Monday, July 9, 2012

Nick sounds like he is doing amazing. I love how the mission changes boys into men so quickly. We start to see what is important and what is not. The blessings we are given is outrageous.
Mum I am so glad to hear you are doing better!! I am happy the 4th of July was a blast for you all.. we didn't even remeber till that evening what day it actually was. woops. oh well, it was a great day anyway, we met our new mission president and his wife that day!! woot woot. They are fantastic. I think they are just what we need... obviously because God called them to it. Very humble. Love it. it was weird though gonig in and President Ogden not being there... especially since Pres. Rasmussen is a small man and Pres. Ogden was a very tall man, it makes it even that much more different. I am glad though, if they were the same in the way they carried themselves it would be harder I think. Sister Rasmussen is a doll, so lovely. She is very real and we have enjoyed being with her as well.
it's been the first full week of this transfer, but we have had loads of meetings all week well with the new Mission president coming and what not and so it's been hard to get to everyone we wanted to get to, there is never enough time in the day, but this next week should be fun!!
ALERT!! Alert!! We had a miracle. So on the Friday afer our weekly planning session we had an appointment with a lady named Lisa who ended up flogging us.. sad, but not because Sis. laborero remembered a former who was near and said that we needed to go see him, well he wasn't home but she remembered that there as an inactive member on that say street just up the road a bit, so we knock on his door and he doesn't come to the door, but his next door neighbor did and said, 'did you knock on my door?' We looked at her and said oh no and then looked at eachother, smirked, and then walked toward her and told her what we were about and she let us in. So we go in and her and her sister sit there and allowed us to teach them a bit about the restoration. At about the half hour mark that she had agreed to I pulled out the Restoration DVD that's 20 minutes long and told them we could leave them with this to watch, or we could watchit now if they have a bit more time.. they wanted us to stay. By the end they were so excited about it. Joleen said that kieth (our former investigator) and her partner were good friends and that they would probabaly want to learnm togerther when her partner gets back from London... wow. Apparently they had been discussing finding a church to raise their child in, Joleen is pregnant 6 months along, qand she said that she felt this was a sign and her and her sister, Jade, were quite excited about the whole investigation. I love it when the Lord provides in such ways. I thought about it though and realized hat we weren't the deserving one's at all, but his children are and so there fore I can be confident he will prepare for us his children as we prepare the do our part.
Yesterday in church we all 3 gave talks in all 3 sacrament meetings we attended... ok to be fair Sis. Laborero and I only gave 2 of the 3 but bless Sis. Nelson's heart she had to do all 3 of them and she hates talking with a passion. It was very good and quite fun. I got a call on the Saturday before around 6 30 pm and they asked if I could speak in Beacon Heights so I said yes used tyhe skills Dad helped train me on.. except now Iam not nearly as bad as I used to be at it.. not good ether, but it's progressing, that's what we are gonig for!
I just spoke about Alma 56- standing strong in Holy places. The armies of the Nephites would not go fight on the enemies ground with their (the lamanites) strongholds but stood firm and withheld temptation until they came to their (the nephites) strong holds to fight for their freedom. It's the same with us and friends and satan in general. MAJORITY RULES. If we want to bring one back or bring one in as the Saviour did and commands us to do then we must help draw others to Him and bring them with us to feel of His matchless love, it doesn't work the other way. I have become obsessed with Christlike attributes and in the section in Preach My Gospel it says "Just as vital as what you do, is who you are." No matter the role we play in others lives it's just as important not only to do good, but to be good. Draw people towards Zion- make it attractive as Christ does. "Become who you want to be by being who you want to become, today."
I am excited for a new week and for just being a missionary- exhausted and all that jazz- no better activity in the world to make you more exhausted than missionary work! Thank you family for supporting me and always being there for me. I pray for you often and hope all goes well this week.
I'll be seein' you!
love you loads and loads!
Rwyn dy garu di!
 Sista Fili

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