Monday, September 3, 2012

Charity Never Faileth

I feel like being a mock Relief Society President this week because my whole week I have felt more like a mother than anything else. It's been great. Infact, Sis. Rasmussen even told me I am going to be a great mum ... ya well, we'll see. Ha So last week the hospital saga started, ya? Oh don't you be worrying about it ending there, cause it didn't! (in the best twang cheesy accent I can do) Well After we got the antibiotics last week we took them home and bless Sis. Javed's heart she HATES tablets with a passion. She whines, kinda like a child every time she has to take them, so when she would take them and then 'throw up'.. sounded more like a try to cough like.. I thought she was just over reacting- well... I repented from that thought when it was actually her body rejecting them. Ya motherhood step one- take everything into consideration even if you think they are being silly about life. So we go back and get different ones and this time she has the aches and pains ALL over and turns out with a fever- odd. Lesson one was learnt so I made the necessary phone calls and we were told to go back. Now this last time before we went back we were gettting alot of advice from members expecting it to be the worst because something similar had happened to a sister prior to about 18 months ago. Well then we have Elder Hales (the mission doctor) and Pres. Rasmussen asking some pretty pointed questions about how much this is physical and how much this is actually emotional. Now you see here's the deal, Sis. Javed is saint.. a saint who loves the work  and hates hospitals so sometimes when it would come to her health she would tell the truth to me, but then when it would come to the people who she really needs to say this and that HONESTLY to it would be a lack of honesty and more 'dignity and strength' because she wants to work and more than that doesn't want to go to the hospital again. I'm with ya sister.. but not fully.. Well They were both catching on to this and could sense that I was doing this for the good of my companion and doing my best with what I was percieving and the little information she was giving me- lesson # 2 of motherhood.. just do it no matter how they winge, it's for their good. So finally after being firm... lesson 3... we were able to get some honesty out of her and take the necessary steps to getting her well and sorting out what was actually going on. Well the night prior to we went to go recieve a blessing from the Elders. After the blessing Sis. Javed looked at me and said I know I will be alright- I don't think it will be that bad anymore. Man she has faith.. but ya know me, oh ye of little faith... I think it was the stress of the week and her lack of honesty that i said- well we'll see but sometimes we have to do more than that... people can we please say daft chicken spices. Anyways, on our way to the hospital on Saturday afternoon I was getting frustrated and so was she. We have 2 areas we have had a total of 4 lessons this week and that's about all we've been able to do and just alot of other stuff that matterd, but the view of the bigger picture was lacking. So I was honest and so was she and by the end we had an understanding of how one another felt, and why we felt it and how we were going to now handle it... step 13, works everytime ;) (see preach my gospel page 150) So we get to the hospital and after waiting, and doing the urine sample thing for her they told us we had an appointment for that evening so we could leave till then- THANK YOU. The joys of a proper hospital. So we went and worked a little. It was great. Well we come back that evening and they see us after a bit of a wait and the GP tells us that her urine is clear... amazing.. then has Sis. Javed move this way and that way and that pain comes that she has had all week. She told us that it was a strained muscle in her back. it might have started off as something else, but it's ended up as this. So as we leave Sis. Javed looks at me and says ' I have feelings this is result of blessing'. My amazing little pakistany companion once again proved her faith to me. Miracles do happen. Everything is alright. I am a drama mama who just cares too much and needs a little more faith and little less logic. I am grateful that the Lord was able to teach us this and that the saga is finally over. One thing I did learn this week is that no matter what it is that we are doing, we can always remember that we are donig a great work and can not come down. We had Zone Conference at the beginning of the week and that was the talk it was all based off of, "I'm doing a Great work and Can not come Down" by President Uchtdorf from Oct. 2011 GC, priesthood session. it's an amazing talk and one I would definately encourage you to look up. We talked about desires and what matters most and about well... missionary work at it's best. Of course. During it I decided that I would really work on my focus this week. Going above and beyond that of which I had been doing previously. I am not a bad missionary, but we can always focus more- we are still human! So then all of the saga happened and it was one of the hardest weeks to focus because it was alot of waiting and not ya know... going and doing. Well I decided to not let this get me down. I can tell you that I proved to myself this week that it's not always about how much you are showing your diligence that equals actual diligence but how you are following the promptings to be diligent when it doesn't seem possible. We had some incredible chats with people and an amazing few lessons. We were able to learn alot about others and gain charity for our spiritual brothers and sisters here on earth in a different way than usual. Sis. javed and I were able to grow closer as a companionship and to be more unified in purpose. I know that God blesses us with the things we need, not always with what we want and or think is right for this time, but  He has the grander vision and knows what is best. If we put it in his hands and walk by faith and not by sight I know that we can accomplish all the Lord has for us. I love this work. I love being a missionary. I love my Mission President and his wife. We got to know them super well this last week.. haha but how greaterful I am for their patience and love. They truly are called of God.
Oh by the way the departing tstimony went well- I said things I didn't even know, but I do know one thign that God knew what I need to say for myself and hopefully for others... but who knows. It felt good and I am grateful I had the opportunity to bare the testimony that has grown within me over the past 16 months... even if it seems a little premature.
I am so glad that everyone is doing so well and that life is picking up again.
Dad- the next 2 months may possibly go as fast for you as they will for me! Good luck! I hope LIGHT works out this week- if not maybe it is for the best, even if it kills me to say that.
Mum- I am happy you are grasping on to the program well and enjoying school. it should be really good for you to get back in the swing of things.
Cassy- you are potty trained.. I bet your parents are  more happy than you are!!!
Heather- I hope you are only going to have to suffer with morning sickness for a little while longer.. sounds unenjoyable. your in my prayers.
Liz- heard you are donig fantastic and such- can't wait to hear more!!
Matt- I heard you got a letter from Elder Allred, lucky duck! I hope you enjoyed it.
I love to hear about all the family. it brings me more joy than you will ever know. I can't wait to hear from you again. You are in my prayers and I love you all so much!! May the Lord bless you for your faith!!
   Sista Fili Moroni 8:3

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