Monday, November 28, 2011

Oh happy thanksgiving family... again.. haha hope yours was good. They don't celebrate it here actually and on thursday we thought ahh maybe the bishop's wife will treat us well, she forgot, because we forgot to call her so we had a tradition English breakfast for dinner very nice.Which was fab. Yes bishop did take the mick out of me.. which deos mean he jokes around with me alot.. it's like Bryan humor really, so I feel right at home bantering with the bishop. He threw a ball at me last week, did I tell you that? I threw it back so we're even. 
For district meeting we had a 'pot luck' thanksgiving meal. It was really great. We walk in and our district leader had a table and chairs and cuttlery and plates all out with flowers in the middle of the table. So cute. We did the normal go around the table and tell us all what you are grateful for this year, it was really great. We are like a little family in the district and I love it. I have really gained an appreciation for the elders i serve around (there's not other sisters besides us in the district, so don't think I am prejudice or.. boy crazy... umm no.) But we also played some indoor football .. just with chairs and one little game to decide who did what for district meeting, it was fun. But ANYWAYS, on to other things like YOUR thanksgiving. I got to read most of mum and dad's emails today.. I feel very chuffed (excited or proud) with myself that my scanning skills are getting better and faster these days.. anyways. Sounds fun, sad that Spenc and barb couldn't be there... man i didn't know he lost his job, or maybe I just didn't realize or forgot.. I dunno but man o man, not the same without them around. Are they coming for christmas though? The nativity still needs to happen people!! haha I am glad the stowells and tanners get to be around for christmas Eve!! So fun. That will be nice, no awkward anything to spoil your night and you'll be able to relax.. what a novelty idea. It's crazy though everyone asks whatour family traditions are and this year, I dunno how to answer, it's all changing. But for the better i guess, it's bound to happen, just kinda crazy i guess.
Mum I will send you the list again... Doesn't matt know how? it's cool though whatever, whenever. I am grateful for anything at this point. I am glad too to hear mackay's farewell went well.. man I just love blaine Vance. he makes me cry no matter what, he's just an inspiration. I bet that was marvelous to watch him. His wife is a miracle worker and I hope she knows that!! man we are soooo privileged to be around the people we are around. This week sis. Ritz and I were talking about service and i said i need to be better about getting the door for you, I am just so used to walking through it i guess, I feel like I have always had a guy there to hold it for me. She commented, you must have grown up with great guys around you cause my family did but... - family we are soooo lucky. most of my friends apart from a few that are still growing up apparently hold the door open, or carry my stuff, or just serve constantly. it is a huge blessing to know how to serve and to have the examples around you of it, but i am learning through companions that it is also  blessing to allow others to serve you. I never thought it would have an affect on others, but it does. gracious accepting service is  as good as willfully giving it. As long as you kow how to do both you are on your way.. I still have growing in the first area to do, i don't always act when propmted, which is an issue in missionary work, but I am learning and trying my best. i am very grateful none the less for the examples around me and for those who have given me the opportunity to gain that skill... even if it is minial in comparison to some.
this week was really great. Chrissy is now a week long member of the church of jesus christ of latter Day saints and has ordered her own Scripture quad, ideas for FHE, old Testament manual, a subscription to the Ensign, downloaded ALL the talks from this last General conference, is reading 'To draw closer to God' (thanks dad) and continues to love the Bom.. she did all of this on her own. We come on Tuesday ngiht and she's been on Amazon looking for stuff like Pres. Monson books and scriptures.. we led her to and she was grateful but her diligence and what not is inspiring. You can thank her for anything else i ever do well on this mission. I feel like a completely different missionary now since her. We asked her and her bboys last night what they felt like their purpose was in life and if it has changed since coming into the church. She aid 2 months ago my purpsoe was to survive, now my purpose is to get back home. She is sooooo excited about the temple. it really is the best place. She said it's her new retirement plan.. is it our new retirement plan? We are so lucky to have it, to know it, and to be soooooo near to almost 2 of them. heck we are closer to 4 temples than these people are to 1! lucky, I think so. Well family basically I am just feel so impressed by these people I am around. i feel just like what you said dad, like my life has changed by changing someone else's. The worth of Souls is great and as ALL of us have our purpose, our work (D&C 11:20) embedded in our hearts, at the forefront of our minds, and at the center of all we say and do I know that the Lord will be able to use us as he has created to be. it's not just my purpose as a missionary to invite others to come unto christ, but i am learning it is all of our work, purpose and duty to keep the commandments and one of them being to be a light to others that they may feel the invitation to come unto Christ. I know it with all my heart. I love and miss you all soooo much, good luck matt with the mission papers and if anyone has nick's address for his actual mission, let me at it!! I would love to send him christmas wishes. You are the best family in the whole world... don't send anything by theway to this wales adfdress, I may be moving in a week!! who knows.. I've thought that for a while now. But better safe than sorry!! 
I lvoe you!!
Feliz navidad... I have no cool how to say merry christmas in welsh so I will give you their version in english.. happy christmas!!!! 
Sista Fili with loads of hugs and kisses <3 

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