Monday, December 19, 2011

Family Family Family.
How are you all? i don't have loads of time right now to write, but I have to say I love you alot!!!
I am sooooooo excited for Sunday!! mum I will call you between 9-10 Skype. Can't you 3 way it.. I've seen it before.. |I bet Steve knows how and Liz or Bryan could figure it out too!! I just think that would be fun.. I REALLY want to SEE everyone if I can. The username I'll be off of will be 'grahamlds'. So that should be great!!! I'll ask them to check my email for me if needs be, but I'll call into dad's and then we'll go from there. If it doesn't work I have the home phone memorized and dad sent me his mobile number so I can get that too (thanks dad loss of memory... you read my mind!) Anyways it should be soooo wonderful. They are such a great family who I will be with and I am stoked. It's Graham and Judith McKee. They are great and even suggested that they would love to call you sometime, we'll see. I've told them loads about you and they just think you are great!! They have 1 son who went to BY for psychology, now is a very good business man.. not married... 27.. Kendra, want me to hook you up? He's cute :) They love Salt Lake :) Posh :) ... haha..... anyways!! This week has been great full of companionship inventory.... hahaha... we're making it work, and it's fine just bumpy occasionally. No big deal it is a great learning experience and my weaknesses are known man they are known... I'm getting rebuked by the BOM constantly. It's ace. But we are learning and growing and for that I am grateful. this week we were on our way to the McKee's actually for a DA and our front break lights went out. Now it's illegal no matter where you go to drive without them, but in England it's just flat out scary. Lack of street lights and cray fast, good, overtaking drivers everywhere here make it a fearful experience. So we pulled up on the side of the road and called for assistance and waited for 31/2 hours. Meanwhile, we planned for the night, we studied together, got to know eachother more, and i had some personal study time while my companion freaked out. This was not the day to have it!!! We had had a 2 hour inventory session... we both joked God is forcing our unity upon us!!! haha it was fun. She was so clostraphobic (spelling?) nd you know me... just whatever works what's whining going to do, make it usueful and do something besides that!! So I just read and giggle because her comments were priceless and the whole situation was comical to say the least. Then the Mckees brought us the dinner they'd prepared and took us out of our car, into their car and ate it. Thank goodness. It was good. Just crazy blessings of the Lord in different ways than I thought imaginable!! oh wqell. The wor is slow right now, but it will get there.
Carrie- your new address prease!!! 
Mum I got all the addresses and thank you thank oyu thank oyu. I can't wait to hear ffrom you all and to hear about all the family.
I pray for you all nightly and hope that this week is the best!! I love you love you love you!!! Talk to you soon!!
Sister Lauren Filichia
Jen- I love you, Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Well hello!!! I love my new area. It is wonderful.. the members are brilliant and sooooo loving. I already feel part of the branch!! Adam Miller the 'musician' in the branch learnt that I sang at our DA with him and his wife on Thursday and I have now had 2 invitations to sing... the ward christmas presentation thing for the public that he is putting on and then for a funeral of a family in the wards grandmother that died recently. He told me after the 2nd invitation now that I you sing and well I will probablyask you loads. I said as long as it doesn't take away from the Lord's work that's great!! I need it. I am losing it big time. I tried to sing defying gravity once and bached the living day lights out of it. I just have no range and the strength is a little less, but I still have some soul. yay for mix!! ANYWAYS!! unnecessary.... It is great. This family the McKee's are great!! We had a DA with them and it felt soooo comfortable. They called me a character and then my companion said I am bascially British.. I think she exaggerated, but I also think Newcastle Emlyn prepped me well. Anyways, we will spending Christmas day with them and probably calling or skyping from their home. I have this feeling we can just pick a time that is best for all.. but we will see. I would imagine that's the deal though it's the length their stingy on. I am sooooooo excited for Christmas to talk to you and hear your voices... hmmm 'sweetest thing granulated sugar' (is that what Tim said to me in a letter once.. I think so... ) My companion is great. She hasn't had the easiest go of it for life, for mission... but we are working on breaking that trend for the mission part of it. I really do just love her and think she is great. She isuch a hard worker and just so easy going, yet not about the important stuff. ... so I guess we are similar in the good ways. we just have fun.. I have realized being on a mission though how much I like to have fun when working hard.. thankyou LIGHT for teaching me that work isn't achievable or effective unles you enjoy it while you do it, so loosen up and laugh while you get tuckered out!! it's great.
I feel that i have learnt so much about why I am here though in the past few days. We have been talking alot about how some missionaries focus loads on the numbers and that is their drive and how it affects those we teach. I have not yet (thank goodness) been with a companion like that. I realized that my motivation is when I feel a Christ like love for someone.. I came on a mission to help save souls not to get many numbers. D£C 18:10-16 The worth of souls is great in the sight of God and if it be I only bring one unto Him His joy will be sufficient for that one than it will be for all the numbers in a planner. Sister brooks said it will 'numb3ers are to motivate those who don't know why they came out, people motivate those who came out for a reason'. So Matt you are going to be brilliant because you know that.. just don't beat anyone else up who doesn't.. just help them find their reason. usually our reason for coming out changes all throughout your mission. So your reason to stay becomes stronger and more profound than the reason you came. Matt did I leave tyhe 4th Missionary talk with you? dude you gotta read it!! it's sooo helpful before and during the mission. I think it's saved under one of my files on the laptop I used.
Oh hey Mum did you get my post about the CD thing? Don't rush it, just thought I'd send it now so you can figure it out before I get home ;p I LOVE YOU...
So that missionary was trying so hard to incollpate your brain... don't let her. if she has that attitude then she's going to get no where with the members. Is she a' baby' or almost 'dead'? either one has tendencies to act like a total jerk about things that they can't control but desperately want to. Mum you are a star though just recognizing she was probably having a bad day. It does happen and sometimes it's all you can stand, but at some point we all learn to just keep calm and carry on..I am obsessed with that British saying.
So onto lame stuff I hate discussing... money... I am running low and things I should have bought but haven't are really important. I need to get reimbursed for a few things by the mission for driving stuff so you know, that's where it's gone... but some of it won't be completely because it's our pay. Anyways I realized I am gonig into my credit card account and I am not too excited about it, but desperation right now is leading me to it... so bear with me, but any little bit counts so I don't have to as much. I love you soooo much and I am soooo grateful for everything. I am sorry I am so expensive. I don't try to be. Anyways, please know how grateful I am for all you do for me. I love you all more than I can stand.
Remember God loves us and if we ever struggle with things in the gospel .. the deep trivial stuff, return to the basics and work back up. Never forget that WE ARE CHILDREN of GOD we don't know everything and just like ballet you have to return to the basics continually to be able to handle the great big stuff without hurting yourself. Don't get out of shape with the gospel because the basics aren't touched. THEY ARE THE PRIMARY ANSWERS FOR A REASON.  The PRIME part of it all. it was the primary presentation yesterday in church and I learnt soooo much. Kids know where it is at. These kids her are soooo confident and the light in their eyes is unmistakeable. The songs they sang pierced my soul and strengthened my testimony. I know this is the true and EVERLASTING gospel of Jesus Christ. I know it more now than I ever have. There is no way to get around it once you know. God lives and I know it as clearly as I know that the sun shines in Arizona. Sometimes it seems like the sunshines brighter on another part of the world greater than it ever will on my part, but that's just because of cloud coverage difference. It's the same with us. Sometimes we have cloud coverage that makes the sunshine hard to see, the sun still shines- we can still see the light of day- it's just being grateful for the little you have and enjoying the lessons you learn in the bitter cold so you can ppreciate the warmth of the bright beaming clear sky with the sun held high. Never lose faith, it's the only thing we really have control over. I am grateful for all my many blessings and especially for each of you. You've changed my life in so many ways and I hold dear all the memories we've shared. Sometimes they are what keep me going. Love you love you love you. Talk to you soon (literally) (13 days!!!)
Love, Sister Filichia
scripture power- primary song- study those words out.. they are literally so POWERFUL!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hello from Stamford!!! it's by Peterborough in England!! I left Wales... and it was hard, but I am happy it was necessary it was. I am now serving with Sister Cerise Brookes from Manchester, England. She's been a member for a year and it will be great. She's a total work horse and is gonna teach me some skills. She's 26 and been out only 2 transfers less than me and I think she might know more than I do... well it should be interesting and I am stoked to have the opportunity to grow. I miss Sister lauritzen already, but I guess we need to grow and get out of our comfort zones sometimes.
So anyways, Dad how did your birthday turn out? I was praying for you hard. Mum I will get back to you on when, but time wise about 30- 45 min. we'll have to talk either calling card or skype. We'll find out. I can't wait either... it really is the best Christmas present ever. Also about Debbie, she's doing good... just getting mixed up and consumed in other things besides the gospel so it's been a real treat getting her to do things.. but she is wonderful and says she'll never leave the church. I pray it's truth. When I left though she had a real hard time. She says she accepts people and doesn't judge them, but then she said if she doesn't like the next sister like she did me she'll just have them stop coming over, it's the duo she likes so it won't be that she doesn't love sista l, just can't be with someone else she doesn't like. I hope she loses that mind set, otherwise she will be forfeighting blessings she doesn't even understand. I was thinking alot about this and how we all do it, if we don't like someone we just cut them off from our mind. forget that that person is a Child of god with some purpose, similar to our own and with loads of good to fill the world, including yourself, with. We forfeight an option of growth that the lord has placed in our path. So basically that's one battle we let the devil win..WHO ARE WE?! golly be. I know that as we just humble ourselves and pray for those who offend us in anyway even if it is just their face... sadly enough... we can grow to love them. This last week Sister l and I had called in one night and hhad to give some meter readings and gas readings and mileage to our district leader. We she wrote them all down and just handed itto me but we had just found where a one of them was and it was an off night and I am just dumb sometimes and read something wrong and it had just been a long day of feeling stupid, so family we know how that goes for me.. I just become stupid. So I read them to Elder Walton after some cheeky comment from him or her, can't remember doesn't matter and get a few things mixed up and really wrong and things I should know that I am ashamed to say I totally didn't. (not going to say because then you will really know how daft i am sometimes) needless to say this was hysterical to my comp and my district leader they literally laughed at me he made another cheeky comment and she well just continues to laugh and point and neither of them did it miliciously, but just because it sincerely was funny to them. Well I started to well up with tears because it was humiliating!! haha I don't get too embarrassed anymore, but that whole situation was a little rude. I didn't want to cry in front of her and planning was over so I stood up and walked off into my little room thing with my stuff in it shut the door and just cried!! Sooooo silly. The depressive thoughts started coming like your an idiot and you'll neever get married cause you are tooo daft for anyone to want.. really pathetic thoughts honestly. I took some deep breathes and offered a pray to my father in heaven and asked for Him to cast satan away from my mind. I asked Him to let Sister Lauritzen (who was reeling from her mistake in the other room) forgive herslef. I didn't blame her, yes she was silly for being that obnauxious about it.. but like i haven't done that before!! Nope this was Satan getting into me and as I asked the Lord to succor me, but mainly to succor her.. the thoughts died down, there were a few but they were a load of rubish and I could actually admitt to that. I came out nd she apologized and we had a  nice chat about why I am insane... ;) haha but really I found something out about myself that night, that I could actually forgive naturally. It wasn't a conscious decision to pray  for her.. it happened naturally and recognized that as we grow to truly love someone and have their best interest at heart that we care less about ourselves and what they have done to us and more about how they feel knowing they've hurt you. As we pray for others God blesses us with a love for them. I thought to myself that's why Jesus Christ and ALL of His prophets and apostles through the ages pray frequently and out loud half the time for those who live in sin and they get the brunt of it or those who wrong them. They too seek first for the kingdom of God to send it's angels round about them to help bear them up and understand why these things happen.. they do happen and usually it's not about how they feel about you, it's about how they feel about themselves. I have grown to truly know my Saviour and at that moment I felt His love in a different way than I have ever experienced. (ps I told that story not to boast, but to illistrate the point and share my lesson learnt)
So family how are you? Heather... can I get some mary kay renewal stuff of what I brought out? the pink eyeshadow stuff and eye primer and white stuff especially... sorry I just realized this morning \i am out... and face wash (not out but close!) Anyways.. also contacts? I will make the ones I have last for as long as I can but isn't there sometihng before January to get them cheaper? I hope I helped it ring a bell for mum and liz becasue I have no clue what I am talking about just that I remember to mention something about it. 
So Chrissy is brilliant and downloaded soooo much off of and mormon.rg. Mormon messages gallore.. so guess who filled her ipod up 99% becasue of all the music we gave her and talks and messages Chrissy has downloaded.... me!! Never thought I'd do that on a mission, but it happened and I feel blessed. The i am a Child of God one of the Mormon Messages has Debra and harry Bonner on it. Super fun.
Well I can't wait to tell on Monday more about this area. I will miss my last area soooo much!!! I lvoe them all, but this is good. it's a branch i serve in. We live in peterboroough even though we serve for the stamford branch. We live about a 30 min drvie out of our area... cool. my home address if you ever need it is 24 Copsewood, Werrington, peterborough PE2 9LP

Hello from Stamford!!! it's by Peterborough in England!! I left Wales... and it was hard, but I am happy it was necessary it was. I am now serving with Sister Cerise Brookes from Manchester, England. She's been a member for a year and it will be great. She's a total work horse and is gonna teach me some skills. She's 26 and been out only 2 transfers less than me and I think she might know more than I do... well it should be interesting and I am stoked to have the opportunity to grow. I miss Sister lauritzen already, but I guess we need to grow and get out of our comfort zones sometimes.
So anyways, Dad how did your birthday turn out? I was praying for you hard. Mum I will get back to you on when, but time wise about 30- 45 min. we'll have to talk either calling card or skype. We'll find out. I can't wait either... it really is the best Christmas present ever. Also about Debbie, she's doing good... just getting mixed up and consumed in other things besides the gospel so it's been a real treat getting her to do things.. but she is wonderful and says she'll never leave the church. I pray it's truth. When I left though she had a real hard time. She says she accepts people and doesn't judge them, but then she said if she doesn't like the next sister like she did me she'll just have them stop coming over, it's the duo she likes so it won't be that she doesn't love sista l, just can't be with someone else she doesn't like. I hope she loses that mind set, otherwise she will be forfeighting blessings she doesn't even understand. I was thinking alot about this and how we all do it, if we don't like someone we just cut them off from our mind. forget that that person is a Child of god with some purpose, similar to our own and with loads of good to fill the world, including yourself, with. We forfeight an option of growth that the lord has placed in our path. So basically that's one battle we let the devil win..WHO ARE WE?! golly be. I know that as we just humble ourselves and pray for those who offend us in anyway even if it is just their face... sadly enough... we can grow to love them. This last week Sister l and I had called in one night and hhad to give some meter readings and gas readings and mileage to our district leader. We she wrote them all down and just handed itto me but we had just found where a one of them was and it was an off night and I am just dumb sometimes and read something wrong and it had just been a long day of feeling stupid, so family we know how that goes for me.. I just become stupid. So I read them to Elder Walton after some cheeky comment from him or her, can't remember doesn't matter and get a few things mixed up and really wrong and things I should know that I am ashamed to say I totally didn't. (not going to say because then you will really know how daft i am sometimes) needless to say this was hysterical to my comp and my district leader they literally laughed at me he made another cheeky comment and she well just continues to laugh and point and neither of them did it miliciously, but just because it sincerely was funny to them. Well I started to well up with tears because it was humiliating!! haha I don't get too embarrassed anymore, but that whole situation was a little rude. I didn't want to cry in front of her and planning was over so I stood up and walked off into my little room thing with my stuff in it shut the door and just cried!! Sooooo silly. The depressive thoughts started coming like your an idiot and you'll neever get married cause you are tooo daft for anyone to want.. really pathetic thoughts honestly. I took some deep breathes and offered a pray to my father in heaven and asked for Him to cast satan away from my mind. I asked Him to let Sister Lauritzen (who was reeling from her mistake in the other room) forgive herslef. I didn't blame her, yes she was silly for being that obnauxious about it.. but like i haven't done that before!! Nope this was Satan getting into me and as I asked the Lord to succor me, but mainly to succor her.. the thoughts died down, there were a few but they were a load of rubish and I could actually admitt to that. I came out nd she apologized and we had a  nice chat about why I am insane... ;) haha but really I found something out about myself that night, that I could actually forgive naturally. It wasn't a conscious decision to pray  for her.. it happened naturally and recognized that as we grow to truly love someone and have their best interest at heart that we care less about ourselves and what they have done to us and more about how they feel knowing they've hurt you. As we pray for others God blesses us with a love for them. I thought to myself that's why Jesus Christ and ALL of His prophets and apostles through the ages pray frequently and out loud half the time for those who live in sin and they get the brunt of it or those who wrong them. They too seek first for the kingdom of God to send it's angels round about them to help bear them up and understand why these things happen.. they do happen and usually it's not about how they feel about you, it's about how they feel about themselves. I have grown to truly know my Saviour and at that moment I felt His love in a different way than I have ever experienced. (ps I told that story not to boast, but to illistrate the point and share my lesson learnt)
So family how are you? Heather... can I get some mary kay renewal stuff of what I brought out? the pink eyeshadow stuff and eye primer and white stuff especially... sorry I just realized this morning \i am out... and face wash (not out but close!) Anyways.. also contacts? I will make the ones I have last for as long as I can but isn't there sometihng before January to get them cheaper? I hope I helped it ring a bell for mum and liz becasue I have no clue what I am talking about just that I remember to mention something about it. 
So Chrissy is brilliant and downloaded soooo much off of and mormon.rg. Mormon messages gallore.. so guess who filled her ipod up 99% becasue of all the music we gave her and talks and messages Chrissy has downloaded.... me!! Never thought I'd do that on a mission, but it happened and I feel blessed. The i am a Child of God one of the Mormon Messages has Debra and harry Bonner on it. Super fun.
Well I can't wait to tell on Monday more about this area. I will miss my last area soooo much!!! I lvoe them all, but this is good. it's a branch i serve in. We live in peterboroough even though we serve for the stamford branch. We live about a 30 min drvie out of our area... cool. my home address if you ever need it is 24 Copsewood, Werrington, peterborough PE2 9LP