Monday, May 23, 2011

So... lots happening this week. It's been incredible if I must say so myself. I love it soooo much. Last Sunday, we were praying for a miracle... and it HAPPENED!! haha took all week, but it happened. We were tracking in a place that one of our ward mission leaders prayed and recieved an answer for us to go to. There we found ... wait for it.... A FAMILY!! Just sitting there-ready to hear. I swear it. This little boy answers and says come in.. and we were like get your mum please.. casuse well, duh... anyways, so the mum comes and we start talking to her, she basically knows the gospel without knowing it and a few glitches.. but then she says "here, talk to my son josh. he is really interested in this stuff.. oh and please COME IN." We were floored. So, we sit down and start talking to them. All the kids were all over us from the start asking if we could have dinner there and what not.. so amazing. So we start into our conversation and answering questions that Josh (14) has... we define him as a mini Joseph Smith. His questions were well thought out and very thought provoking for a 14 yr. old. When we explained the Restoration to he and his mum it made complete sense to them. They asked us to come back on Friday. Hope to tell you more on this family as it progressses.
One of our investigators.. she's who you would like to call an eternal investigator, been taught for basically forever and never decided on a date, we have her down for a date, june 18th!! I hope she sticks with it. So, for now it is happening, but church was ... interesting yesterday. could we not talk about how we get our converts converted into the church by fellowshipping them in strategies in front of them in Sunday School... super awkward. The lesson started out great, then turned bad. She was squirming we were shrinking and ya, let's pray it wasn't as bad as we think it might have been. She has issues with trust, so basically... it's the Lord's work and in His hands. We just hope she makes the right choice.
Yesterday, we had another family in the ward pray for a street for us to look on and they picked the golden street. So many people who want to know!! I hope it turns out!! we were kinda hyper and maybe a sang a song or five loudly in the car driving away... we have fun. yes we do. Sister Nadsady is more than I could have asked for in a companion. She is perfect for me at this moment. I love it...
Soooo funny story #1: we go to find this less active member and her husband comes out in a white shirt and tie with nice trousers on... and his fly down with the bottom of his shirt hanging out. We had to look up and not laugh, but we did smile big and probably looked REALLY friendly and happy, even though we were just dying inside. We both looked at each other and said walking away... who should tell him, and i wonder when he'll figure it out... so we now leave conversations saying FLY down and out. it was pretty hysterical to us.
Then there is this little boy in the ward who is a doll. We're easting at their house and I have curly hair mind you and he looks at me and says (in his little proper english accent) "sister you need to brush your hair"... soooo cute and funny and his mother was soooooo embarrassed. haha well I love it here and I know I am doing the Lord's work. As we enjoy His work and put our best foot forward we are blessed. It is all in His timing and way and I know that. He wants His children home and will do it as He sees fit and as they choose to come unto Him. I am greateful for all I have learned prior to being here, it really helps. We had a recent convert who is less active and hurts herself a lot (which is why she never comes cause the bishop told her not to do it at church anymore). She told us we were annoying... because we did and said exactly what she needed whether she wanted help or not.. and usually she doesn't which is the problem, but I love her. I do. The spirit is strong with every child of God, it is just a matter of inviting it in. Music really helps. We decided to sing at every lesson, unless we felt prompted not to... people love it and it really does help.
This lady named Mair that we visit.. and kinda teach (she's less active and very happy about it) LOVES OBAMA... shoot me. She tells me every time to vote for him.. I just shut my mouth and nod my head. Hardest thing for me to do this week was to hear about it.. but I love her sooooo much and I will continue to love her, even if I dislike what she enjoys bringing up :) hahaha my testimony is continually growing and I feel soooo blessed to be here in this beautifully country. One month down!!  Crazy how time flies when you are having fun!! and doing the Lord's work. Till next week!! Ta da Butt!! (goodbye in Welsch)

Your very own : Sister Lauren Lee Filichia

Hugs and Kisses!! Muah!!

Monday, May 16, 2011


My P-Days are now on Monday, so 'tis the day to expect emails and goodies!! haha!!
I went running .. well jogging this morning with my companion.. yes, I know. It was good. I made a decision yesterday during Relief Society when they were talking about talents, that I need to stop hindering myself from sports and start trying to love them Maybe i will get decent enough and not cry want to cry when a ball comes flying near my face... yup i'd be a better person for it ;) Really though, I thought about the fact that we ask less active members, recent converts and investigators to give up their defences, try something new and forget the past. We push them to move forward and to try and stop letting others offend them or keep them from progressing. I have let myself be stuck in a rut with the fact that all I can do is what I like and am comfortable doing. I need to change this. No more of this behavior for me I would be a hypocrite if I didn't try and do the same things as I am counseling others to do although theirs is of spiritual nature and mine is mental and physical. So I am going to find a love for things that are good for me and my body. I feel really good today already and I know that the Lord will bless the desires of my heart. We drive around ALL DAY LONG and ya remember how I didn't want to do that! Well, if I'm going to be driving then I will run to try and make up for the calories I was hoping to burn walking around.
The work is progressing. We talk to a lot of less active recent converts and it is crazy how without support from the ward they fall soooo easily. The Lord gives us Wards and Relief Society, Priesthood, Visiting Teachers, Home Teachers for this very reason. Members need fellowship and support. Many of these people are gaining faith. It is not what ours is (those of us that have been in the church for umpteen years and counting). It is tiny, simple and small. They need all the support and love they can get from us because the devil is working on them. Their friends and sometimes even thier families are against their new faith. They are struggling. I have learned that the members reaching out is EVERYTHING. Be that member- reach out and help them feel the spirit. Many of them see the missionaries every week, but we change every few weeks and then the getting to know you process starts over again, and then we get to know them and they are comfortable and we leave... it's inconsistent for them. The ward however can be more consistent.
Yesterday, Sunday, I got to speak in church (I dunno what it is about my first week in every ward here on this mission, but my forehead must say, "pick me!!! ") Oh well- it went, alright. I haven't been around sooo many children in a long time and couldn't keep my concentration very easily. I talked about basically what I talked about at the farewell. Love God, love others, love yourself and conquer Satan to sum it up. The members don't necessarily smile when you speak, but they compliment after, so that's nice.
Bryan, I found your twin in humor... Bro. Wilcox. We ate at their house last night and pretty sure he was joking when he said I was fat, but I just laughed and said well that's good that you listened to the counsel your wife gives about how to talk to woman the first time you meet them... hahaha he giggled and said that's right I sure do. haha not that you would call anyone fat Bryan ;) just saying he jokes around alot and just wants someone to throw it back at him. I tried, I'm still rubisch at it but It'll get there. We still have a weeks if not more left to get up my come backs.
This Gospel is the true and everlasting Gospel. We taught the Farnden's last ngiht and they are less active but still know it is right, just don't know if it is the only true church, pretty confident he told us about 50 times that it is and then would say it wasn't and then prove to us and himself that it was... weird conversation but whatever... apparently he was offended in church one time and never went back. He loves missionaries though, praises them in fact- especially when they are up front with him and don't beat around the bush. So by the time I learned this information he had talked our ear off about.. nothing really important... and we had to leave, so he asked me to give the closing prayer.. I put a few things in there that were upfront, figured it was a good time because he couldn't interupt me then, and he told me at the end- "you're like a sponge. You take it all in and don't miss a thing-you are sly too"... I looked at him and said "I try! see you next week!." I don't know if he got it all, but I hope he did. We talked about somethings though concerning prayer that as we spoke I could tell he was listening, but we can only be converted by our desire to really know. You can listen and not actually listen. That is why it is important for us to always be reading and gaining a knowledge on our own. The more we gain, the more we are able to desire for more (the more our bellies stretch out for more food). I know it is true and I ask you to seek for that knowledge.
On my computer under documents- maybe possibly downloads- is the talk the fourth missionary, Matt-read it... infact it wouldn't be bad for everyone to read-- because missionary work is done with or without a name plaque. Please print off the forever long talk and take time to read and ponder and try to do and take it all in. It will change your life. Your greatest creation is and will always be you. Make a plan and set a goal for what you want that creation to be in the end- who do you want to be, and what type of person you want people to be around when they are with you-think about that and be it. A goad I have is to be the Lord's trustworthy, faithful, devoted servant for the rest of my life. I know I can be as I make a goal and work towards it. I love my Savior and am ecstatic to do his work for eternity. I love you all and miss you like CRAZY but I am focused and ready to go and do. Love you!!
 Till next week, tata!!
  Your missionary
Sister Lauren Filichia

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I AM IN WALES!!! New Castle Emblin to be exact :) My Trainer is Sister Nadsady. She is half Scottish-she grew up in Scottland but spent summers in America with her father. She attended BYU before the mission and plans to go back. She is just great. So sweet... complete OPPOSITE of my last companion. Not in the sweet area (both were sweet) but in the talking area. There is silence ... and it's ok. Not all the time, but here and there. I enjoy it personally to be honest.
None the less yesterday was a tiring day. We arrived (the new missionaries) and the Mission President got us all settled in on what's going on with our mission. He and his wife are wonderful. They know the Halbert's!! and the Speakman's!! and the Thaxtons!! So that was fun. I am where I belong. I have never met so many crazy elders in all my life. They were screaming and going psycho when we got there and they greeted us... it was nuts.
When I woke up yesterday I had a feeling I was gonig to be going to Wales and the second I saw my compnion, she was with other sisters and they hadn't announced who was with who, I knew it was her. It was kinda crazy how that happened. I really am soooo blessed and so excited to be here.
We have an appointment tonight with a lady named Marie. She is the type of investigator that wants the missionaries around, but doesn't want to do the work to come to Christ herself. So tonight will determine a lot of things. Tomorrow night we meet with Linda who I guess is doing well... We'll see. Anyways, I am loving the work. We went tracting today and talked to some nice older ladies and got a candy bar, but no one who wanted to listen. A few agreed to take a pamphlet, but that's it.
We went to the grocery store and I loaded up on yummy fruits and such... I LOVE BEETS... yes i am weird, it's cool. But I love them and anyways, they're good for you!! haha
I have never been anywhere so beautiful in all my life. It looks like a constant perfect postcard picture. How can these people walk outside and see the sun shining (which it is right now ps) and not know that there is a God. I know that my Redeemer lives and that He loves me. He bears witness to me time and time again. This Gospel is real and true and I am blessed to share it. What an amazing thing the Temple is. I can't go for the rest of my time here in the mission field, but family and friends, PLEASE go when you can. Make it a priority. You will gain the comfort, peace and guidance that you need when you go. If you make it a priority and tell the Lord this is our goal, He'll help you make it happen. We are so blessed to have one so near to us in Mesa. TWO almost. I know it will bless your lives. Help Tim do his work!! ;) The temple is the best place to be. This work is why we are here on this earth. With God all things are possible.
We listened to a talk the other night by Elder Holland and he talked about Peter and when Christ asked him multiple times, 'do you love me?' and peter always said 'yes', but by the last time he pleaded 'yes'... God's response was always 'do you love me more than these..'( more than what he was doing)'... then feed my sheep.' He always pleads for us to do His work, to feed His sheep. He cares for us and we can't let Him down because not only does He love us but he loves all others. We can go to the Temple and search for how His teachings apply to us personally, because in one way or another it ALL applies. And give referrels.. i haven't experienced them but i am prepping you for the letter when I do and I say.. get 'em, tell 'em and work it!! haha but really I love you all and I am grateful for this work.
Please write and email. There is no greater joy than to hear from those you love. I promise to write back... I mean this week is the greatest treat of your life!! 3 times. Talk on Sunday and then email onTuesday and Thursday... boo yah!! haha! probably won't ever  happen again under happy circumstances at least ;) jk mom. i hope all is well with you family. I love you allllllllllll soooo much. Tell the kiddos they are my pride and joy. I will talk to you soon I am sure. I love love love you!!

Love your missionary, Sister Lauren Lee

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

This is a picture of the sister missionaries at our last relief society lesson here at the England MTC. We all bought matching scarves and Sister Walker had us 'knit' them together to show our unity here at the MTC.
I am on my way to the mission office in Birmingham tomorrow!!! It will be amazing. THIS IS IT!!! I am excited... but super scared. I hope my companion is good...ya, nuff said. Anyways we were allowed a very few moments to write you all and tell you how much I love and miss you. I am really busy, so I don't think of you often, but when I do it's wonderful to think of the people I love back home and how much they mean to me.
Loves in hugs and kisses,
 Sister Lauren Lee Filichia

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Last Thursday we went out street contacting and it was fun... interesting I suppose. Humbling to say the least. Some people were polite, but not receptive.. one man told us to go to Hell-that was fun. And one went on and on and on about how we worshipped a false God. Interestingly enough everything he said was correct, just about the wrong God. It reminded me of when Satan spoke to Moses and confused him for a moment. When Satan asked for praise though, Moses refused. I refused to believe this man and I know in my heart that God loves this man. Our Savior loves all His children regardless of how much or how little they love Him. I felt Our Savior's love for this man and although my companion was getting a little sassy with him, (which was driving me CRAZY) I could still feel the love and spirit very strong and clear in that moment. Contention is completely of the devil and is the only reason why this man could not hear our message and was instead confused about which God to love and worship. I could see the contention he felt in his eyes. I learned a lot that day.
There was one girl we met at the very end (it's ALWAYS at the end it seems), that had heard about the church and was excited to read the Book of Mormon. She didn't understand nor love the lifestyle from what she had known of her very straight laced LDS friends. We testified that although the commandments and the Word of Wisdom seem very limiting, they are actually the opposite and give you freedom and happiness.When she heard this, she lit up and basically grabbed the Book of Mormon from us. She is a winner, I know it.
There are a lot of Scottish people around me here at the MTC and now I think in a Scottish accent but fun fact- no accent- probably won't have one. The people here laugh at you when you try. On the train back from Preston into Chorley (which is where I am now), there were two little boys we chatted with that had us try to speak in accents and yes-they did in fact laugh at us... oh well i'll immerse myself and try to figure it out!!
This Sunday, my Italian friend, Elder Botta and were asked to sing "If You Could Hie to Kolob" in Italian!...(The Italian is Elder Botta's idea) ... I'm scared to mess up ... yep.
Today we went and saw some of England's historical sites. It was AMAZING, gorgeous and the spirit was captivating. The longer I am here, the more I feel and know the spirit is always with me.  Heavenly Father knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows how HIS CHILDREN need to be reached and taught. I am learning that as we pray, ask our Father in Heaven to guide us and then submit our full will to Him, acting on the promises we have made, He will bless us. When we are perfectly obedient, we are perfectly blessed. I know this church is true and I love it and all of you.
Love you more than anything in my whole life!!!
Sister Lauren Lee

ps Tell Diana Thurber how grateful I am for the missionary commission bookmark she dave me. The other day, I pulled it out and everything made sense!