Monday, August 27, 2012

A & E...I dislike the Doctors...

So... this has been a great week. This weekend has been long and this next week will be absolutely insane. 
First things first it is so good to hear everyone is doing well and that school is starting. i can not believe it is that time again in our lives. Grandma officially has no grandchildren in High school ... only great grand children... yep mum ya'll are gettin' old. But hey so am I.. I'll be 23 soon, that's ridiculous. Well, to me at least. 
So this week we had a few INCREDIBLE lessons with Brian and Steven. They are both progressing so much. Brian is now getting baptized on the 29th of September. He chose it and feels good about it, but knows that nothing is going to stop him now. Poor guy though is hit with adversary at the moment, but still has such great faith that he knows the only thing that will get him through this tragic time is the gospel and his Saviour. I feel privileged to be one of his missionaries. He said that on Saturday night before we were going to come that he wanted to tell us to leave it for the night, but couldn't do it. Then when we got there we found out, after a while that he is mourning for the loss of 2 loved ones who a day a half prior had died suddenly and tragically. He just walks all day and night to deal with it, but he told us that he can't hide his emotions and what is truly inside from us. I gained a testimony of being a representative of Christ at that moment. When we are actually representing Him to others they can't withhold their inner most thoughts and desires. this week Brian had told us that when his cast is off he will borrow a  car from someone to get a lift to church and if that doesn't work he will run... ok people we are talking 24.5 miles here!!! This is dedication. He wasn't joking either. He kept saying when you find the truth you can't go back on it. How true is that. this gospel is true. It is the answer to every question and i have learnt that more than i can express here on the mission. people on the street LOVE to tell us all about their... lives... past present and future... good and bad, gory,sleazy, and so on... but with every comment we can come back with something gospel related. God is in all things and all things testify that there is a God.  Alma 30:44 But Alma said unto him: Thou hast had signs enough; will ye tempt your God? Will ye say, Show unto me a sign, when ye have the testimony of aall these thy brethren, and also all the holy prophets? The scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the bearth, and call things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its dmotion, yea, and also all the eplanets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator.
Steven... oh my goodness from last friday to this friday he has read from the end of Jacob to Alma 42.. woot woot. That is impressive for an investigator I must say. Cool thing is he taught us the plan of salvation just simply from reading. when the sisters had taught him the first time he said that he didn't actually pay attention.. two gorgeous woman in your house... who would be able to focus on God.. haha or so he said. But now he has real intent. He knows 100% that God lives and answers your prayers. He is 80% sure that this church is true and 90% sure the Book of Mormon is the word of God. He said i feel just like all of you sisters described when i read it. You can't disprove it and he said I am sorry for trying so hard to disprove it. I am so pleased with his commitment and dedication to find out for himself. He said he will be baptized, but not until he is ready. It will be soon enough though :) The man just needs to come to church!! 
So, tomorrow I have the privilege of giving my DEPARTING TESTIMONY.... stop it. Too soon. Not right. I was excited about it till it became reality. But anyway it'll be my last Zone conference, so this is it. Crazy sauce. Wish me luck on giving testimony about the mission and life and what i know in 60 seconds or less... haha with me and my rapidly long winded mouth.... it'll be a challenge and super duper fun. i will cry and if not who's gonna bake me cookies? ya that's what I thought... no takers. it's the distance, init? 
Alright to the purpose of the subject above... A&E.. Accident and Emergency.... doctors, hospital. don't you be frettin' it was sister Javed not me. During Glenys' massive dinner Sister javed started to feel pain, not I'm full past the brim pain, but actual pain. She thought nothing of it though because of her full past the brim pain. So we go over to Brian's for a lesson and during the lesson I look over and see my companion in agony.. odd. but no offense to her, but she doesn't have high pain tolerance so I thought it was just carry over of the dinner pain and that we were on the floor. Back pain.. it happens. So as we are leaving she gets a bit ahead of me and comes back and says it hurts sooo bad. I didn't know what to do, so I said alright well we'll be home soon, let's just drop off glenys. Anyways she made us aware it was really really severe pain so we get home call the rasmussen's and they tell us to be better safe than sorry and go to the local A&E to get it checked on. So the Zone leaders come and pick us up and we get there at 1030pm. While we were there funny things happened besides the actual check ups. like these drunk guys come in (we had policemen right by us mind) and they were the harmless drunk sort and sis javed starts freaking out.. what if they talk to us and I say then we talk back. They aren't liable to remember anything anyways, but they were with it enough to have a conversation.. almost..  though. So they chat with us then go away and the police lady behind me starts asking us questions about what we do, who we are, why we do it, where we come from then we chatted about her and she said about how obsessed she is with america so we talked about that for a while and it was all really good and friendly. She asked questions and we answered them. She even said I had a nice soft accent.. I was chuffed. Anyways, so these drunk guys come back and sit in front of us again and start chattin'. ha They start talking about how badly they hate the police and just want them to get off their backs. so I asked them if i could give them advice to help them out with this problem... they were like ah yes please, thinking it was going to be epic, and I look at them and say, "DON'T GET DRUNK". They looked at each other and looked at me and said.. that's the worst advice ever, I said actually it's the only good advice you'll ever get. The policemen are dying laughing behind me!! it was the truth, what else would I say that wouldn't be lying! but if everyone were sober here the police would be out of a job. It's mainly daft drunks they deal with. Poor things. oh well. it was a good night i guess. the chairs there were super cold and super hard... but it is free, so i guess it is better than nothing. it was clean- that's a plus. But the doctors were so silly to Sis. Javed, they kept on with 'she's just being a baby'... hello could you have a little less tact. oh well, she didn't understand them anyways!! haha But we finally were released at 645am and were back in the flat by 730am. We were given the permission and guidance and counsel from president to sleep until sacrament meeting (1150 was the start) and then after come home and sleep and get better. It ended up being a urinary infection so they said, but this morning our mission GP called and asked a few questions. Because they just let her off with pain killers instead of an actual prescription and her symptoms did not add up to a urinary track infection he advised us to go back today and be reevaluated. We were there for HOURS... but it's alright.They said that it is actually a water infection and gave her antibiotics. So hopefully the saga is over. Bless her she does not like to be in hospital... neither do I if I am honest. but I wrote all my letters I wanted to today.. positive :) 
Family I love you so much i can't get over it. thank you for all you do for me. thank you for your support and prayers. I pray for each of you and I am so happy that you are all doing soooo well. keep it up!! love love love you! 

 Sista Fili

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