Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dear family,
wow that email from mum gave me all sorts of emotions. but my first question is how the heck did you know about my companion? so crazy. ya Sister Javed is great. I will learn alot from her. I am alittle overwhelmed though right now- two areas, only driver, now an english teacher, and I feel like I don't know any of it that well... even english... . But if the Lord calls us to it He will get us through it. I guess that's how everyone feels at home for sure. Poor Cherise- she will be in my prayers. I hope she is ok. How serious is serious- does she have her gorgeous hair still? Man, I can't wait to see these kids... ah my pride and joy. I hope they haven't forgotten me- one of my biggest fears for sure. Student council for the boys.. I love it. Following in the family footsteps. I  hope they all know how proud I am of them. They best be ready for a massive cooch (hug) when I get home.
This whole transfers thing was kinda insane though. On Monday night we get the call and I was actually supposed to be serving with 2 sisters- Sister Javed AND Sister Matapo (from Africa). I was not opposed to either at all, but I felt weird about Sister Matapo in this area, but pushed it aside thinking that it was no big deal. Well the next day I still felt uneasy. We spent loads of time with the Zone leaders and discussed it and no mtter what they said to put me at ease it didn't work. So we go to a members house and told them who was coming and my feelings were confirmed with one comment from them and I knew I had to make a call that I was not excited about at all. So I called and they said they would think on it. I guess president went to sleep that night and felt my concern, he too knew that the original was not right, so a move was made and we got a call yesterday morning about a sister McRae coming with us and this made me feel good, she could drive- and speak english- pressure simmered down! So we get to transfers and president calls us all in to his office and the final decision was that sister mcrae be sent to stamford with sister giles and sister matapo so that she can drive because they can not. Sos that is how it ended up just sister javed and I. i feel that this is right though. Although I feel overwhelmed I have confidene that all will be but a small moment and it will teach me more than I ever thought possible. This is my future family prep right here. i am becoming a few different roles, but I know that it will be fun and glorious because let's face it- this is the Lord's work. What isn't amazing about that. I will miss sister nelson and sister Laborero though- they are like sisters to me. It was an amazing transfer, but I am glad that we can all feel so confident about the way things are and just feel privileged that God allowed us to be together for those 6 weeks.
So this last week we had an exchange with Sisters from new castle Emlyn. Sister |benson came to me and Sister Nelson and sister laborero went there with sister lafevre from ...ARIZONA BABY. yeah she be cool. ASnyways it was fun- we got completely drenched. the first picture is us when we though the rain was heavy- it got worse and then we had to run for cover and go home and change- like anyone would let our soaking bodies in like that!. 
Then this sunday Brian came to church... who by the way has a baptismal date for the 1st of september!!! He is so elect.. kinda not sure if his mind is alittle gone or not, but still this person has been touched by the masters hand and is ready to make chagnes and come to God. At church he bore his testimony and just lvoed it. trhe scarament meeting really was incredible. I can't say enough how amazing it was. A few people bore their testimony who have lost someone close recently to them and it was brilliant the spirit that was felt. We later found out that brianm has not only lost his wife, but his daughter as well. He lost them 7 days apart. My heart goes out to this man, and my glory goes to God for knowing and prompting others to give their feelings on the plan of salvation. So then we look over and guess who is in our congregation- only sister mitt romney. ha the woman is welsh!! I guess they were doing some tour on her family history and she has a horse in the olympics... man they are posh. She is goregous. i have never felt so unfit in all my life than I did stood next to her. But I guess you can only expect that. You want to know what she said about the election though............. ya I thought you would... she said, no matter what the polls say, she knows her husband will win- it has been written.... whoa. That's kind of a big deal. Too bad the Brits don't fancy him. All of a sudden everyone told us this... but we refrained from too much discussion. it's not like we have much to say but ok didn't know that I've only been gone for... all of it. but still it was cool. We got a picture with the future first lady... first mormon first lady in fact! haha. Who knows. I think Sister Laborero was more excited than us Americans though- funny girl.
it's been an amazing week and I am grateful for the tender mercies of God all around us- really there is nothing better than when you take the time to notice and then humility is spread all over you and all you feel is a deep sense of love and gratitude. If only everyone could just take sometime to look around them and notice the beauties of the world. I don't think then as many would not believe in God. He is everything to us and I am grateful for His sacrifice. I know that my purpose here is being fullfilled and that today with this new transfer my mission can begin today. I may only have 12 weeks left, but in those 12 weeks i pray that I will be the best instrument for the Lord that I can be. I love this work. I love being a missionary. I love new beginnings and I love challenges. When I am not being challenged I know that there is something wrong and then another transfer comes. God does here our prayers and I know Sister Javed was an answer to mine. I hope that you all know how I pray for you. Good luck with school beginning again mum and I pray that Grandma continues to settle in well in her new home. I miss you all. Love you!!
I'll be seeing you :) Cheers!!
 Sista Fili

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