Monday, April 23, 2012

I love you all. thank you for all you do. it's been a great crazy week and I am so grateful for it. All I can say is that I love the Lord. In Him my soul delights.
I heard a great analogy for the Plan of Salvation this weekend using the story of Cinderella. So Cinderella like us, started with her Father. Everything was just right and she was happy. But she was seperated from her Father by death, or for us our ability to die (imperfection). She suffered alot but learnt loads and became who her Father imagined her to be because she heeded to His counsel and never forgot Him. She than meets prince Charming (we'll make Him Jesus Christ for us...) and she has to go through the hardest trials of her life, but according to how she handles it she is able to win the prize and inherit the kingdom with Him. During all of this she has a fairy God mother.. the Holy Gohst. We can relate this in soooo many ways. I would love for each of you to think of Cinderella's attitude during all of this.. just singing away. Sometimes it was hard and she would get frustrated, but still she isn't a complainer. What are we? one of the step sisters who hold themselves in well too high esteem and whine about EVERYTHING or a controlling manipulative step mother who makes everyone's life a living.... Satan's pit....I am hopeful that my nickname resides with me forreal... but who knows. I love you all. Sory this is short, next week will be better. miracles happen. you are all great and I lvoe you!!!
sista Fili.  

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