Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hello family. It is soooo good to hear from you all.....
this week has been good, yes? well mine has!! it's been fun to be a
missionary during this easter season. The Lord is working through us
like crazy!!! but the insane part is people are coming to us.. so it
has absolutely NOTHING to do with us. I feel so humble to know I am
here right now. This area is full of potential and it keeps rising. I
am just the Lord's servant working with what He gives and I know that
just as sure as i know I am sitting here.
Easter was great. I had the lovely privilege of speaking in chruh. It
went pretty well and I learnt so much from it. It was on Peter's
denial and why we must stand up for Jesus Christ. I learnt that peter,
someone who knew Christ face to face and knew by the power of the
spirit who He was could even be effected by the crowd. At first the
denying was a protection, but being placed in the worng crowd he began
to want to blend in more until the last and final time he denied out
of shear fear of man and not of God. until the Saviour of the world
caught his eye and in that moment he knew what he had done. Isn't it
the same for us all. In what ways do we outwardly deny Christ that
sooner or later after the crowd has made us question so many times and
we fall under pressure do we inwardly deny Him until we catch a
glimpse of his eye and fall into despair and repentance. We must stand
up for Christ in all ways in all things and in all places for as we do
that we live, we live by His spirit. We don't have to droop in sin, or
feel despair. The things we wear, say, do and even give attention to
are all outward expressions of our inner commitment to follow our
Saviour Jesus Christ. Just as Peter found, people notice who we are,
what we stand for and who we stand by and once we stop they notice. I
found this so interesting that for a moment peter was probably
frustrated that people recognized him for what he was, but think of
who he stood by the light that Christ shared nd reflected. We too can
have that relationship with Christ that others regardless of who they
are in our lives, random person you pass on the street or the closest
firend will know where our light comes from and who we stand by and
for. We don't have to deny Christ 3 times to figure out what it feels
like to not have the light with us ever so prominently, we can learn
from the mistakes of others and glory in the Lord in all things and
ways and in all places. I have learnt this so much as of late and I am
eternally grateful for all my Saviour did on that day for me through
the atonement. I know because of it I can accomplish the goal the Lord
has for me. If God's work and glory is to bring to pass the
immortality and eternal life of man than it is a goal I can
accomplish. I can become even as He is, perfect.. but only by Him. Let
us all recommitt ourselves this day to follow Christ and to be THE
examples of the believers in word in conversion and in every deed. I
lvoe you all!!

thank you mum for the card, it made me cry and warmed my heart.

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