Thursday, May 12, 2011

I AM IN WALES!!! New Castle Emblin to be exact :) My Trainer is Sister Nadsady. She is half Scottish-she grew up in Scottland but spent summers in America with her father. She attended BYU before the mission and plans to go back. She is just great. So sweet... complete OPPOSITE of my last companion. Not in the sweet area (both were sweet) but in the talking area. There is silence ... and it's ok. Not all the time, but here and there. I enjoy it personally to be honest.
None the less yesterday was a tiring day. We arrived (the new missionaries) and the Mission President got us all settled in on what's going on with our mission. He and his wife are wonderful. They know the Halbert's!! and the Speakman's!! and the Thaxtons!! So that was fun. I am where I belong. I have never met so many crazy elders in all my life. They were screaming and going psycho when we got there and they greeted us... it was nuts.
When I woke up yesterday I had a feeling I was gonig to be going to Wales and the second I saw my compnion, she was with other sisters and they hadn't announced who was with who, I knew it was her. It was kinda crazy how that happened. I really am soooo blessed and so excited to be here.
We have an appointment tonight with a lady named Marie. She is the type of investigator that wants the missionaries around, but doesn't want to do the work to come to Christ herself. So tonight will determine a lot of things. Tomorrow night we meet with Linda who I guess is doing well... We'll see. Anyways, I am loving the work. We went tracting today and talked to some nice older ladies and got a candy bar, but no one who wanted to listen. A few agreed to take a pamphlet, but that's it.
We went to the grocery store and I loaded up on yummy fruits and such... I LOVE BEETS... yes i am weird, it's cool. But I love them and anyways, they're good for you!! haha
I have never been anywhere so beautiful in all my life. It looks like a constant perfect postcard picture. How can these people walk outside and see the sun shining (which it is right now ps) and not know that there is a God. I know that my Redeemer lives and that He loves me. He bears witness to me time and time again. This Gospel is real and true and I am blessed to share it. What an amazing thing the Temple is. I can't go for the rest of my time here in the mission field, but family and friends, PLEASE go when you can. Make it a priority. You will gain the comfort, peace and guidance that you need when you go. If you make it a priority and tell the Lord this is our goal, He'll help you make it happen. We are so blessed to have one so near to us in Mesa. TWO almost. I know it will bless your lives. Help Tim do his work!! ;) The temple is the best place to be. This work is why we are here on this earth. With God all things are possible.
We listened to a talk the other night by Elder Holland and he talked about Peter and when Christ asked him multiple times, 'do you love me?' and peter always said 'yes', but by the last time he pleaded 'yes'... God's response was always 'do you love me more than these..'( more than what he was doing)'... then feed my sheep.' He always pleads for us to do His work, to feed His sheep. He cares for us and we can't let Him down because not only does He love us but he loves all others. We can go to the Temple and search for how His teachings apply to us personally, because in one way or another it ALL applies. And give referrels.. i haven't experienced them but i am prepping you for the letter when I do and I say.. get 'em, tell 'em and work it!! haha but really I love you all and I am grateful for this work.
Please write and email. There is no greater joy than to hear from those you love. I promise to write back... I mean this week is the greatest treat of your life!! 3 times. Talk on Sunday and then email onTuesday and Thursday... boo yah!! haha! probably won't ever  happen again under happy circumstances at least ;) jk mom. i hope all is well with you family. I love you allllllllllll soooo much. Tell the kiddos they are my pride and joy. I will talk to you soon I am sure. I love love love you!!

Love your missionary, Sister Lauren Lee

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