Monday, September 5, 2011

Borradah (I may have spelt it wrong) means Goodmorning in Welsh.. very cool. Nosta means good night.. so if I were writing this at night that would be applicable, but it's not so.. I'm over it ;)
  Well family I haven't read everything that Mum and Dad sent but I am pretty excited about what I am hearing about.. Nick is the Took my breath away hearing that he is gonig to Tim's mission. Man, he will have lot's of strength to bear him up, always does, but I am sure the spirit of Timmy resides there in some parts. Man, that's neat. 
   Well this week, we had a splendid one. The two things that have changed since I last emailed though are that Debbie is.. backing off a bit.. but keep the faith, God works miracles and she is one. I know it. #2 Wayne Williamson is a less active recent convert who is like a roller coaster theme park, not just one roller coaster, no he's much more talented than that emotionally... but we talked with him one day and challenged him to go to church with a question. Also it was Fast Sunday so let's try that law out again.. so he did... it was answered. At church he actually participated, which is huge. This kid has aggraphobia... fear of large groups of people... that is church... but he did great. He was happy and I sat with him right at the front and he sat there like a sponge (Mum's phrase) just soaking it all in.. I thought he might leak water, but nah he's cool, retention skills were heroic yesterday. Anyways, miracles are happening and we are stoked to see them!! Wish we were teaching more but there we are.. that's the work, and the people we do have, I am eternally grateful for.
   This last Thursday the interview's happened and it was great! President Ogden is an inspired man. I walked in and he straightway asked and answered the question (without me hinting a word) that Sister Lauritzen and I were festering over the day before about someone we should be teaching but are not because of lack of contact availability. Ya that was incredible.. then we talked about my stay here in Wales.. pretty sure it's almost over. I would love to stay, but I know and he knows I need to grow more and it's time for a change. I do love it here, and a part of me never wants to leave these people I love and another part of me is ready to go discover others who are seeking the truth in another part of this country. All I know is that as I have prayed this last week to know if it is right, I have felt very strongly that it is and that I am in fact ready. I love this work, I love these people and no matter where I go.. it will be my mouth and feet, hands and example that the Lord works through to bring souls unto Him.
   I am grateful for inspired leaders.. I am also graterful I get to see and meet Elder Bednar in 4 days... ya he's gonna be a Prophet someday, even Pres. Ogden thinks so... but who knows, God does.. we'll leave it to Him. I am stoked though. I can't wait to read your letters and write back about how good everything is. So next week when I write it will be Thursday.. yes transfer's already.. crazy I am floored.. this has gone sooooooo fast. not even joking. and it's only gonna get faster. holy tullido!!
   I love the New Testament.. Matthew 5... yes I am still there just plugging along and studying it is the bomb. com I love it more everyday... the Book of Mormon though is my favorite in all the world.. I am starting up in Alma and what incredible leaders they had to help us see that to stop contention is as simple as being the example of what you want done to you. If someone speaks out against you, just turn the other cheek and make it a happy response. Never speak out against other religious sects if you don't want others to speak out against yours.. and most importantly.. contention is of the devil. It only drives the Spirit away. Where God is there can be no contention. I have found as I serve that if you are talking about good things and it turns contentious, it doesn't matter what you say to back yourself up, the only thing that helps is inviting God into it and then leaving. We forget that it's bad when we can't understand why our side isn't being seen or heard, but in the end justice will have it's go.. might as well work to be on the good side of the justice party and don't argue just agree to disagree and have a mercy swim party!! I am psycho... but serious. Philippians 1:27... speaks truth, and it is something I have been working on for some time, and ya I don't know if I will ever master it, but I know I can someday if I do all things in the Lord, I will be strengthened- that's where we find the strength to carry on is by donig His will and believing Him, not just believing in Him but trust what he says and believe Him - just do it. I love you family so much and I am so glad that I have time set asaide each week to share my thoughts and feelings with you. It truly is a blessing.
Dad can I get Jeanette's address and email address por favor ? Gracias.
Rwyn dy garu di!!
Sista Fili

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