Monday, July 2, 2012

Hello again.. so soon. Well, I wish I had loads to say.... oh wait, I do. nah I am just so grateful for everyone who has helped me get here, helped me stay, and helped me to be the best that I can be. I just feel overwhelmed with gratitude today and yesterday. We don't realize the support system we have until we go somewhere with people who don't time after time. Sister Nelson and Sister Laborero are brilliant companions and we are loving it. We taught a lesson on Friday night that had all three of our different elements in it that we have to give and ya know the lesson was full of the spirit. I haven't been in a lesson wuite like that one since Sister lauritzen. Maybe it was just the situation, but the spirit was powerful and thick. Lynette, the lady we are teaching, suffers with severe depression and has a hard time recognizing God's love because, like most depressed people, all she sees is the bad in her life and that no one has helped or could help her. What a testimony to me it was when Sister Laborero bore testimony that we were the help that God sent to her to let her know she i loved and there is a way out through His gospel. We were able to follow promptings of the spirit and relay a message to her that was just for her from her Father in Heaven. The incredible part is that it was- I don't remember what I said, what Sister Nelson said, or what Sister Laborero said, but I do know that we all felt as Lynette did- peace, comfort, and joy. By the end this lovely lady was sitting up and smiling... oh how the spirit works. Gratitude, major.
So last night we went and had primary with the Sadler children (in the picture). They are sooooo cute. Their family is going through alot right now. Their parents are divorcing and life isn't happy, but the pure happiness of these kids is outstanding because they know the Gospel of Christ. Shannon (9) said that she is planning on serving a mission. She bore her testimony in sacrament about how she helped this little boy at the Garden festival and she felt the Holy Spirit witness that it was good. She was so happy she was able to put the smile on her Mam and Dad's faces. (In Merthyr with this accent instead of Mum it's Mam... so they spell it like that too. I think they just pride themselves in being the most different in all things from the rest of Britain). Her and her sister, Anariah (7) (also in the picture) both choristered for us in the Beaufort group, AKA the Twig, and They did so well. Our closing Hymn was conducted by Anariah and she chose the song Families Can Be Together Forever. My eyes filled with tears as I watched this gorgeous child of God just smile and conduct with confidence this song that she truly believes to be true. The best part is, I know it will be. I am grateful for the children around us that remind of what is really important in life. Life is full of stuff, but with children in our lives regardless of the kerfuffled moments they come up with, it is full of joy. They bring us to earth and remind us that no one is perfect, but because we are all Children of God we can become perfect through the Atoning sacrifce of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Let us all serve a bit more, forgive sooner, love better, do instead of try, and always look heavenward for guidance.
I wish I could express to you what this gospel means to me. I wish I could properly ask each of you for giveness for anything I have done wrong knowingly and unknowingly, I pray that someday I will be able to properly, but for now know that I am sorry and do forgive me of my imperfections toward you. My heart is full of gratitude for my Saviour and love for His children. I know that it is all true. All that happens in this life is for our good. We are not without hope for the future and eternity. It is all in our favour if we do it in the Lord's way. He died for us, let us live for Him.
I love you all!! Hope that the week is going well and that all things are looking up!!
Loves in hugs and kisses (only cause you are woman or family...)
  Sista Fili

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