Thursday, June 28, 2012

so guess what!!! I now have two areas in one for the next 6 weeks!!! and two companions!! booyah. It's super much fun so far. Sister Lewis went to Solihull and swapped with Sister Nelson (from utah and AZ!!), who also came out with her. Mind when Sis. Nelson and ii first met we both told eachother we would serve together and felt like we just knew eachother from somewhere else.. it's happening people!! so fun. Then we also have sister Laborero from england.. londoner :).  So there is heads of the valleys and beacon heights ward(s) that meet in the same building. They had to close a sisters area for a transfer becasue ther weren't enough sisters to fill it all until next transfer when a sister from scotland comes, so president decided to combine these areas again for 6 weeks so as to not have to shut one down. They are all doing really well anyway. But lucky us we have 2 areas to cover and it should be fun. i HAVE OFFICIALLY SERVED IN everysingle AREA SIS. lAURITZEEN SERVED IN.. CRAZY SAUCE. we're firends!! SORRY FOR CAPPS... anyways... It's been so much fun and I am so excited for the adventure of 2 areas, but it will make going back to just the one super nice, but slow. Oh well, missionary work is missionary work and i love it!! how are all of you? sound like you are doing well. This week has been crazy good.
Miracle: Monday was not pday it was a work day designed by God. We went to a few people's homes and before we left this certain area I saw a lady standing outside her door looking out. Well we got in the car and as I drove past her to turn around I felt something say talk to her, so I turned around and paarked up the car got out and we met natalie. We spoke for about 20 min. and just learnt bout her and her faith and her life and as we shared the book of mormon with her she kept taking it out of my hands and then would give it back almost remembering it wasn';t hers until I gave it to her and then she was like, it's finally mine. We have a return appointment with her to day and are super stoked.
Yesterday at transfers was the last time I will see Pres. and sis. Ogden. It was sad, but actually super surreal. Sis Ogden said that they were gonig to be doing a fireside in Arizona (probably Scotsdale) in September so... you should try to find out where and when exactly and go!! it would be amazing to meet my mission president and wife. President Rasmussen gets here on Friday and we will meet him next week. Super crazy to have a new one, but it will be amazing I am sure. He is called by a prophet and I am excited to meet the man.
This past week I have just thought alot about attitude. I try to have a good one all the time and ya know I didn't realize my progression until I read some of my journal from the beginning... holy cow  I am grateful to have learnt that attitude is everything and having a good attitude about life is the way that we are able to experience heaven on earth. Who wants to be around grumpy gills all day, I am not perfect at it and i am sorry or those who had to live with my grumpiness, but I am now learning that iti s unnecssary. There is no situation so bad that whining about it won't make it worse.. thank you Elder Holland and then thre is Pres. Uchtdorf's counsel to STOP IT with back biting and coveting and jealousy and such. When we have a good attitude about things we aren't tempted to do that stuff and weare able to better follow the prophet and apostles counsel from God. I am working on it more and more, but situations and people thatused to irritate me now just make me giggle. Life and drama is more humorous than we let on in the moment. Let's be honest with ourselves. Anyways, I hope you are all doing amazing and having a good week in the heat.. I don't know what I will do when I get back and am in actually proper heat-- probably faint. Will someone be prepared to catch me please? thanks. you don't have to for a while, just saying. Anyways The church is true and gets more and more true everyday of my life. I am indeed grateful for the opportunities I am given everyday to improve and become who i need to be for God's kingdom. Scary, amazing thought eh... it's coming ya'll!! Let's committ ourselves to having a positive attitude about all thigns thiss week. The glass is always half full people!! it's  the choice you make whether to make it half empty.
2 We give athanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers;
3 Remembering without ceasing your work of afaith, and blabour of love, and cpatience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;
 Rwyn Dy garu Di
Sista Fili

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