Monday, April 2, 2012

"Impossible isn't a word, it's just an excuse not to try. The difficult we do right now, the impossible takes a little longer."

Dear Family,
   What a joy it is to be alive. I loved conference as many of you did I am sure. They sure did hit on a lot we can all work on, but alot I viewed within myself.. and infact continue to view today, loud and clear. Thank you. But I hope with all of us we can view it, pray about it, and fix it. The gift of the Atonement is just that. We can view it, pray for strength and then actually fix it. I am sooo grateful for modern day prophets that help us to see what God sees and give us a new found hope that we can accomplish thee things and become even as our "Father who art in Heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48) he doesn't leave us without a way and a will, the Lord's will and glory and purpose. Us. Our eternity with our Father and Brother. We are a pretty big deal to Him.. even in our weakness and smallest moments, He loves us and nothing is impossible when it is done with God and our Saviour's atoning grace. If ever you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders I pray that you immediately go to Him in prayer and plead that He will give you that love and peace you desire. Sis. esplin of the primary presidency illistrated this so well with the story about the Mother and the child and their efforts in praying to feel God's love and mercy and therefore getting over the "natural" man within them. (Mosiah 3:19) I know that as we live life in a way that we keep the commandments of God we will be happier. We will be able to overcome the trials that do beset us ever so often. it isn't easy to be alive and to be human and to be not perfect... it's not easy to be righteous and to fight the good fight of faith, but the prize in the end is greater than anything easy to obtain in life through the adversery. If we help the Lord keep His promises found in the Book of Mormon and the Bible we will be stronger people with a firm testimony in our Lord and Saviour, our great Redeemer. He has Redeemed us, don't forget that. We don't have to be slaves to the evil one. (Mosiah 2: 22-24, 32-33, 41) i am grateful for little children. I grateful for all they do for us 'adults' with our vast amounts of knowledge and 'wisdom'. They humble us and remind us who we are and what we stand for. I decided this morning after studying Mosiah 3 that Parents are the role models for the children and children are the examples to the parents. The great thing is, we are all children to God, so we can even as we grow older, grayer, wiser, more worried, more impatient, more testy, more this and that become as little children to God and submitt our will to Him. That's all He wants is our heart. That's all He asks for and who are we to keep it after all He has done for us. He paid a heavy load for us and we pay a little to dwell with Him in reality, although it seems heavy in the moment. It's like tithing.. seems great, look at what you could do with that 10%, man... it's rough, but then you give it up and have surplus that even with the 10% would have never been imaginable. So it is with our lives. We give the little He asks of us and He gives back 10 fold... PLUS. I am so grateful for the incredible examples of righteousness I have in my life. You are all so incredible and so hard working. How do you do it? I think I am figuring it out.. grace.
   This last Thursday we met with damien's other sister, Treena. She is 31 and has 3 kids (10, 11,15) no husband, but a great addiction to alot of stuff. So we went over to see her and to hopefully teach her the rest of the Restoration. When we went though she let us in and we asked about her reading if she had done it yet and she said she han't and then immediately suggested we read what we had left her (Alma 26) and so she gets the book and opens up to where her leaflet was (what we had marked the desired chapter to read with) and it was on 3 Nephi 19. So I read the chapter heading and felt prompted to go with it.. so we did. Now if you recall that chapter is when Christ comes back to the America's and establishes his disciples and they speak much about baptism. So we read it.. she asks about prophets.. modern prophets and GC comes up.. super cool get her excited and thinking about how incredible it is that we have one now. Then it hits all the purifying through baptism verses and she asks about that and how terribly she wants to be made pure and be rid of these addictions. Then her son asks about baptism as we were finishing explaining it all to her and finally by the end she said she wanted to be baptised and we set a date with her. Then she spoke about how she wants it for her kids, asked her son Donovan who was home ill from school and he said he wanted it too. I love how the Lord works. He blesses us and leads those who will recieve it to us. Miracles are happening all over it is just being awake enough to notice it. I am grateful to be apart of it for this moment... and I pray for the rest of my life. easter pageant time ya'll.... invite!! it's the way to be. Many love it and it's not anything many are too objected towards. What an opportuinty to do a bit of His work by watching his life and letting Him do the rest!! It's perfect!!
I love you all and hope all things at home get better and better. I hope that you all know how much you are in my prayers and how I love you dearly. I can't get over it and pray I never do.
I love you, good luck with all things.
Sista Fili

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