Monday, June 11, 2012

yes...we are a happy family...

Borrada!! (hello in welsh)
(spoken with a heavy super fake English posh accent) How are you all this lovely day in Arizona where the sun is shining? Oh I hope it bakes you because it is not baking me this lovely day.. it's not too bad though to be honest but for about 3 days this week I was in fear of snow... (kill the accent and ome back to the american earth) WHO DOES THAT!
Anyways, I alove being in Wales in all it's glory and gorgeousness. It really is soooo beautiful I am without words most of the time... literally. speaking of wales, before I foreget here's my address currently:
Flat 4
The Square Buildings
Merthyr Road
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 4AN
So sorry it took me forever to get that to you. I didn't even know it for the first while of being here. I am super exciteed to get letters from both Grandmas, nothing is better in life than post from the grannies!! I love it!!
This week was pretty brilliant and I am super grateful for it. District meeting was epical and everything in more that I needed to hear. I was impressed by the fact that a friend also serving a mission in a foreign land taught me the exact same thing at a different time but this time there was a bit more input.. obviously. However, the impact on me was the same. I really knew both times that I heard it that the Lord was instructing them to say what they said and for me to hear what I heard. I am graterful that we were sent here to be even as Christ is, perfect. Yes we are trapped in a mortal body and yes we are subject to imperfections and yes we definitely fall short of perfection from day to day, but because of repentance and the atonement we can slowly but surely rise to the perfection we were made to obtain. God didn't give us the commndment to 'be ye perfect even as I am' because He wanted to show us how cool he is in comparison to us, He commanded us because he knew and still knows that with His help it is attainable. We come to this earth perfect, spotless... babies... and that is who we are. Never forget the divine potential we have is who we actually are, The devil decieeves us into believing that our potential is to be nothing... God doesn't decieve but gives us proof, through trials that we are more than we live up to in this current probationary state. I love to think that someday if I have actually used the Atonement in my life lived the gospel and applied and helped others live and apply it as well that I could actually be perfect- super far from it now, but that thing is that the more we realize we are nothing the more we become who we actually are. I trully believe that we are never hapier than when we are in the service of our God simply because it is then that our true selves comes out and we can stop playing the role of a caharcter we don't actualy like that begins to consume us and make us miserables- step of out the world's character and into your dream role of someone you aspire to be because if it is your true deisre than chances are that is who you really are and you just need to learn the way to get out of the character you boxed yourself into for soooo long. It's all about the character of Christ. It's about becoming even as he is because that's why we are here, that's why He suffered and knew it would be worth it. We wwere not made to be ok.. but to be jus what Moses 1:39 states: "My work and my glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Why would rubish work and a half hearted haf great outcome be His glory .. if God knows the beginning from the end the end from the beginning, would He really have Moses write that down if he didn't mean it and he couldn't lie because then he wouldn't be God... ya He wouldn't. He meant it becasue we are His work and His glory and nothing we do can change that so rise to the occasion and feel the power of the Lord's love- I promise you that you will feel His work and his glory in you if you but look to Him and live, regardless of the seemingly simple things we find pointless or difficulty of the way- if we do it His way, WE CAN NOT FALL. I love this gospel. Super much. Loads and loads of love.
We are so blessed to have this in our lives. The people here are great. many say come back and then we find out they are plling the nice welsh I can't say no trick again so I will plan to not answer or be out when they get back.... super but it makes even more grateful for those who say yes I want it, I need it, teach me now... Investigators do not grow on trees here, but the joy of life does and that is what I love. The joy of weather is never expressed- The way to start a conversation with any British folk is to talk about the weather- they always have about 10 minutes worth to say about it.. I don't know how, but it is a proven fact by myself and my current bishop... who says he himself even does it... because he is welsh and that's what they do... None the less though we are teaching a few people who are just great and we ar enjoying the power of the spirit in our work, it's undeniable sometimes and I love that!! One investigator, Steven is just ace- he writes us little essays with his way of thinking about what he is studying and asks us questions and concerns to answer and the spirit is always thick like a blanket in his home, he is giving us the verdict is he wants to be baptized or not on Friday... eek!!! I have faith though that one day regardless of when, he will be- he has great faith, just doesn't get it yet.
This week we were gonig to a potential investigators home for a lesson and she flogged us to our dismay, she is really elect we just seem to always make appointments when work ends up wanting her... hmm.... sometihng is off... SATAN... daft bloak. ANYWAYS, and ended up at a less actives house to find that he was the one who needed us. I love how God works. I lvoe that if we have the desires to serve Him He will make it work. Nothing can be better than that.
I hope you are all doing well. I heard about uncle Clint (thanks mel) and will keep him and lisa and neil in my prayers. I am so proud of Nick Aunt Mel- he is great and has grown loads.. you can totally tell!
Michael and Amber- wow I am pretty sure I always knew he would climb to mount everest 1 billion times to marry that girl... lucky las and lucky bloak. Super happy for them and for all the marriages as of late... man it's crazy!! I am just so happy too mum that you are turning into little miss thin!! what a woman!! haha but really you sounded great in you email and for that i am grateful, kinda jealous of the monday night family pol fun though.. but not that jealous... I'm a missionary!! give me a break!!
Dad- dude you are a legend. a piano on your left middle finger?! And i bet you went and got it fixed went home and got right back to work.. that is my reality fear and I pray that it is not what actually happened. rest man!! Anyways, you are all in my prayers and I lvoe you dearly. Can't wait to get that picture you promised mum... yup I'll hold you to it!!! Love you dearly, and happy father's day this week... for America too right? Alright peace, love, charity, and all other good things that we are!!
Rwyn Dy garu Di!!! (I LOVE YOU!!!)
Ta ra!!!
Sista Fili

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