Wednesday, June 22, 2011

WELL THIS WEEK HAS BEEN BRILLIANT- AS ALWAYS. We have been able to find and teach a new couple-Emma and Lee. They are great. I do honestly love them. They understood the Restoration better than anyone- it was just like well ya- that makes sense. I feel almost too blessed to have been able to teach them and Sharon and Josh who just get it. Incredible. We love them and they just said they want us to be like members of their family- the Gospel brings the Lord's family together. It is binding not only between immediate families, but between the eternal spiritual family. I am so grateful for it. Sharon and Josh want to get baptized in the sea- near to the middle/end of july... in the SEA boo yah that will be soooo cool. How many people can say they've witnessed that.. not many. I am just so happy they are making this step. We asked Sharon if we could teach Philip and Chelsea (9 and 8) and she said yes. Their dad doesn't want them to be baptized the same time as Sharon and Josh, though. He wants them to really want it so like around age 10 if they fully understand and want it, he's okay with it. Which is cool and respectful- we'll continue to teach and have faith and God will take care of the rest and do it in the timing He knows is best.
Linda was baptized this last weekend (pictures with letters home) and it really was marvelous. I am sooo proud of her. I feel like I really can see a difference in her countenance. I wanted soooo badly to cry when it all happened because I knew at that moment how precious of a covenant she was and is making. All her sins were washed away and she was made clean. I can only imagine at age 45 after having a life full of good and bad but reflecting and seeing more of the bad, how incredible it would feel to not worry and to be as clean as a newborn baby. I am so happy that I get to witness these things and to view it for what it really is. We are witnesses of christ at baptism and must continue on that path throughout life and know that it truly is the path that leads to knoweldge and happiness. It is the path that we were preordained to follow and that path is as Jesus Christ 's was- to spread the good news of the gospel and bring others back into the fold. What a privilege it is to do His will. The song that is on the Reflections of christ CD #2 "Come see the light" that our dear friend Freddie Ashby sings (can I pelase be more obsessed over his voice- probably not) Has had a huge effect on me the past 2 days (since I found it and listened to it... alot...) With all that i am learning since the baptism and just on this mission I truly can feel the real meaning of 'forsake all doubt and arise, feel the wounds and fall at his feet, hear the voice. Come see the light" When I think of how this applies to my life it brings tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart to know that I can know for a fact that God lives. I want to show others what I believe, use the atonement in my life, and fall at His feet in prayer so that I can truly commune with my Father- me to Him and He to me, it is then that we see the light of life in all that we encounter. The nature, the people (good and bad) and every situation given us. He truly does love us and beckons for us to come fall at His feet. He only wants to speak to His children so he can let us know what we don't know- he knows all. Never doubt, never fear. Look up that song if you haven't already: it is based on 3 Nephi- it will change your life.
We got kebabtized yesterday. Apparently in the UK missions kebab's are really popular.. and so after you have a baptism you kebabtize yourself- well hear the proper kebab is with lamb meat- I liked it for the first 10 bites or so and then I kinda wanted to puke- but I persevered (whether I should have or not, I dunno: that is the question of the hour) and finished most of it. You will see pictures of my kebabtism that may possibly be my last one. The popular kebab's hear are not on a stick- so there is a lot more food- like crazy alot. With veggies on top - always. So you get through that half full and then look and have a 1/4 pound of lamb's meat which fills you up way faster than chicken's can gobble. Yes-so that was fun.
We are putting together a fireside for the ward, which I was really excited about at first because you know me always loving the musical firesides no matter where I go-but now I am nervous as all get out. We brought the ward in to help supervise and put it together (I wanteed it to come more from them and then I would organize it as much as I could but we don't have that much time). Well they gave me a trillion songs that I have NO CLUE what they are and ya... frustrating and a theme that is more or less soooo broad you can work with it, but with songs you don't know you wanna cry... so I have infact done the crying bit and much prayer and Sis. Nadsady and I are getting it there- we're putting in stuff that we know along with stuff we don't know. So it should be a good mix.
Well, I feel soooooooooooo humbled all the time and so grateful for the family I have. This really is a time to refine yourself. We get bombarded with people who like to nicely invite us in and then tell us our religion is rubisch and why-so we smile and say ok-this is why we know it's true but thank you for your input have a nice day!! haha Everytime they do that they don't realize they are only strengthening my testimony. Silly people, tricks are for kids! ha
It's transfers today(hence why this is 'late' and i am staying here in New Castle Emlyn with Sister Nadsady- which means I will infact be killing her aka she will go home after this transfer. Soooooooooooo sad. I love her, I do. She is like a sister to me. I am blessed and happy about it.).
I sang at the baptism- ccapocco- and it was "When I Am Baptized". I felt awkward but it worked, anyways a man in the ward said--- do you cook? I said, uh I'm learning we'll say that, and he replied---then you won't have a hard getting married when you get home, just sing sister, sing---hahaha. Well, I hope I can do more than sing for my future hubbylubby, but anyways thought it was funny. Kindalike what dad talks about with the lady who is beauutiful until she takes her make up off--- ha oh well. I love you family and friends more than you can ever know!! You are in my thoughts and prayers and you are my strength to get me through the hard times, my encouragement , and my joy. I love you one more time and will talk to you soon!!
Ta/Da Butt (goodbye in Welsch)

Sister Filichia

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