Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Family family family... CRAZY WEEK!! 
   Debbie got baptized!!! Such an incredible event. She was super stressed from the week prior to. Man, the devil hates this work. He is willing to fight as hard as he will for our investigators, he did... he lost.. and I LOVE IT!! but the fight isn't over until the other side!! remember that people... you gotta keep fighting for yourself, your children, your ward members, your friends, etc. We are all in this together!! (stop the high school musical background music please.) but seriously. We are. I learn that every day, but this week I experienced it first hand. Debbie really struggled herself all week and just didn't want anything happy.. the devil really got to her and the happiest person I know became the maddest and saddest... when she finally figured it out (thanks to Kevin) she stopped, but it took loads of effort and prayers!! So the miracle of this event... we went on Thursday morning to see her and it wasn't good, their marriage was on the rocks, already, so we said you two need to go have a chat. They did, but that day we just prayed and prayed that she would be ok. She didn't want anything to do with anything good. She had walked out on us and we were scared. So that night after all our many teaching appointments (the Lord blessed us with appts. and not knocking on doors to keep our minds off the saddness), (we were supposed to be leaving cardigan to go finding but Sis. l just didn't feel like we should) we went and saw one potential, left her a note and still the feeling of don't go. So we said a quick prayer- please let us feel it in our hearts (I felt it strong, but stayed silent) then let us run into someone as we walk to the car and then we will just stay around here, and please let Debbie call us to come by or just to let us know where she is. We get up and started walking to the car.. I knew I had felt something but continued walking and felt something pulling me back.. should have been sign enough, but God loves us and is merciful to us even when we are silly and test it out.. well we ran into someone before getting to the car, so I finally spoke up about how I felt and we started walking towards Debbie just to tract until we had further direction.. not 30 seconds later, did Debbie call and say come over. Now. Realize that we had written her notes and left them not even 45min prior to this thinking we were going to go somewhere else, so we are saying man God answers prayers and oh gee golly the power of notes.. we get there after a little cry fest of gratitude and she hadn't seen the notes just knew we needed to come over and not leave it the way it was.. absolutely incredible. I pray I never forget that experience. He answered us in the specific ways we had asked because of the righteous desire we placed before Him. Everything started going smoother and Saturday, Debbie was just stressed with visa stuff for Kevin and him leaving so soon after (he's in America now.. sad days) but so the experience was incredible, but I wish that the devil could have just ya know sucked it up and realized he was going to lose!! what a baby. haha But yes it was wonderful. 
   We made an rrangement to "I Feel My Saviour's Love" for debbie, just Sis. L and I and it was brilliant if I do say so myself. So fun. We had 5 elders there with us which was a blast and we felt so blessed they came since few could because most of the ward members were attending the temple. Great celebration of life it was.
   Chrissy is amazing and now her kids are into it. Her son Brandon is brilliant and loves it. I could see in him how this Gospel was the answer to his prayers said or not. We asked what the difference is in his mum since she's been talking to us and he said she's happier.. this Gospel is happiness. I have noticed with Chrissy, Debbie, people in the ward, friends from home, myself and others that when we are reading the words of God and feasting upon them, we truly are happy. It is a living Gospel and we must live it and part of that is by reading the book. The joy it brings and encouragement for service and love is outstanding. I know the power is real. We can face any trial of faith with courage and humility if we but hold to the iron rod that can not break, it can not turn, it is steady and sure and only we can let it go.. but that's the thing: we don't have to and for safety reasons we have been commanded not to. Hold to the word of God and we can know the meaning of all things just as Moroni states. No other book comes with a promise that has been proven by any and everyone that reads it and actually tries it out. I LOVE THIS BOOK. I can't get enough of it.
   How is Grandma doing? I hope my room is cozy enough for her. I will keep her in my prayers loads. I really hope she is ok and if she needs it she can have the room. I'll take Matt's in a year  ;) yes, people sista Fili is to 6 months now .. 5th transfer and I am still in New Castle Emlyn... apparently next trasfer I am training however... kinda insane because that also means white washing... but the 2 I came out with are training now as we speak. haha, Sis. L and I are holding strong here though. It's because she doesn't have her British license and has been out over a year so her American one has expired.. so we gotta get that taken care of. Craziness. oh Mum, Kevin Gold, Debbie's hubby, knows Brent Rollands.. from Shelley, you graduated with him, ya? he served with him in Italy on his mission. Small world.
So many things to say and not enough time to say it all.
Loves forever and always!! 
Sista Fili

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