Monday, June 4, 2012

oh my goodness weddings gallore.. I am going to go home to a married world... well half married world. The other half I shall dwell in for a time till I am invited to enter... apparently. .... but still so many babies and marriages happening, it's exciting and nuts!! I guess it doesn't seem like reality at all though because I am on the otherside of the country not bothering about anything but the gospel and people accepting the gospel and families being sealed because of the gospel and ya know... that type of stuff. no big deal really. 
but ANYWAYS, family, how are we? You all sound great and like everyone is just growing up and Cade is probably passing me up in height here soon enough... give it a rest would ya child!11 already!!! holy toledo you are almost an old man. Better getting your walking stick out and ready. ;) Mum you give great updates and i am grateful for it. I think about you all every night before I go to bed when I say my prayers and I always have the feeling that no matter what, no matter the struggles, no matter the happy moments, no matter the temptations and the moments of Gethsemae that we all go through, God is there with us. we are never alone and although I am not home and i can't do anything for you even if I were home, even if Tim were still alive he too couldn't do anything for you, all we could do is be there for support just like you are all one to another but the thing to remember is that God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ, CAN actually help but only if we let them. 
"Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." (3 Nephi 14:7) 
it is all about us asking, seeking and acting or in other words knocking... but I guess like i have said before it's an invitation as it is a warning. what we ask for eventually, if not immediately we shall receive; good or bad, fair or unfair, it's all about what we choose to do with the agency God gives us. Seek after something good or bad in people, in media, in opinions, in situations, etc. and you will find it... no doubt about that one. Knock and the path way shall be opened to you... if you act on good things, sure it might be  struggle but you will be able to find the path way there and through it to the light, act on the bad and yup you'll probably be in a world of hurt. The incredible thing we must never forget is although we may at times falter and find ourselves on rocky paths that seem like we can't possibly bear to turn around on and go back because it seems too painful to go through it all again , we don't have to walk it alone. the pain has already been felt by Him who suffered for us all. The hard part has been done, lean on Him and He may not take the journey away or the tingling pain, but He can lessen it and He can keep us company so it's not so long and not so bad and give us guidance to learn from it. Sometimes we have to walk on the rocks to be able to remember the why of not doing it again and I guess that's why He let's us go through it. 
"12: I say unto you, it is well that ye are cast out of your synagogues (going through a hard time), that ye may be humble, and that ye may learn wisdom; for it is necessary that ye should learn wisdom; for it is because that ye are cast out, that ye are despised of your brethren because of your exceeding poverty (struggle), that ye are brought to a lowliness of heart; for ye are necessarily brought to be humble. 13: And now, because ye are compelled to be humble blessed are ye; for a man sometimes, if he is compelled to be humble, seeketh repentance; and now surely, whosoever repenteth shall find mercy and endureth to the end the same shall be saved." (Alma 32:12-13)
I read this this morning in scripture study and it really touched me that the Lord does chasten us because He loves us... we don't get it. we don't understand how much He loves and and desires us back, if we did we wouldn't do anything to take us from His presence, but we do. It's a fact and none are exempt from it, but that's why He does it. He wants us so He will do what He knows is best for us so not only will we come back, but we will choose to come back. I am excited for the day that i can thank Him face to face for all the times He had to do the hard thing and give me what I needed and not what I wanted because without those times in my life I wouldn't be half of who I am today... not that i am anything great, but aren't we all on the path to greatness and shouldn't we be grateful for what we are that is great regardless of what we still lack? I am confident that if we are doing our best, the rest is all just fluff. If it's important He will work with it, promise you me, He will work it out for us. These things i know and i grow more confident that He knows me each and every day. the work is incredible because I see these principles practised by others everyday. I see it work everyday not just through them but also through me. 
"I glory in plainness; I glory in truth; I glory in my Jesus, for He hath redeemed my soul from hell." 2 Nephi 33:6
I love you and can't wait to hear from you again. Loves!!!

Sista Fili 

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