Monday, April 16, 2012

Good News! Good News! The Gospel is True!

Alright family we have some big news this week. I call it:
now we can get better car insurance too :) Joy... I think so.
So, our car hass been dodgey since transfers. It's automatic, but I have to put it into the right gear sometimes anfor the test I just didn't want to deal with that distraction and because they are sooooooo picky about EVERYTHING with it, we were afraid that would just kill it for passing it if I did anytihng wrong regarding it. We fasted yesterday for multiple reasons, it being one of them (since my year mark is in a week [whoa crazisauce] and I can't drive after that without an English license). I said a prayer before taking it that I would be calm (I hate tests that mean alot and have great urgency) and that the gears would work just right it. I am happy to tell you what you already know, God answers prayers. The gears worked just right and i only had to fix it once and to top it off, I was able to have a calmness come over me. I didn't do perfect, but the confidence the Lord gave me the ability to have showed through and the man showed mercy for my Americanism driving and passed me!!! I am so grateful for miracles big and small. The only time I have had miracles occur in a car in England regarding a test is when I fast... I think there is much to say about that. Mark 9:29 "And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting." Miracles are ever among us, we just have to do our part to be wortghy of them.
Last night we had our musical fireside "My Brother, my Saviour, My Friend". We were soooo nervous for it because it wasn't coming together as well as we were hoping. To be fair we did it really fast and so it would make sense that it would be rough. We ended up having a very small crowd and no investigators... :( but we ha one less active who we are not allowed to see. One of the sisters participating is married to him. So by some sort of miracle he came. He usually doesn't even if she is performing in it. If it has to do with God he will not be there, but last night he came, and she didn't even have to force him, he just said he would. The spirit was strong and although it wasn't perfect, the power of the message was real and many commented afterward about how grateful they were that we did it and we did it focused on Him, not on anything else but Christ and His life. It was motivating, uplifting, and inspiring. I am grateful God gives us opportunities to share our LIGHT with others. Matthew 5:14-16 "Ye are the lgiht of the world. A city that is set on a hill can not be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlstick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven." We are given talents and abilities to do the Lord's work and to touch the hearts of men around us that they might see hte glory of God as we shine our Light in His direction. I am grateful for this truth that i have become so familiar with over the course of my life thanks to the different opportunities given and the different experiences had to give me enough confidence to follow through on the opportunity and prompting. Hopefully that less active member will be our success story from that particular fireside.
We had a really cool experience while in our cute little trio this week with an investigator who we have a very hard time understanding his views, because they are so scewed, and him understanding the spirit we try.. try... to bring. It's hard to explain, but to make it short he loves to argue. You'll come in with the spirit and try to maintain it, but he just enjoys the banter and will do anything to get you there. His wife is a RM and we just didn't know exactly where to go. But Sis. Carter was bold enough to just say what the spirit told her to say, even though it was not easy and he was literally confounded before her. I don't think it could have come from anyone but her for him. She is a very recent convert (January 14, 2012) and has an incredible conversion story and testimony. I was so grateful that we saw how much God cares about him by sending her to us for the week. It really is increidble how it all works.. I can't even imagine what heaven is like if we can witness His love like this here! It's basically blowing my mind. You too? ..figured.
Then there were funny moments. So yesterday after Sacrrament we did our normal go with Sis. Jessop to take Angelina home real quick and come back to church and I always let Angelina out and swap places with her in the car and as I got out and gave her a hug she went for a kiss... ya.. I turned my head to the side and she tried to follow my llips, but I was quick and kept it to the cheek. Bless her. I didn't really come on a mission to get kissed by a drunk man (although that almost happened twice too) or an old lady. So I turned the other cheek as the Saviour says to do.
Well, sounds like everything is going well for all of you. Dad thanks for your email. I am sad to hear my firends didn't make it into YA's but I sure do hope that they continue to try or recognize how blessed they are to have had some similar (not the same.. but similar) experiences in LIGHT that many of those who try and get in have not had. We are so blessed to have had and to understand the meaning of performing besides pure enjoyment for you and the audience. I am just grateful that they got the experience of the auditions and call backs.. it really is the best. I learnt so much from just that. Even if that's all I get, I'll be happy. I hope they feel the same way :) They are amazing though. Check out Mitchell helping the auditions.. who does that that isn't a YA already... oh Britney Bowman... haha ok still, weird. He should just be excited for that!! Major compliment for sure :)
I hope that Tim's birthday celebration went so well. I think of him soooo often and know that he is helping me along the way. I know he is. Whenever the scriptures about Angels being among us are brought to our attention I always think of him and then the spirit just overwhelms me with a knowledge that it is true. The best part is that it's not just for me, but for you too. I hope you all enjoyed it and i pray i will be back for it next year!! Crazisauce again. I love you all so very very much. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you have the best week of your lives!!
Love you with all my heart +2... zillion :)
Sista Fili

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