Monday, May 7, 2012

Mosiah 4:26

Oh family it shall be great to hear from you on Sunday!!! Is 7:30 pm my time (this I know for sure)... 1230pm your time? i dunno.. you know better than I do. but mum made it sound like calling.. telephone calling, is that the preferred? well I will call you. It's free international phone that the fannings have, so I will call you on the home phone.. then you can sit in different rooms on the phone and we can connect to others ya? I dunno.. if you terribly want to skype you can tell me when I call since I dunno what you want right now.. maybe with calling though we'll get a real conversation going and stray from technical difficulties. That's my hope :) Who knows. can't wait either way!!! Love you!!!
ok so funny story real quick... Angelina, bless her. So we go over to her house, right, ya ok so she takes us up stairs which isn't abnormal and sends us into this guest room thing, her reason being that the bed in there is lower and easier to sit on, ok. So she goes into her room and we think she'll just be a moment because... that's what most would do, ya? alright well 5 minutes later after she's just been chattin' away in the other room I hear the bed creek in her room so I go in to see what she is up to and if we can help because being in the other room for so long was a little ...unproductive. So I go into to find Angelina all wrapped up in her bed. "Angelina what are you like? were you ever going to come in the othre room with us!?" (I said with a laugh in my voice) "oh hahaha I was talking to you like a telephone... hahaha... " (Angelina said with her cackle talk). What the randomest person ever. So we came in and it was good... she just talked and talked and talked caught us up on her life since it had been a while since we had been over and she would soon be gonig away to South Africa. So then at church on Sunday she is sitting by me and pulls a few envelopes out and hands them to me... ok.... then she puts on one of them her address in S. Africa and says, "when you miss me post me" cute. love it. Then this was not only climatic but also epic as all else, she pulls out a tape cassette player and puts her head phones in during sacrament meeting. I never know what to do, but giggle. You couldn't hear it on the outside, but it made me giggle. I attached a picture of Sister Giles and I with her, since it may be my last time to see her... depending on transfers and how they go. my guess is that i am leaving because  ihave been here for 6 months and we figure president will be mixing everything up pretty good before he leaves so that it is all pretty new and not in need of too many changes when President Rasmussen gets here. Who knows though. Anything could happen. And yes I do have fringe (bangs)... no I do not like them. But I'll wear them for a little while, not all the time though. Dark hair doesn't do it quite as well for me... oh and fat faces.... ya about that. members sure do know how to feed, and when sister Giles first got here I ate mine and her meals since I grew up with the mind set of you don't waste food others give you!! ya... about that. it's getting better though, she eats more now and members know her eating fussies.... oh bless. My stomache isn't so big since I utalize my exercise time for real now and instead it's all just in the cheeks... glory be. haha oh well, I never thought that some of my sacrifice on a mission would be my body... for food. others food. but I am soooo grateful!! What a joy it is to be in members home and to be able to share meals and experience's, stories, and just a lot of love with them. That is one of my most favorite parts of missionary work is the members. The Millers for instance are this young family in our Branch and they are music, young, hilarious, and both returned missionaries from like 10 years ago so they are still in the missionary mindset andI think they always will be. I have learnt so much from them and I am eternally grateful to them for all they have done for me while i  have been here. Adam and Ivette Miller... look them up on facebook maybe.. I bet they are on there. Gorgeous people.
This week though Kayleigh decided she didn't want to get baptized and after listening and testifying it became a yet. she doesn't want it yet. she still needs to know more and we agreed with that. But really it all comes back to praying to knwo if it is true. We don't ask people to pray to know because it is a catchy phrase that kids use now a day (I bet sis. ritz knows where I got that line from!!) but simply because it is the only way that we can actually make this HUGE step in coming to Christ. We recognize people are changing their lives for good, and that it is hard and not always fully understandable, but if they know it is true by the power of the holy ghost there is a form of difficulty that is taken away and it soon becomes powssible and not only that but a true desire. Alma 32. I just pray that everything does work out for her. Perception makes things less desireable, but fact and the why behind it all makes it possible. This gospel is true, and if it's true then it is right for everyone, even if it is more of a struggle for some then others. Think though of why that is... many reasons, but what if it means that you are elect and that's why Satan wants you so bad. hmm... well good thing you have the power to stomp on his face!! Scripture power in the power to win!!! Hold to the Rod and you will go far.
So, this week in study I learnt in Mosiah 4:26 that service cleanses us from sin. Now ya'll may have always known this, but it was something I had never looked at this way. 26 And now, for the sake of these things which I have spoken unto you—that is, for the sake of retaining a remission of your sins from day to day, that ye may awalkguiltless before God—I would that ye should bimpart of your substance to the cpoor, every man according to that which he hath, such as dfeeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants. It all makes sense as to why we should go serve someone when we are down and why are we usually down because we have done something wrong in some way or that we feel that we have done something wrong. If we want to feel better get the weight lifted by the power of the Atonement and serve someone!!! it is so easy now in my mind. Then Sister Giles and I were studying about church attendance and how church is all about service to one another... spiritually. So here is what we came up with, "as we come to church we serve others, as we serve others we are cleansed from sin, as we are cleansed from sin,we gain redemption; therefore, church attendance leads to salvation." I am so grateful God gives us the way in which to overcome temptation and to be cleansed of the wrongs we do each day. So myy committment to you is will you find a random act of service to do everyday for someone, anyone who stands in need. I know that we will be more of a happy a joyous people living more bundantly in the spirit if we but strive to do this.
Cute quote I heard at church yesterday that I thought we could all benefit from: "when you feel and think you are rubish say, who the devil told you that!"  exactly. who the? yes it was the  DEVIL, who told you that.
So uh.. Garrett is gtting married and I have known for so long and meant to mention it for so long and maybe I did... but Iwill again for his sake of knowing how stokedalicious I am to be there for the celebration!!! woot woot!!! Congrats!!!
Well family I love you all so very very dearly and pray that you always remember that. I can't wait to talk to you on Sunday and to share the joy that we have together. Last one!!! whoa. hope all the others who are speaking to their missionaries enjoy and let me know how they are... gotta love Elder Perriera,Elder Filichia,  Elder Dyer, Elder Whiting, Elder Allred, Elder Lauritzen, and so forth. Love you dearly!!!
Love you more than wards can say.... (so keep talking ;)... haha dad)
                                       Sista Fili

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