Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Alright family-what a week!! MIRACLES!!! Yes... so where do I start. Oh Dad-Thank you for the  music.. such a blessing! I can't even stand it!!
   #1 Bob- he's a referral we were given with little to no directions to get to his house (in Llanybydder by the spar shop down a little lane of trees.. COME ON PEOPLE!!!) Haha, Sister Lauritzen and I had no choice but to exercise faith in God and just go and do. Well, we parked the car by the spar shop in Llanybydder and said a prayer and basically just said we have no clue what to do to find this man, but guide our feet... and He did. We only walked up 2 lanes of trees (and in Wales there are MANY LANES) until we found him. When we got there.. the place was empty, but we thought for some reason, even though we'd never met this man, to leave him a note. Well, I am glad we took the time to do so, because it was only a matter of 40 seconds into writing and deciding what to put on a note to a stranger that he drove up. We introduced ourselves and why we were there, who sent us and he said oh please come back. He gave us his number without us asking for it and man... God will use us if we but listen!! I know that to be true!!
   #2 Chrissy- we met her on the street 2 weeks a go ish and she seemed farely interested, but was never able to keep appt.'s made with her. She lives 3 doors down from Debbie and we were over there one morning and honestly it took way longer than we had planned, but my heart is filled with gratitude for that because as we were leaving, I looked at Sister Lauritzen and said we need to go to Chrissy's house-it's Thursday and that is the only day she and we have the same schedule- open for the Gospel... so we went. She had just barely COME HOME FROM TESCO'S (thier version of walmart... kinda... split with fry's... I am sure there is a closer comparison but anyways back to the story) and she let us in straight away. We got to know her a bit and she said she has been looking for God in her life. She is losing herself and wanting to find what she enjoys and who she is on her own two feet again and figures God is the best place to start.. yep sounds like someone prepared for the Gospel to me!! haha! So we shared the Restoration with her and she fully excepted all of it. In fact, the more we talked about it, the more excited she became about all of it. She was beaming by the end and as I was writing down the times for General Conference for her, Sis. Lauritzen gave her the baptismal invitation.. remember FIRST LESSON PEOPLE... she accepted the invitation for November 5. I feel so blessed that I was able to be apart of that experience. She after went on to say that she had been thinking about baptism for some time. She told her mum about how she felt about all of this before we even came over and so on... this lady is amazing and I pray it continues. I feel so blessed I can't even stand it. Who am I to have these experiences? All I know is I am nothing, but as I and we heed to the promptings of the Holy Ghost to do the Lord's work, we will see miracles. Many other things to come next week.
   I feel so much gratitude for my Saviour after listening to General Conference this weekend. Let me invite all of us (me included) to act on what we learn.. there's no point in learning something if you don't act on it. Thank you for all you do!!! I love you greatly and am in severe debt to all you have taught me over the years.
   Sorry this is late-mission football yesterday. Blast!!! soooo good. No, i didn't play very much, I put my gabber on off the field :) We all have different talents people .. it's cool.
Love you love you love you!!
Sista Fili.
 All the letters are great !! thank you Grandmas Connie and Nancy!
Rwyn dy Garu di!!

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