Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Top of the Morning to Ya!

family.. this is it. my last transfer. well  we shall speak of it briefly and then get focused on other things in a rather fluid manner ;) (spoken in quite a posh english accent that you never actually here because only Mary Poppins has acquired it from heaven. it's not actually one of the regional accents here unless someone is putting on.. how daft!) Sister Javed is still my companion, lucky me.. lucky her :) haha We are now only covering the one area, Heads of the Valleys... halelujiah!!! It was pretty insane with the two very demanding wards but uneven investigator pool. I will miss Beacon Heights, but just the one is great. It's pretty insane to have as many weeks as I have fingers on ONE hand... creepy.. but it is good. I am so excited to work harder than ver nd just wear myself out so bad that you may find yourself a sister filichia high off of lack of sleep and super emotional from fatigue at the airport.. don't worry I will work on the emotional bit, but get the camera out for the drunken bit.. it could be humorous. We are still teaching the one and only Bryan Nicholls... what a legend. Really he is. We went through what he wanted for his baptismal service and he had written down diffrerent hymns he enjoyed when ever he heard them in church that worked perfectly with his service .. maybe not for everyone but definately for him!! He just knew exactly what he wanted and I am excited I get to sing at it!! no clue what, but we'll see!! This week we were able to gain 2 new investigators.. we picked Kevin back up from forever ago.. you remember? no.. ok neither did our WML but he soon remembered after we said the guy that had the dream about Joseph Smth!! yes he is ace and our member who came with us said that she is pretty for sure he will be baptized someday even if today he doesn't think so. He knows truth, just doesn't understand it all and how to act on it yet. Exciting. The other, Steve (not to be confused with Steven Sullivan) is a member referral who we get to teach at the members house.. he seems super nice and we're excited to find out more about him and teach him more for understanding.
This week I have learned that God knows us, loves us, and cares what happens to us. He places the right people in our path, He inspires us, He chastens us, and He gives us assignments that help us to know where we need to work and that he has confidence in our ability to do so. If His work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and Eternal life of man than He will never give us anything we can not handle, otherwise His work and glory would never come to pass. This was all manifested to me when I was able to go an give that talk at sisters conference.. ya the Lord showed me I needed that attribute and that it was and  is something I can actually accomplish. Then at the end of it after a great night of a sleep over and talking about how president is gonig to assign 'experienced sisters to the mission and we were so excited that we didn't have to orry about it because we were soon leaving.. we got the call. well I am actually very honoured. At first I felt like it was one more thing to make the next 6 weeks fly by.. which is just ya kno.. rude.. but then I realized how much I needed it. It has inspired me with the understanding of the things I need to work on. I have so much to work on and I wish I had been better at perfecting it earlier, but the Lord's timing is perfect and His atonement is everlasting. That's the best thing I am learning now is that i am at my peak of the mission and doing the work now (even though I still know next to nothing) but it's not to be wasted after.. it's all by design. The Lord knows that is how it will go and He expects us to not leave it behind but to go fortyh with faith and serve His children with all the experience you have. Is it harder to be a missionary or a member? How do you look at it.. full time dedication super strict schedule and someone always with you to remind you what your purpose is... or your own life, having to make things priorities and use your agency wisely every moment. Both have their perks, both have their lows, both are difficult, but I believe that we are called to missions to help us for the greater more difficult fight against satan later on our own... and that is our personal reason, let alone what we do to help others come unto Christ. This work is so much more than we understand and or realize.. It's the greatest thing in our lives. I remember Tim and I once chatting about the stuff we talk about and he said to me that what we care about most and think about most is what we talk about most. it is soooo true. I hope that the gospel peeps in our conversations more than anything else... not that we go around only talking about gospel like things.. but that we are open to a principle of it being apart of any conversation that we have. It's interesting how vast yet simple it is.. I love it. think about it. it's super true.
Guess what I also found out ... President and Sister Rasmussen are BEST FRIENDS with Summer Price's.. now something else.. family. They live next door to them.. and moved when they moved to be near them and Sis. Rasmussen said that when Tim died she remembered Summer having a hard time and talking with her about it. It was quite interesting to hear the connection. Amazing the small world we live in.
Well I hope you are all well. It all sounds amazing at home. Everyone is so busy... I love it. My favorite way to be. I am glad that the kids are growing up and so glad that I get to go home to Cade being taller than me... someday I will look tiny again next to him as well. I now realize that I was a small person not just in height but ya know.. size.. .. ok not tiny like sister Javed.. but I was small. Ya let's all be grateful for what we are today because it could always get worse tomorrow!! But then again it can also be better tomorrow it's all about how we see it and act upon it. Yay for the word of wisdom!! Well I will end this sermon from wales and wish you all the best week ever!
I love you!! Rwyn dy garu di! Proverbs 28:25
     Sista Fili

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