Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Alright family...
   this week was amazing. First off ELDER BEDNAR is the man. He is absolutely incredible.. I was the first one to shake his hand in the mission.. not that that is that great but it was cool for me because I didn't know we were going yet and he walked up to me to shake my hand... so it was that cool.. and I finally learned how to wave my arm properly in front of people during a song and lead for as chorister for the meeting.. did a fine job, they were easy... but still ... ha. Mum, my dress I wore for the farewell came in handy on this day- I wore it and it was great!! Perfect for the occassion. :) Anyways those the unimportant details you probably would like to know if I was home because our family is psycho like that.. and I love it.
   He talked to us a lot about the difference between being an object and being an agent. He said now I know a lot of you go into teaching appointments and have been told to ask questions, please ask questions that see where they're at, not what they don't or do know.. people put on the spot are merely objects, but people who are given the ability to act for themselves are being agents. Every time he asked a a question he asked if it was alright to ask one.. he taught us that when we do missionary work or anything that if we do things merely out of duty, we are being an object, when we do things because of the desires of our heart we are acting as agents unto ourselves. I thought it was interesting all the things he brought out... maybe I will make a copy of my notes and send them home.. there is so much to tell, and not enough open doors in my brain for the stuff to come through in so little time.    The thing that touched we sisters was at the end: Someone had asked a question about the priesthood and it was so interesting to listen and hear about the many responsibilities and privileges these men have but the same thought went through all the sisters minds and came out of Sister Clark's mouth ..'what about all this applies to us women?' His answer was brilliant... he talked to us about our divine natures. That from the our premortal existence gender has always been involved. Gender like it says in the proclamation is divinely given and specific for each of us and our purposes here on earth and in the life to come. He talked about how woman naturally have an outward looking perspective and are nurturing and protective.. he said a woman would instinctively give all her clothing and food to her child or someone else's because that would keep them alive, that is the nature God gave woman. Woman don't need the priesthood to enter the temple, or to gain exaltation. Womanhood is an extreme privilege to have. He said everything a woman has naturally a man needs the priesthood to obtain. Men and woman have different roles, the priesthood helps man fulfill his role and a woman needs a man to fulfill her role as someone given the gift of procreation.. that is a unified power, but ya know having babies is kinda a woman's power... ha ha but we were taken back by this. It was incredible to hear an Apostle of the Lord speak truth to us about things that each of us needed to hear. We are blessed to have these men lead our church as guided by our Saviour Jesus Christ himself.
After this we just decided we were off.. we will be agents unto ourselves and will act in faith.. because it is an action word. God gave us agency to do good things and anything not good binds us to the devil and we will remain captive until we use our agency to come closer to God who frees us from the captivity which the devil hath bound us by since the fall of Adam. I was so touched by it that I could even see a different side of myself after this meeting. Well afterward, I thought I was leaving New Castle Emlyn and moving onto something new.. but then stuff happened this weekend with people that we teach that made me feel uneasy about it, but we applied what Elder Bednar said and stopped talking at people and started asking questions of the soul that allowed the spirit to act on us and words came out of our mouths that only the angels knew were coming.. because I sure didn't. It was amazing the success we had.. I pray it continues.
   Well, Monday night came and in fact I am not transferred, I am staying. Sister Lauritzen and I are stoked.. We know amazing things are going to happen this next transfer. We can feel it. Yesterday was the most amazing day with finding people and I am going to walk in faith that all of them will be baptized one day. It is not about numbers but about bringing people to God and that is why I yearn for all to be baptized because that is the gateway to heaven. it really is. We should all yearn for all that we see. Life is a mission... we are in a lifetime missionfield... lots of work to do people!! Let's get on it!! Nothing can make you more happy!! haha  Anyways, time is up and I still have so much to tell... guess someday it will all happen... I love you family!! you are the best in the entire world!!
Sista Fili <3 (meaning a heart)

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