Monday, July 23, 2012

Hold Your Light Up!

so this week has been eventful to say the least. Started with a great exchange (picture with other sisters) I went to Stroud with Sister Javed from Pakistan. What a fun time and it was interesting. She had me help her learn some English... so hard to teach and use other simple words to explain complicated words... our language is not as simple as we think. Bless her heart it's been an adjustment in everyway to come here, but she is amazing. She taught me how strictly obedience blesses you. Since she's been out (only about 4 months now) her father has been baptized and so has her uncle. She said it was a complete miracle and I told her it was a miracle wrought by faith and obedience. She is amazing. I felt bad for her though we had an appointment with their investigator who is supposedly an athiest (but I think she only doesn't 'believe' because she knos if she does she'll have to give up all her 'lusts' to keep the commandments) and we taught her the 10 commandments.. it was all good in unity until we came to adultery... then the investigator threw loads of information at us about her... life.... that Sister Javed did not know how to handle since in their culture PDA is a sin... let alone sex before marriage and even if it occurs it's not talked about, it is all very hidden. Needless to say by the end of it we were in fits of laughter.... it was so awkward  and open what she told us and everything that all we could do was laugh (not rudely.. she just got more into it like when you laugh with a child about something silly they did and they continue to try to make you laugh with it over and over again...) ya interesting. Sister Javed is a legend though. By the end  she was very bold and just let her know it wasn't good. haha. What an awesome exchange.
So, we had a baptism this weekend!!! Kimberly Jane Sullivan was baptized and confirmed by Matthew Llewellyn on the 21st and 22nd of July 2012.... woot woot. I have never seen any couple sooooo happy. On Saturday morning we went to go see her and she wasn't doing well. A little ill, a little nervous, and super overwhelmed with everything people were throwing at her. Bless her. But we prayed and that evening before the baptism you could tell she was ready, excited and willing to take his name upon her. The service was lovely. so cute... After she was baptized she walked up the stairs to where we were and Matthew was walking up his and then as they were closing the font doors he run through the water over to her and gives her a big ole kiss... ya we werre like, thank you for that. so precious. I am just so happy that this is the beginning of her life with Heavenly Father and also with Matthew as well. I love helping others progress and fullfill the commitments they made with God before the world was created in order to return to Him. How wonderful. After the baptism before she came back in to sit down and enjoy the rest of the service their were a few testimonies and then I got to sing "Saviour, Redeemer of my Soul" accompanied by Elder MacGarther... side note Kim's family, who are obviously not members, thought that Elder MacGarther and I were married... ya, kinda funny becuse I am more of a nun right now than single even.... So there is a picture depicting our humour of the whole situation too... it went well and the spirit was strong. Kim said afterwards that she felt so good and comfortable. Just really relaxed. The spirirtt speaks to us in all sorts of ways and I think that that is what it is all about. We all speak to one another differently according to how others respond, femaleor male, old or young, depressed or chipper, etc. The spireit recognizes those thigs and knows us better than we know ourselves simply because he is God's messenger to us all and therefore speaks to each of us in such a way that is necessary for our understanding. We just have to listen. After everything we went to this chinese buffet with the family and it was "cheap" for the UK... ya right. But we were getting ready to pay at the till and Matthew's older brother Richard comes up and goes, well sisters I think it's time for you to go and we said ya we know we're just about to pay and he said no you should just go and gives us this big smile and head flick towards leaving and we got the picture... we just felt so grateful for his generosity. We felt like that was this families thank you to us for I guess whatever we did with Kim.
Well Sunday morning came and Sister Nelson hasn't been well, and I caught on to it too. So the confirmation was lovely, but after church the Clare's sent us home to bed. Quite forcfully infact.. but at least we're being taken care of I guess. Kim said after the confirmation that she felt something she's never felt before and didn't know how to describe it. Yep sure sounds like the Holy Ghost to me!! What a lovely weekend that ended with a cold. I even tried to sing hymn #123... can't think of the name with my foggy brain right now... for prelude in the Heads of the Valleys Ward, I guess it went well. Fun stuff.
Today we are gonig to the beach in Swansea as a district and gong to enjoy the sun.. since it never comes we thuogh we'd take advantage of it all together.. even if sis. N and I are ill... we'll take it easy on the beach and call it good. can't wait!!
I am grateful for my Saviour and for the gifts He gives me and all those around me in being able to serve Him and His children. I love this work!! Yippee!! I am a missionary. I love it.
Talk to you soon!!! Love you mucho.
Sista Fili
Moroni 8:3- you are all in my prayers. Mum and Dad thank you for the updates on everyone. I will be mindful of them all. Thank you for tyour examples of perseverence.

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