Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I am more than happy that leah Lauritzen got to the Filifam casa de amor <3 ;) (thought of that one all by me self) She is wonderful... and how cool the whole family.. ya'll are a step ahead of me now.... not fair. I just pray November brings joy in that area :)
Family miracles have arrived. well at least one did :D She's called Kaylei. Damien Slater's younger sister. So last week after Pday had finished up we went over for our first ever lesson with her and it was brilliant. We asked her what she wanted out of our meetings together and she told us that she wanted the happiness she see's her brother have and then she said that she knows when she comes to know it is true she wants to be baptized. So we were cool about that.. I mean we freaked out... wait.. ok so outside and inside were a little different, one freaking out like a banchie and the other acting like this was exciting normal news... nah we were just excited with dignity. Yep that's it. it was an amazing first lesson. i was so proud of Sis. Giles. She did so well with everything. The gospel and religion in general is so foreign and new to kaylei so it is pretty exciting but the real exciting bit is how incredibly prepared she is. A few months ago she stopped smoking, a few weeks ago stopped drink, a few days prior her partner left her (so that wasn't by choice, but God did help her for the law of Chastity.. ya?) and she is in a humble spot. I guess after we left Damien came in and looked at her through the window, he said she was smiling so big. She told him she had never felt like that before and whatever was wrng before doesn't matter now. We set June 2 as her baptismal date and the lesson this week was just as good. She told Dsamien also that there was something different about us... and I started thinking about how when you are sincere and the gospel is in your actions not just your words than you really do become that representative.
I was writing Ben nelson yesterday and he had asked me a question of some sort and it was interesting how I replied.. because I never realized this before... but the thing I have learnt most on the mission is faith in esus Christ. Faith in Jesus Christ according to preach my gospel and all of the scriptures there in help us understand that it is more than just relying on God, it is hope, chartiy, diligence, humility, and obedience all wrapped up in one. It is literally having so much of a knowledge of the divinity of Jesus Christ that all other worry is put away and we can hold on to the rod of iron and walk straight and confidently toward Him. I was reading in Enos and thought about how his soul hungered and he remembered the words of his father and other prophets of old and was brought to his knees, where abouts he, after many supplications to God gained a remission of his sins becasue of his great faith... it is by faith that miracles occur. I know that if we are ever tempted to doubt ourselves and any situation if we but look to God and all he has given us and become more of who He is by studying out Christlike Attributes we will infact do and become what His purpose of sending us to earth is for. God lives and He loves us.. you can't run away from that. Only run towards it. "Don't question your faith, question your doubts." thanks John bytheway. You're the best. Thank you mum for sending me apart of lanae's email... she has a way with word's that is absolutely incredible. I cherish that email!!
So yesterday we had mission football. It was great!!! We all had a ball... ha.
I attached some photos of it with the email since last mssion football I failed to get any pictures full stop... silly me. I love you all. Fight the good fight of Faith!!! 1 Tim 6:12.. I think the tim part is pretty appropriate too :) I will send you more on Monday I pray but till then, play hard.. and pray even harder, this is not an easy time and satan is on his game, God is too.. but are you? that's always the real question.
Sista Fili

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