Thursday, May 17, 2012


HELLO!!! guess what.... I am back in Wales!! oh glory be!! I am now serving in the heads of the Valley area- I must get a recording of the fantastic accent. it is brilliant and absolutely hilarious to we who don't have it... so when I say we I mean to the rest of the uk as well who do not partake of the goodness of musical accents. I will work on it so I can demonstrate it to you someday. For now- you'll just have to imagine. Anyways, my companion is Sister Lewis who is an American from China- haha but she's white, not chinese. So we just tell people she's from Idaho since she spent most of her American time there and they actually believe that one. I love her though- we are already working soooo well together and it is great to be alive!! I have felt so strongly I would serve here and Sis. Ritz we called it- I am!! I think i might even twinkle toes my way outta here. Anyways, this week has been great. I feel like being a missionary is the best thing ever. On the monday I was able to recieve a blessing from an lder in my old district, Elder Kerr (basically Jeff's twin) and the hard time I had was not immediately taken away but once we got out and worked.. I was happier than I have been in weeks!! I love the power of the priesthood, the joy of service and the cleansing purity of the Atonement! all these things will be for our good, and I truly do feel like sometimes we have haert aches and it's not about dismissing, it's about what we would be missing if we didn't have them for one reason or another. Change happens and we can either fear it or embrace it! I choose now to embrace the changes that come. Some seem impossible, some are difficult, others hurt and some bring more happiness than you ever felt instantly.. the best part is eventually we can have joy with all four different options because of the Atonement. I am learning that everything goes back to the Atonement. It is my favorite bit of the gospel to hare with people because once you share that you can help them understand that the plan of salvation is real and that the temple is where we make it all happen!! (yes.. I do love the temple). Oh if I could have the wish of my heart it would be to work at the temple- I will even give people towell's I don't care, I just want to be there!! But anyways- onto the gospel, maybe towell's are a part of the gospel though- it wipes away the water and helps to dry us up- the Saviour wipes our eyes and helps us feel the warmth that only the gospel can bring into our lives  becasue of the atonement which has the ability to cleanse us from sin. what a truth we have in our life to know that God lives and lvoes us, His children. We truly are children of God and I am so humbled to knwo that he loves me in all my imperfections. I feel that in a way I am starting to see myself through His eyes. I think it starts as we see Him through the eyes of many others. it is then that we recognize His light in each of us which connects us intimately and eternally to Him and to eachother.
I love you all dearly and pray that you keep well. It was sooooo good to talk to you family on Sunday and pray that your mother's day party was well done!! Have the best day yet! just remember as president Ogden says to us- our mission starts today, life starts today. we can be who we want to be by becoming who we want to be and have been divinely appointed to be -TODAY. Just make a choice and go with it. I love you !!! 
sista fili

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