Monday, March 19, 2012

joy joy

Alright alright.... family you made me cry with all of the beautiful emails and such!! I am sooooooooo glad that the tour went so well and that there was NO DRAMA what a miracle!!! seriously. Has that ever happened before? Well I am glad that you could be blessed to end on a high. Mum I agree with you though, it won't be long till it is here again just in the place it ought to be. When we do it God's way He always provides. I keep learning this and it is so humbling. We don't really know anything, but He does. Thank goodness He does and that we know Him so we too can know what he knows at some point!! Lucky suckers we be!!!
Matthew you are amazing. I heard you did muscular in a new york accent... I pray there is video of that somewhere and that i get to see it when I get home. Mum you scared me when you said president Ogden emailed you.. I thought, oh dear what have I done... it's not trunky mail already!! I haven't hit a year yet even!! then you said what it was for and I sighed and felt sooo grateful that he took the time to do that. He is an incredible man full of inspiration and love for us and for those we work with. I could not have been blessed with a better mission president and I will be sooo sad to see him go in July.
This week we have been blessed so much with REFERRALS!!! that R word brings me so much joy right onw.. and usually makes me cry. You want to know why? Usually people don't give them... but this week Damien, the blessed soul, gave us two and we have a potential one on Wednesday from Adrienn because she is great and believes. Damien's sisiters have been prepared we believe because they asked him for us... why? because the Lord works in mysterious ways!! They both struggle with different things, but see how good this has been for their brother and the worse it's gotten and the better he's been they finally bit the bullet and said we want your joy... give it us. That is the beauty of the Gospel!!! 3Nephi 12:14-16 let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven. The past week or so we've really teamed up with the branch mission leader and spoke about getting all the members to pray for the one that they can start bringing to different activities we will be having. It's good to have the activity and to tell the members to invite spur of the moment, but it just hasn't been working out, so we have a plan to get to all of them in advance and pray for one to focus on with at least one of the activities if not all of them. We start tthe committment pattern with the LIGHT of the WORLD Devo we have and basically it is all about the torch (the flash light) you know the wind-up one's that you use and have to continually work at to have the light strong... yes perfect I know, my companion is brilliant!! We all have the light, we all must work to let it shine and if and when we stop it becomes more and more dim and less and less light radiates from it till it is gone, but if we continually work at it we can always have our light shining bright. Now how is this significant to missionary work, it's our own light? Well the thing about torches is that all can see better when at least one has it and shares it. The more they let it shine the more people they help to see their path, the more they want it brighter, if you can see but not everything it's addicting and you want to see more so you find yours and let it shine. That's the whole point of why Christ compares us to light... it is the ability to see. We know and can see so much, why in the world do we want to keep that to ourselves? Let it shine!!! I know that as we have been helping members to see how easy it is and providing materials for them to do it themselves we are being blessed in many other ways and for that I am so grateful!!! he lvoes us.. all. As missionaries we are given a part of His love and compassion... as members we are given it, but with this calling comes a compete other sense of it.. maybe it isn't the calling, maybe it is simply the time put into it. Just some food for thought. We all can love and seek for others souls to be brought into the fold just as much as a missionary and ultimately like our Saviour. It starts the moment we are told of the truth and the duty comes the moment we are baptized. God is real. God is living. God is love. Therefore we are real, we are living human beings and we are loved by GOD.
So I am super stoked that on April 15 (what a day to pick eh?) we will be having a musical fireside on the Life of Christ!! easter Sunday didn't work out.. so the next sunday worked best! I am stokedalicious!! I get to sing His Hands.... again and I am overjoyed. So for those who ask if I get to sing solos at all, christmas time yes and now yes.. in between occassionally, quite rarely infact. But it is good I lvoe doing this work and things are happening, slowly.. but God's time is sooooo much better than ours, really and it is ALL BUT A SMALL MOMENT. Trials and temptations are all but a small moment, it's the good we take from them that lasts. The bad we take either festers and then boils over at one stage or another or it becomes a thing of not.. but the good we can take for eternity. This moment we have rigt now writing or reading, feeling joy or sorrow, being one of the Lord's servants or being served, etc. is all apart of that eternity and God's purpose to bring about the immortality and eternal life of man, and the puprose of Adam's fall, that we might have joy, aren't for later, they are for NOW! How blessed we are to have every opportunity to grow and to come closer to God, for that is what every heart ache is, an opportunity to pick yourself up and become more like GOD. Feel His love and bask in it. I love you dearly!!! Hope this week is splendid and full of miracles that you see, write down, and rejoice in.  As Timmy always said to me.. and maybe to you "Now let us rejoice!!"
Loves for for ever!!!
Sista Fili :D

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