Monday, March 5, 2012

Life of a missionary mother as told by Sister Filichia

Dear family,
   I love being a mum. Yes mum that does mean I am training... and can I pelase say I have never been so filled with an excitedment for the work. You know how all ya'll real mothers say that being a mum changes you and all of a sudden you think less of yourself and more of others and especially your children and what you need to teach them, what they are teaching you, how others are percieving them, etc. Yup it's truth, even as a mum on a mission. So this is antoher good mother prep  for me!! I love it!
We have this awesome training program where we study for 2 hours a day as companion's and it is amazing. I am learning so much and becoming the missionary I want to be.. the Lord is definately answering my prayers. He does that, you know?
This morning we were studying Charity and love in the Christlike attribute's of Preach my Gospel and going over some of the scripture's and it was an amazing discussion we had. Charity is something that has become massive to me here on the mission. I can't say I have always had it, but I can say that I am gaining it as I rely on God for solace and for the answers. It's no longer about having the spirit with me for me, but now other's are relying on me to have the spirit for them, so I can teach them what the Lord needs them to hear and know.It's a pretty big deal. Yesterday at church was when I realized it's not just for missionaries, but for us all. Angelina came again and it went well, but I was talking to a Branch member, Adam Miller, and I said how I felt bad about making my responsibility (Angelina) someone else's (Sis. Jessop) and he said.. "sister Filichia it's not just your responsibilty, it's hers too. the joy of members. I was so grateful. i hope we all remember the responsiblity we have to have the spirit with us to help bring about the Lord's wqork whenever the opportuntiy arises, and they arise whenever and wherever. great stuff!!
Hope you enjoy the pictures!! Loves and peace!!
Sista Fili

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