Monday, October 17, 2011

wow... heather your letter, liz's letter, matt's letter, the package mum and dad, the hunters pictures and notes, grandma's letter.. all of it everyone tht has done anything made it the best birthday ever.. really. heather the subject for yours.. the best birthday present ever was more true than you can even imagine. I showed everyone the pictures you sent!! we went to Sharon's house that ngiht and she loved them!! I was so excited to finally show off my family in an album!! haha the sensa weight loss program.. that just happened. We were at zone conference when i got it and Sister Stuki was opening it with me and we were dying laughing.. some of the elders came in and we showed them and they were red in the face laughing... not becasue i am fat, because you have humor!! ... right? well we'll dicuss it later. I told them you are just looking out for me and must know something i don't know about my future. Just a wishful guess. none the less i love every bit... even the paydays to counteract the sensa... good one. but really... the pictures from the kids and cards.. CREATIVE!!! i love them. I wish you could hear me say it.. so much more believable. man i am a lucky sucker. 17 miracles... yes please!!! i am soooo excited to watch it. Sis. L is too. That's our palnned entertainment today!! I can't wait. All of it the scarf's- worn them, love them, sis. L loves them.. and I couldn't be happier. White undershirt long sleeve thing.. necessary and appreciated, with style ;) All of it.. too much to go on about, just know the Cd's were great, thanks liz!! The christmas cd is ace. all of them are great!! i can't get over it, so I am gonig to move on before you get bored.
This week Debbie Dare and kevin Gold became Kevin and Debbie Gold!!!! soooo wonderful. We had so much fun with the plans and getting everything prepped for it. Sis. l and I got to help plan a wedding- simple and sweet, but still who'd a thought!! The song went well... they had me sing while they signed the registery and her kids had to as well for the witness thing... man I didn't know what to do. it was at the pulpit.. so already weird to sing a lvoe there, while a missionary, while distraction was hppening in the corner, a crowd that only two people really care about whatyou are don't  and the rest are there to support their mom otherwise they wouldn't be caught dead in an LDS chapel.... very awkward. i didn't know who to sing to so... I just tried to keep the confidence and work it all, guess it was ok. but the words were thre and although I was toroughly distracted nd concentrating alot on the presentation thst i wasn't sure about.. it all came out rgiht, so the lord blesses us in our weaknesses I guess. can I pelase say though debbie is the!!! we go have a buffet in the next room after the wedding and she is just promoting the church like crazy! Asking everyone if they are coming to church the next day!! Sharon was there becuse she did her cake and tey made friends, the whoel time debbie is talking to her about ccoming to chruch and how she's got to to get the blessings she requires... dude out of the mouths of babes!! HELLO she gets it. Good thing she is getting baptized thisweekend huh... ya i am excited. She is stoked we may or may not be more stoked... i lveo her. I love all of these people!! i just feel sooooo blessed.
After church yesterday we had an appointment with a girl named Lucy who we had met on thursday becasue a less Active, who we had an appt. with flotgged us. man am \I ever so grateful for that flog!! haha We were on a finding high from Zone conference and the reminder of Elder ballard's promise to us about finding and doubling our baptism's and investigators if we talk to EVERYONE regardless of appointments or not. So we saw her on a bench and Sis. L said we need to talk to her, so we did... she was pretty interesteed and we set a return a ppointment for 2pm on that same bench on Sunday.. kinda nerve wracking becasue we didn't get her number because she doesn't have one... she's 14. So after church we rush over because we were kinda late and barely maske it!! they were walking up the lane away from us and we shouted 'LUCY' and she turned around with her friend Summer. i have never een any two young people take to the joseph smith story with so much enthusiasm. They freaked out with joy... lucy took the lord's (JesusChrist)  name in vain after | resited the experience of the First vision and then went 'no woops' then said oh my .. dog backwards and said 'i mean gosh not the other one too!!' haha pretty funny... at least the cursing came in for good humor for once. Anyways... they were so excited to learn more to read the Book of mormon and to find out for themselves. Lucy had said that she read the restoration leaflet we had left her and that she tried out the 'how can i know' in the back.. she asked her own question about her family and recieved an answer, which was incredible prep for the lesson and for her gaining her own witness of this gospel. They both left saying 'i know what I am donig tongiht!! reading and praying!!' They want so badly to ave their own sorty of Joseph Smith experience and I know we can all have it. We mgiht not see god the Father and jesus christ in front of our eyes, but we can feel his presence and maybe even hear His voice whispering words of truth to our soul. I pray we can all be as enthusiastic about this gospel and how it effects our life as these two are!! I know now why Joseph Smith was 14, not 18 or 30... 14. impressionable and excitedable. Those are wonderful characteristics we should all keep and enjoy (in the right ways of course!!) be impressionable and exciteable about things of the gospel, things of God and He can and will mold us to becme his humble servants. we are so blessed to live when we do and as we do. I can't get over how siple life is when we hold true to the covenants we make at basptism and then in the temple and with every priesthood authority given to the men. when we live worthy of the spirit life won't be a perfect, but it will be easier. Drugs, fags (cigarette's here) and beer and stuff like that binds us and makes us unhappy... the law of chastity protects us more than we can fathom!! drama comes from donig it satan's way and giving into temptation.. ease and a low drama life comes from being christlike and living his commandments.. repenting and really meaning it. man i am learning a life time's worth of stuff and i pray i never lose it!! if i do.. sit me down and smack me will you? ya.. thanks. great. well I love you all and heather shavings of wood they call shavings... cigarettes they call faggots though... it's great we got fags everywhere here. I can honestly say I hate them and not feel like i am demeaning a child of God. it's great :D The smell is WRETCHED!! ya, don't even get me started. loves!!
sista fili

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