Monday, March 12, 2012

Called To Serve Him Heavenly King of Glory

Oh my dear dear family.... you are family and that is what I love!!!
      So the other day I was reading in 2 Nephi 26 and it is all about not being one of the "wicked ones" and bringing people with you to church and to worship and the thought occured to me that we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints forget so often that the "wicked" ones aren't just out of the church breaking the word of wisdom, breaking the law of Chastity, not keeping the sabbath day holy, etc. they can and could be we who have experienced the greater light, that greater portion and reject it for whatever reason (laziness, apprehension, fear, pride, boredom, etc.) . I am not saying any of you are wicked, but when I realized that I must keep ALL of my baptismal, endowment, etc. covenants or I am not doing my part to be 'saved'.. I started to think of my spiritual (and physical) brothers and sisters who do not know, or who do not live what they know and how in vs. 27 it states our purpose as members in helping the Lord fullfill His purpose. Then it goes on to talk about charity in Vs. 30 and how without it we are nothing and then in vs. 33 Nephi raps up the chapter with allowing us to know what God does, and does not do and who He accepts.. ALL. We are all brothers and sisters of God. And just as my family is important to me and I would do anything for them.. I am seeing how important the rest of my family is to me and especially to God. We are all children of God. Romand 8:16-17 and if we are to be heirs than we must be even as He is, perfect. Matthew 5: 48. How can we become perfect if we don't invite others to know about it and suffer with them to help them know their Saviour, brother, and best friend and in the process learn more of Him tan had we not invited. What incredible truth's the Book of Mormon has.. tis literally the BOM!!! 
So this week was great!! We had an appt. with Adrienn who when we first met her husband he said she wouldn't be interested and when we first met her she wanted to know for knowledge sake, but no further. Well the other day we went over and had a chat with her. Her husband, Duncan, was ill so it was just a girl's chat :) We asked her some pretty bold questions about everything and she told us that the Book of Mormon and te lessons and everything has been helping her so much in her life to see things differently, to be so much more happy nd she is now becoming more of the person she admires instead of dislikes. We asked her about her opinion on Baptism now (it was pretty low before) and she said it would be the hardesr thing for her because of her family, but if the Lord told her too after she'd come to chruch she would take the leap of faith and do it. Can I pelase say how strong the spirit was and how joyful I felt at that moment. No greater joy can be had.. ok so maybe there are some things, but at the current moment no greater joy can be had than someone tellin you that what you have brought into their lives is actually having an effect that lasts longer than the hour we are with them during the week. I felt sooooooo blessed and so assured that what I was doing and where and with who was exactly right. Then later on in the evening we saw Damien and since baptism life's been hard for him and he's found it so hard to adjust to life and find the joy the Gospel brings because he was expecting something that isn't quite possible... on it's own, it needs alittle personal help. But anyways, he has been struggling with somethings and he said that he wanted to go to the temple for help. he is scared of the inside (somedayy you'll understand it's just Damien) but even the outside just effects him so much. He wanted to go  and volunteer around the grounds and clear his head away from where the drama was and go to God for it.. what a major blessing to see him come sooo far. So many times we don't know where to go and what to do to bring ourselves out of the slumbs, but Christ always shows the perfect example and earlier that day I had been reading in Matthew 14:1-23 about when John the baptist is beheaded and the appostles go and tell Jesus and Jesus doesn't tarry and comfort them, He departs thence (v.13). He leaves on a boat and goes to the desert and finds people to have compassion on and serves them. He had a hard time because He lost the cousin He loved so dearly in such a tragic way and he knew it wasn't just because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, he knew it was for He and His Father's name's sake. This is also when Christ feeds the multitude with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes. He then afterward sends the apostles and the multitude away and goes to a mountain to pray to His Father alone. (v.23). Christ not only suffered for us in Gethsemane, but He lived a we live  and suffered as we suffer. He had hardtimes too and He set the example of where to go when they come and what to do. He knew the paln perfectly, loads more than you or I and yet He stil mourned. Mum, He still mourned, never forget that in our times of need and woe that we need not feel ashamed for being down, only look to God and go serve someone who is also having a hard time and then pray pray pray to the Father on the mountain tops (or in your room.. or the temple.. whatev's) and He will give you strength to go perform the miracles that lie ahead.
I bear you my testimony that I know this is all true. I know that God lives and loves us and I know with all my heart that He hears and answers our prayers. This is a glorious work and I am so privileged and grateful to be apart of it!! Mat,t I hope all is well. I know you are in good hands and I hope you know you are as well  D&C 121:7-9. Mum, just keep pressing forward. You are amazing and never foregt it!! all that you do meand the world to me and to so many. You are literally a light in the lives of all around you! Dad, I hope tour went well and that it was a success on so many levels. I am so proud of you and all you are about. Thank you for your example and forn the hero you are to me and so many others. Heather, girl you are amazing! I miss and lvoe you and can't wait to get an update on more of your life that is so hectic and incredible. I hope I can be more like you someday, serving all. Liz, you are so kind and loving and thank you for all you do, I am so prtoud to be your 'mini me'. So many have told me that the blog is great and i hope it is not a bother for you to copy and paste and what not. I know you are all busy and great. and wonderful and i hope it continues. i love you love you love you!!! cheerio!!
Loves, Sista Fili
SZEREFLEK- I love you in Hungarian
(sound this one out.. I had to nd she didn't know how to spell it so here it goes) neeahcotanda - I love you in Zulu

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