Monday, May 28, 2012

Walkin' in sunlight...literally the sun is shining...

Hello, hello!!!
      Family... isn't it great to be alive? Ya know I think it just might be. The joy of the gospel is that we know why we are alive and what happily awaits us as we strive to live worthy of the prize. My emotions are tender today and I am not sure why. But I feel that possibly it is because of the happiness I feel in the place I am at and the work I am doing. The best part is though that It's not just missionaries that have this joy, some missionaries don't have this joy, but those who serve God with all their heart, might, mind and strength having desires to serve Him are not only called, but are chosen and feel the joy that only the Gospel can bring. You can and do feel it too every time you serve God in one way or another, it's not a happiness reserved to missionaries only, but is a happiness given to all who follow God. If you want it, go get it. Simple as that.. but maybe not so simple. It takes sacrifice and diligence to serve God. He never said it would be easy, but He did say, however, it would be worth it and ya know after this life I know it will be worth it, but during this life it can be worth it as well. We will go through hard things, it's inevitable, but as we strive for happiness with our Father in Heaven acting on His instructions to a fruitful and happy life (the commandments) we prove that God is right and does actually know what He is talking bout (imagine that..) and experience joy. There can actually be joy in the journey of hardship if we sing the song of redeeming love through out it in our hearts, in our minds and in everything we say an do. We don't have to be RoMo's (robotic Mormon's) to experience this either- we just need to be the people God created us to be. Never forget that we existed before we were born. We had personality before we came  and God knew us.. still does.. and He interacted with us in such a way that only did we have this personality but we gained parts of His as well.. just like we do today with family members and friends and we chose to come to earth using the intelligence given. We chose to suffer because we knew it would make us into the God's we have been given the potential to be since the beginning. The only way though that any of this is remotely possible is through the atonement. I guess that's why it's the most commonly talked about subject in any and every church organization we have. It is the center of it because it defines our dear Saviour, Jesus Christ, purpose and mission for all eternity and He is the center of our message, our religion, our very lives. In life we can not forget Him because without Him.. we are nothing. nuff said. I know this is true. I know God not only lives, He loooooooves me. He loooooves you. He loooooves all of us. We are unique to Him. He knows our names and has a personal understanding of who we are and why and not only that, but who we can and will become. If in doubt always remember "..It is better that a man should be judged of God than of man, for the judgements of God are always just, but the judgements of man are not always just." (Mosiah 29:12) So don't judge yourself, don't judge others- just live and love love love because that's all God wants you to do!! That's the secret to happiness is LOVE. The strongest and most powerful emotion/action God has ever given us the ability to feel/do. So love yourself, love others, and most assuredly love God. (I can not believe I put an emoticon... but it just went really well).
So this week was great. we got to go to a mission conference in Birmingham with Elder J. E. Jensen of the Seventy. He taught us about alot to do with the scriptures and it was a total blast!! He really helped me to think about how to study and apply and the spirit was thick. Words can't describe what I learnt to be honest.. Only actions but it was literally one of those meetings where I know I learnt alot, but I don't remember alot of it, just how I felt and the determination I gained to read and study personally, companion like and with those whom we share the gospel with.
Funny happenings: popped a tire (that was Sis. Lewis' doing trying to park on a curb, because they do that in Britain) then the SISTERS (not me unfortunately... and I might want to fix that) took off the bad and put on the spare tire.. ok so one Elder definitely assisted, and by the end they did but at the beginning it was definitely a sister lewis and wheatley effort.
                               held baby pigeons. and thought of Steve the ENTIRE time.. babhahaha. It was weird. They hadn't even got all their feathers. Some LA raise them just in case you were wondering. I felt like I might pass on with a disease though. Probably will.
                               Took a picture with my companion standing in the toilet.. don't you worry we stood in a plastic bag in the toilet... but my companion just likes to do crazy things.. they are therapeutic to her apparently. Nothing like standing in a plastic bag in a toilet to calm your emotions.
                               oh and during our lunch break we made our flat living room area into a mini dance studio. It's pretty epic. Good exercise. She's an exercise fanatic.. so I may or may not get fit in a transfer.. not that I was completely not fit.. but ya know..I'M A SISTER MISSIONARY FOR HEAVEN SAKES!! So ya.. it's about time now.
                               We jumped on Marion Hughes bed.... not a literal jump, just a bounce into a laying down position. She's a Less Active with dimentia who told us to go look at her huge house.. insisted actually... and she happened to have a lush looking cushy bed that we decided to lie on for a moment and jump to get there. twas epic. 5 Min. after we looked she told us to look again.. cause she couldn't remember we had looked the first time... we told her we just needed to share a message and go, but it was fun anyways!!
Mum, Well I am glad you got the fireside thing and hopefully enjoyed it. It really is something I love doing and plan to do more of!! You're wonderful and am happy the school year is over so you can hopefully, fingers crossed, relax. I just love you!!
Dad, your lesson and stuff you sent me really made me think about the people of Limhi and Alma and His people differently. I know that maybe you haven't always been what you want to be.. that goes for all of us, but I do believe you to be like one who followed God: Alma and his people. I love you!!!
Heather and Liz, keep up the joy of magnifying your callings and being ace mum's I am super proud of you and hope to be like you and your 'can do' selves.. I am working on it :) I love you!!!
Matt, I love you alot brother and can't wait to hear what's going on with you from you!! keep working your bod... ;)
To all: love is abounding within me towards you.... man it is a good thing you all can take my lame jokes. My companions just dismiss them all the time.. it's saddening, but I get over it. You can't fix stupid.. eh?
I hope you hear from you ALL soon :) but regardless I will speak to you soon!!!
Till next week... RWYN DY GARU DI!! (I love you in Welsh)
                                                                                   Sista Fili

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