Monday, April 30, 2012

I'm Singing in the Rain!

What a beautiful world we live in. What a beautiful time we live in. This week has been stormy and raining and every morning you wake up and wonder how beautiful your future husband will actually get.. I might have a Brad Pitt looking fellow... lucky me. :)  (missionary "superstitions" are that you drop a BOM and your future spouse gets ugly, tract in the rain and he/she gets more beautiful). But today the sun is out and I woke up knowing that God was going to bless us all with some type of miracle, even if it is that someone asks you the right question, at the right time, in the right setting. Or something as simple as a smile from a random person. The miracles in life that come our way only take a little bit of recognition from the reciever to become a blessing in someone else's life. We had Zone conference this week and many spoke about the impact we have on one another and how we don't always realize the effect we have on one another. It is so important that we look in, look up and reach out. Especially in times of trial, when it is the hardest. You think about all the pictures drawn of Christ's atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane and none have Him looking down, but always looking up, to His Father. Christ truly is the perfect example of how to handle our own Gethsemane moments, which we will all have because that is life. It is the purpose of it, to become like Him. How do we use the Atonement? Suffer even as He did and turn to Him. That's how we meet in the middle. I am so very grateful for the thought an Elder gave us to think about and I would like to share it with you all. There are billions of people in the world now,, before we were here and after we are gone. Only a fraction of them are members and have accepted the gospel and for this, the atonement. He said that at one point He was really struggling and was pondering on this and all the people he needed to talk to to let in on the knowledge and how many don't accept it and got down. He went to God to find comfort and realized the great love Christ has for us that He not only gave His life for us, but for everyone. We know that and it's "common" knowledge to us that he did, but do we ever think that He did it for us as if we would accept knowing well that most wouldn't. This gave me great comfort and I pray that it will bring you that same comfort. He loves us and there is nothing we can do to make it change. I can not deny it and for that I have great gratitude. Zone Conference was incredible. Dad, President Ogden is now into doing what you do to the kids. call them up to give a talk without too much warning. I love it!! The spirit is so strong that way. Also, Sister Giles and I got to sing Born to Testify and the spirit was really strong. I am so grateful for the opportunity. It was President and Sister Ogden's departing testimony and it was brilliant. So much spirit the place almost exploded pretty much.
"Give the Lord your problems, ask him your questions, live close to the spirit so that you may receive answers, then have the faith to follow." The spirit (and Brydon Brett) also taught me about a little thing called 'growing pains' or a period of discomfort while you are growing. Usually this is referred to in a physical sense, but it definitely applies figuratively and spiritually. When we are stretched as we are progressing, we may experience a period of discomfort as we adjust to a new 'normal.' All that means is that we are bettering ourselves and are on the right track. Those are the times you need to just enjoy the ride and look forward with faith that you will feel like yourself again soon. (From Kendra)
So the next day, friday, we took our car in to get fixed and we were supposed to have it back that night, but it actually became a bigger problem than we had thought it would be, so we are still without a car. So the next day we had to do some bussing into our area... we live about a 20 min. car ride outside of our area so walking would be possible, just would take far too much time without enought people around to make it wortit. So as we are doing this I realize I have no money... oh great. I was praying so hard that something would work out. So we went in to check the bus times and my account and what a blessing that some money had been put in- oh not to mention somehow I got a parking ticket for 35 pound.. dumb.... so we walk up to the flat and a post man drops off a letter from Grandma Nancy with some cash in it and the reserve fund I have from Grandma Connie joy... i felt so blessed that the Lord was watching over me, knowing I would be in need this weekend. Thank you all for following the promptings. it sure did help me out :)
Elder Fanning, the Seniour couple elder in peterborough, is in the hospital. He had a bad heart attack and fall and now a staff infection all in the past 2.5 weeks. Life has been crazy here and we have been praying so hard that it all goes well. he almost died. 15 minutes of his heart stopping and someone was in the right place at the right time miraculously to come in and perform CPR just in time. I am so blessed to know them. the fannings help us so much. we come everyweek to email, eat lunch and just spend time together. I tihkn we'll be calling from their phone. or skyping... your choice. May 13!!! woot woot. Their phone is free international calls on both sides, so either way you don't have to pay :) just let me know and we'll work out the time. on their computer it says 6:53 AM (Idaho time) and on the clock it  says 1:53 PM (England time) So if you want to work that out and let me know. I can't wait!!!
Thank you all for all you do. I can not get enough of you. Mum to answer some of your questions- driving on the otherside is definately different the first time, switching back when I get home (in the far distant future) I have heard isn't too bad, just takes a little getting used to, but no biggy. I pray. My companion is doing well. This week is her Seniour week, so she will have the opportunity to take the lead in like ..everything. It will be good :) She is great and I have gained such a love and respect for her. I love how as a missionary you are put with people you'd usually not be with for one reason or another and it brings you together and helps you recognize that love is not just for people like you, but for everyone. it is as President utchdorf said once spelled, T I M E. and S E R V I C E... I am not always perfect at it. I am terrible sometimes in fact, but through the grace of God I can be better everyday.
I love you all soooo much and hope you forgive me for my tiny ridiculous email last week. Probably thought I was an elder for a second ;) baa.
I pray for you all and think about you when it is appropriate... but it is enough for you to know I love you dearly. May God be with you and never cease to pray pray pray. It will get you through the hard times.
 Alma 1:25 "Now this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; neverthless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them." In this chapter these people are being persecuted, but as they continued faithful it was still hard, but they did prosper. I pray that we will all standfast in our covenants and in our faith, that we may "stand blameless before God at the last day" (D&C 4:2) and have "much peace among the people" (Alma 1:33).
"Faith is a gift of God, bestowed as a reward for personal righteousness. It is always given where there is righteousness, and the greater our obedience, the greater will be the amount of faith." Bruce R. McConkie
Love you loads and loads!!!
Sista Fili

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