am so grateful for good LDS youth, good LDS people for that matter- they help us so much. This girl Rachel in our ward has been an angel to so many. It seems like everyone knows her and all know that she is LDS, know what she stands for, have never been offended by her and are always positive about the church because of the example she renders- may we all be that way. Be a disciple of Christ always that if they don't know you are Mormon because of the lack of words let them know there is something different with you because of all you do- they will ask if they are ready and curious. We all have the Light of Christ in us that testifies of truth- when we are being true to ourselves, it is testified to the masses. I know this. I am experiening the results and blessings of this behavior. I look back on my life before the mission and I pray I was that, and if not, then when I get home, I will work and strive for it like nobody's business.
So earlier this week when we went tracting we knocked on this door for this man named Stephen. He most definitely rejected us and said things that were interesting about us- but what made me cry was when he disgraced the Book of Mormon, He spoke of God as being as little as possible and tears came to my eyes. I bore strong testimony, but it only made the fire in his eyes more fierce- I have never been so afraid in my life. We didn't hardly speak after a while knowing that there was nothing we could do-but a few minutes after we left, he came back and told us about all the times he had been watching us and HOLY COW  when he left I was crying sooooo hard. Yes, I am a bit of a baby, but it was my first yucky man experience on the mission. The thing though that is my point is that he yelled and disgraced God and I didn't care about what he said about me, but about God- that is another story. God loves all his children- that is His child and someday he will come to know the truth. I pray he accepts it because it will bring him more joy than he could ever imagine. We aren't going back to that side of town- because it would be too dangerous probably, but I hope someday someone finds him when his heart is softened. I think about him everyday and wonder on what poor things have happened to him that now his life is so horrible that you feel so vicious toward the being who gave you and still continues to give you life.
I know that God lives, I know that He loves us and that he is watching over and protecting us. I am trying to understand all His ways, but I can't right now but in time I will. I pray that I will always allow myself to progress as the Father has planned for me to.
Linda is being baptized this next weekend on the 18th!! Sooo fun, I'll send pictures after I get them from it asap.. for sure!! I am so happy for her. She really is smiling more now that she is not smoking and believing more and more everyday. Joseph Smith was a prophet and Thomas S Monson is a prophet today. We listened to the prophets words with her the other day before her interview because that was her one thing she couldn't fully say yes to- we just found his special witnesses video and highlights from this last general conference hoping it would do that job-  OH MY GOODNESS soooooooo much was said about Joseph Smith and we didn't even realize it. So much was said about living prophets and all though it isn't perfect for her, it helped her realize prophets are real and true. Needless to say, it wasn't a problem in her interview and I know that she will be an amazing member!!
I love this Gospel. I love this work. It is all true and if you don't know it and have a conviction for it yet, get one. Prayer is the key. Ask and be specific- He will answer. I know this to be true. I love you family and will be sending a letter home today that is actually a reply to emails-- Jen, Kendra, Carrie-please send your addresses so I can write you for real- my emails back are pathetic and I feel horrible. And I want to send you pics.. yes please. Dad, can I get Jeanette's email? I promised her some and she ain't gettin' none- unless you just forward them on oh that would be nice and she can email back---or whatever. Welp, I love you all. You are always in my prayers!!

Sister Fili

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