Monday, October 10, 2011

   I am excited for Wednesday!! I should be seeing the fun stuff ya'll have sent me. I really just pray you put photos in there :) I love seeing your faces and knowing you are all so happy... Kendra, Carrie, and Jen that goes for you too!! haha well family I forgot to tell a funny tale from last week that I didn't have time to tell but I must make time for now!! haha here we go, this is called "phone in car":
    So Sis. Lauritzen and I are on our way to District Meeting and need to call someone, so the phone was in the back tucked her bag at this point, so I lean back to get it and it ends up getting pushed on the side between the seat and the door. So I tell her speed up to the round about and then break fast so it comes forward, logic.. yes.... well no. So she does it and the phone flies under her seat. We couldn't find it, so we pull over to look. Over here, a phone is more important to missionaries than it is to high school seniors. It is literally our life line. If we don't answer when the district, zone or assistants to president call us... we're dead apparently... so we gotta have it!! Anyways, so we are looking for it and can not find it!! I mean how many places could it go in a car? right? well we found it... in the air condition tube right under her seat. It couldn't have fit more perfectly. Barely the right side and only when laying horizontally at the top of the phone (hope that made sense). it was literally stuck... we could only see it with the nifty torch (flash light) Big Daddy gave me.... soo... ok we're sunk. So, we get to district meeting and wait till the end to ask the elders for their 'professional boy scout' advice. Pretty for sure we tried it all!! We tried knives... I don't know why... we tried a stick with masking tape on the end, getting it out how we got it in but opposite. Probably the funniest one to do and watch. The elders got in the car drove up the steapest hill and reversed back as quickly (and safely) as possible to a complete sharp stop and nothing... while all that was happening, Sis. L and I were following them with all our stuff.. stuff meaning knives... and we walk up to this spot to sit and wait. I look back and there is this guy laying on the ground .. he looks dead (but he was napping) and Sis. L standing in front of him with a bunch of long sharp kitchen knives.. haven't been able to look at her the same way since... nah just kidding it was funny. We giggled and took a photo with Elder Blackwood's camera since we didn't have one on us of our own. Super funny. So, finally we did the sensible thing and just went to a car shop. Kwik Fit to the rescue. We walk up tell them our phone is below the seat in the air conditioning vent, do you think you could help us out? oh ya of course! how much will that cost ? oh nothing it shouldn't be that hard. (a little sarcastic and 'you are dum girls' look on the face- so the go and check it out the guy looks at us and says- so uh this is a little more than we thouht. we need to take the whole seat off to get to it so that's gonna cost you £10. not bad can do... but the guy looked like he felt bad for thinking we were so low on the educational totem pole... oh well. I am used to it!!) haha but it was pretty funny.
   On to more spiritual matters!! Debbie and Kevin are getting married!!! On Saturday.. well as of right now, still a few things to sort out, but no worries!! I get to sing "From This Moment On" at the wedding.. fun. exciting. Hope it goes well since my voice is poop now but there we are. I am soooo happy for them. Debbie bore her testimony to us last night and people she gets it!! She is incredible!! She just understands that church is prioity!! She feels the love you ought to feel when you walk in the doors. She has her own witness of the BOM and when she told us that the spirit was so strong. She made me gain a testimony!! Her friend came to town and they were talking and Debbie was telling her all about it and her friend said since you've been doing this you've changed alot, but all for the better. Not gonna lie, that's the best thing for us to hear!! People notice. I think it made her feel soooo good too!! 
   At church, the members were soo cute to me. One of them, Amy Wilcox, made me a cake and had the YW and her kids present it to me after church. So cute. Debbie and Kev were taking photos on their phone like cute parents would.. I really felt the love. So funny... I felt like you were there Mum, just getting awkward photos and saying they are cute. Thanks. Anyways, then we had a birthday dinner at the Hutchinson's and Sarah Hall drove down from University in Aberystwyth to surprise me!! Sooo fun. I love that family and I love Sarah!!
   Chrissy our new investigator with a baptismal date brought her kids to church!! Awesome. They liked it and my birthday was complete. Seeing people come and share the joy of the Gospel with you and it be a new experience for them is something that touches my heart greatly!! It was amazing to see her!! She really is a fun lady.
   Something i loved from conference was President Monson's talk in the Sunday morning session. It wasn't the stories or the jokes though, it was his boldness with the commandments. I have been studying faith a lot lately. Faith and works are eternally connected. Obedience to the commandments is the next element we over pass quite often. By being obedient, we find faith because that is how we test out the promises God gives us to the commandments He addresses. Remember that always- if you feel your faith wavering, what is it that you are not being obedient to? Look to that first and fix it and I know with all my heart that your faith will be restored!! Commandments are not negotiable. If you find yourself justifying, just put God in your face and justify it to Him.. a little intimidating? ya you wouldn't probably... I think it is incredible that we have a Prophet who leads and guides the way to us knowing and understanding the true and everlasting Gospel. God loves us and I know it!! Thank you for all you do!! Talk to you next week!!
Rwyn dy garu di!!!!! With all my heart!!
Sista Fili

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