Monday, July 4, 2011

yes I am actually celebrating it today!! Annette who is a less active in our ward and loves to serve and get involved is throwing me a bash tonight for it. So we got to invite a family and the Hutchinson's were the pick!! It should be an awesome night and I am soooo excited about it!! We are wearing American pride, without looking too in your face about it!! but it's happening none the less right now. Oh and I may or may not be going crazy and cutting my hair off. Sis Nadsady is getting her hair done and I could use a trim, but I figured it is one time in my life i don't mind experimenting with short hair so I am going to do it. Not to my chin, no worries, but shorter for sure... we shall see. You will get a picture.
This week was ...great... we had an amazing start and slowly but surely the focus became getting ready for our booth at the dragon festival that was on Saturday that Annette and her boyfriend and another crazy lady put together. The whole community comes and enjoys and dresses up and relives the dragon history stuff of the land. It was pretty cool. She let us set up a booth for the church, but mainly about family history and food storage. Funny thing is we were sooooo worried we would have to talk to people about this stuff, but people only asked questions about the church. The Lord knows His children and how to get through to them. It was not invasive but, the points that stuck out to people were the important things. We were so grateful for Annette's support and for Sis. Hutchinson's help. Without her, we would have been lost. But that did take up lots of time this week unfortunately. There were some interesting people there... but you would figure that, we are talking about Dragon's here... haha but it was fun. There was this 13 yr. old girl who sang 'someone like you' by Adele (look it up... sooooo good.... i would if I could, so I will in 15 months.. actually one of our less active members made me a cd for when I get home, it's currently hidden safely in my bag so there is no temptation) back to the point she was AMAZING I couldn't believe she was only 13... so I asked her if she would sing Amazing Grace at our fireside, she was excited and we are excited and hope that what comes out of it is a 13 yr. old girl looking for truth and finding it.
Anyways, after the dragon festival (which gave me the capstone of a tanned face and arms... yes my hair is almost back to blond because of it and my face is more or less brownish...) we went and saw Emma and Lee to invite them to church again. We had Sis. Sarah Whitburn with us because we were seeing Sharon and Josh right after, and they said they couldn't because of their lack of petrol (gas). Sister Nadsady asked if we could share a scripture with them really quick and she shared Moroni 10:3-5. We talked to them about their reading and praying and asked if they had prayed about what we were teaching them thus far. Lee shared his experience with praying while reading the pamphlets (not the scriptures quite, but we're working on it) and he just got the greatest smile on his face and said that when he prayed to know if what he was reading was truth he felt like he was being lifted up a little. The spirit was strong and Emma looked at him and said, ya know if the petrol meter is on red we could make it to New Castle Emlyn and back safe, don't you think? Then Sis. Whitburn piped in and said, or I could just come and get you for church. they immediately said yes yes!! Man we felt good. They truly had been converted to the principle by their own conversion story, and more than that by the spirit. I love when you see people boo yahed by the spirit. I love it even more when they actually follow through.. unfortunately this story ends sadly and they didn't come to church. Even with a ride... they just didn't answer the door... COULD SOMEONE THROW ME A BONE PLEASE!!??? (in the words of Jason Klingler) Made so easy yet.. not. Agency is real even when the Spirit testifies. Be strong and don't let the devil get to you. He will even after the witness of the Spirit. He is cunning and crafty.
With Sharon and Josh he (the Devil) is doing a good job. They are struggling to make it to church. We started a stop smoking program with her and she is doing it well, but getting frustrated more and more... it's only been one day so we'll continue and just pray hard. But the coming to church bit is hard for them there is always some excuse the morning of. So we are going to try the approach of going and getting them. It's going to be a great week. The fireside preparations are coming along and I am just sooooo excited for life, although I am kinda tired today. I have had some medical things keeping me up ALL NIGHT man oh man... not fun, but it's cool.
Today will be great and I hope your 4th celebrations are sooo fun. I am sooo happy I have a family that I love sooo dearly. I'm reminded everyday!! Tell everyone hello and congrats on everything they are jumping into. Those boys will love their intensely cool missions... Singapore and South Africa.. who would have guessed, scary but sooo cool. Yay for Erica!! tell her I will be with her in spirit and I am so proud of her!! Can i get her address? WARD AND AMBER #1#!!!! oh man I cried when i read that. I couldn't be more happy and excited and proud. I was thinknig of you allll week long. You will be blessed for your good works, I know it. Thank you for the package I just about cried with everything. our family picture is INCREDIBLE. thank you thank you thank you.... how did Liz and or Steve work it to be sooo perfect. All the kids are looking aside from Brielle, but seriously and smiling!! what the... it was Steve's dance moves, I know it. Alright typing = bad because time is GONE!! but I love you and will send pictures of mi celebration de cuarto julio... ya that was wrong, but i tried.
Loves you more than you can imagine!!
Sister Lauren Lee Fili

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