Monday, July 30, 2012

Sounds like things are a little hectic, crazy at home. I hope it gets better and I am grateful to hear that everyone is handling it so well. That really is the true sign of character is how you handle yourself when stress comes and also when no one is around and your life is stressful. I love that we have the Lord on our side helping us know that all of these things will be but a small moment. I have never recognized that so much until I came here on the mission and my life was placed in 6 weeks increments that have nothing to do with me necessarily but everything to do with others and then I realized that life isn't about living in the moment for yourself, but for others. Christ lived and died in the service of us all. He served us in His life by setting the example of what our lives should be like and His death was a service to us that we might repent and be made whole. His resurrection was a service that we too might live again and all of these things come together to give us the opportunity to live eternally blissful with our Father who art in Heaven above. Why then should we not make our lives as similar to His as we possibly can while in this tabernacle of clay? Even when focusing on how we can be better and improve it can be a service to others- they are effected by that decision. Our posterity is blessed according to our faithfulness, and our families become eternal as we strive to keep the covenants which we have made by being and doing good things to all. I truly do believe that although we at times think that if we are thinking at all about me it's not about others, but if we think about it as me becoming who I need to be so I can with Christ set the example of the believers than your me is for others. However, we do have a very me society where many love to think that we means me and visa versa and everything is actually about them.. I think that's when we reflect upon my favorite LIGHT saying "Look in, Look up, Reach out". Look in for only a moment to recognize that  all you are comes from above and guidance is given there to help us reach out beyond ourselves. If the world was centered around me and created for me than God would have placed me on an island all by myself named Sista Fili chili... but He didn't He placed us on earth together to help one another and to come to God as a family, both spiritual and physical together. Oh how I wish I could help EVERYONE understand this a little more.. I don't even fully get it. I just act like I do. ba ha. I love the perspective that the gospel can give us in this world we live in. 
   So this week was a little insane at the beginning. Monday was so fun to be on the beach and just be in the fresh air- I think I just laid there for a lot of it. it helped me feel better though for a second, but that night we came home and died!!! (but hey Pres. Rasmussen let us watch 17 Miracles... joy joy.)  So we decided Tuesday we were going to nip this cold in the butte and get it gone so we can get back to not infecting people with disease... well Sister Laborero was getting a little cabin fever and decided that she would clean out the shower drain that kept backing up and the water would rise super high (gotta love mission flats that just continually get groddier and groddier over time but no one takes the time to make it better). So she wanted to fix it- I tried to help since she was disgusted by all the stuff in there and I couldn't sleep with the fuss about it.. it was pretty funny to be honest... anyways!! Nothing was really being fixed so she decided I'll shower and then call Elder Skiles to let him know finally that we need help so she just put the silver thing on the drain but didn't screw it back in... ya we had a rain forest attack down stairs. So then we really had to call the man. And not to mention she clogged the toilet again. So Elder Skiles told us to move all our stuff over to the Troedyrhiw flat while they fix it... nice idea for resting our bods from a chest infectious head cold thing.... it took 3 car loads to get over there what we needed. By the end of the day I was basically ready to poop out and then the Elders call us and tell us they need to steal our car for a day... ok ... so the next day on Wednesday we walked over 15 miles, which wasn't terrible but we are already about 5-6 miles outside our area, so it took a while to get where we needed to be and then we were only there for about .2 seconds in comparison to the rest of the day... why we didn't just take the bus I dunno.. I think we wanted to be pioneers or something. It was a fun day- actually hot, super nice, but tiring when Sis. Nelson and I were still getting over the cold thing. So we get this call from this man named Brian who spoke to Sis. Lewis on the streets of Abergavenny back in April and he had been in Afghanistan (he's an SMO in the ARMY) for a while, but is back because of a leg injury. Anyways, he asks for us to come by and so we did on Thursday evening. It was the most incredible experience of my entire mission. The man said that he was never fussed over religion and in fact was more angry than happy about talking about it with anyone. So when Sis. Lewis gave him a card he was irritated, but as he walked across the street he said he felt like he was walking on clouds and found himself turning around to talk to her about it again. I guess he waited for her for a moment and then they spoke for a solid half hour. He took a restoration leaflet and read things he knew were true. In fact he said he'd never prayed before but that Moroni 10:4-5 became his prayer every night. He had even cut back on smoking because he began to feel it wasn't right and that God wouldn't want him to do it. When we were in his house listening to him Sis. Nelson and I started crying the spirit was so strong. (sis. Laborero isn't much of a public crier) By the end he said that he hadn't felt this way since that night he met Sis. Lewis on the street... this man is elect and I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to teach him!!
The week was full of up's and downs and ended with Sis. Laborero getting ill and now we are once again planning on going to Swansea for another district beach day.. aaahhh butta. I am grateful for God in my life. I am grateful that we are His servants and that He always blesses with people to serve because He loves them and gives us opportunity to grow and learn to love as he does. He loves us so much it is incomprehensible and that knowledge is outstanding and forever healing if we let it be. I hope we continue to get through the trials placed before us and make room for more friends around us. I love you all so much and can't wait to hear from you again next week ;) (oh by the way next week is transfers so I won't email till Thursday probably... gosh I can't believe it is already here again, and this time I don't want it to be!!!) Oh well- Mum to answer your question that I think I may have left out last time I didn't get pictures on an email.. super sad, but try again!! I want to see them, 3 months is too long!)
Moroni 8:3   Sista Fili

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