Monday, June 27, 2011

Well hello!!!
Mum, thank you for the package and the fact that it contains music!! I haven't received it yet, but Wednesday is district meeting, so I should then... I am dying to see it. I love mail. I really do. My companion is so jealous of the letters i get from you guys- so keep up the good work!! They always make me cry and bring soooo much joy into my heart. I actually had time to read Mum's letter today before writing back- how incredible!! ha I am sooooo proud of my family!!! wow Liz- what a go getter!! I hope I can be more like you someday. I show off some hip hop i learned Davin style sometimes ;) haha I am so glad I have these incredible examples of sisters so I can be an amazing mum too!! haha and Heather!! jeez-scouts isn't usually a coveted calling, but you take it on and go for it. You can tell when some one loves God and His children by the amount of work they put in serving and making others happy. Matt is just ballin' it and continue puhlease!! I got Grandma's letter and the money- sooooo sweet. I cried, man I feel like I cry once a day... I don't-but the days get smashed together and it seems like it occasionally. While at a less active members house the other day, she asked to see our house. So I looked at it from a 2005/6 perspective- kinda crazy. Ya I may or may not have shown her music in me by AOL my last year... ya I'm a sinner.... haha but she enjoyed it. 'oh the dancing, it's wonderful, really it is!' Ha we didn't do too much in that one, and she is very dramatic about things so she might have just been being nice, but it was good to show her and reminisce for two seconds.
I have been thinking about this fireside and all the members want to do more happy clappy tunes like-oh happy day-and at first I was sooooo opposed to it, but then one of them made me think. I thought about Light and the LEC concerts and the EOI and I thought I could mix them!! kinda obviously the more 'spiritual songs' and slower, praise worthy songs, but different than my usual-we're gonna try it. I am going to see if i can get permission to visit our website and get some music if there is any that fits for me if that's ok with you pa? I wish sooooo badly we could get LEC out here to perform for these people, they would love it!!! oh well, maybe someday in the future.
This week has been slow, really slow. No one that we invited to church came-but we visited them that night and it was good. Commitments in the small things show how committed we can be to the big things. We do things not because of duty, but because of love. Yesterday in RS we talked about doing vs. being and how you be and do simultaneously but doing and being is different. It takes more work. The lesson was on the talk in the last GC 'What manner of men ought ye to be?' Look it up and you'll see that God loves His children and does not condemn them for anything, He only asks us to BE like Him and as we BEcome like Him we will DO His will- because our will and His will be wrapped up and intertwined. This week I have thought a lot about that. My motivation has been slacking this week. I thought about home and other silly stuff WAY too much. Stinkin' devil!! haha Our ward mission leader said that if we work hard this week (this was last week) we would see a miracle... ya i feel like I slacked on that and for a second I thought it was all my fault until I realized sometimes the miracles are not what happens outside, but what happens inside. I was able to fully use the Atonement of Jesus Christ in my life to ask Him to help me, to plead to him for help and to repent of what I needed fixed. The miracle is a witness that God lives and is converting me along with many others whom I am privileged to teach. I am grateful for the gift of forgiveness, for the atonement and that the knowledge of it allows us to know that we are not alone, that we may falter or think of things we shouldn't, but that because of Jesus Christ and His atonement it is ok, I can go to Him and then have it all made right. That God does love me and does care about who I am and where I am going. Today I am someone, and tomorrow I can become more of who I have the potential to be. Life is a gift and not just because it is always happy and joyful, but because we are given the opportunities to search for that joy. Because we are able to grow and become like our maker, and because in the end, after we are prepared and ready through the refiner's fire of life, we will be more beautiful in heart and mind than ever thought imaginable. I am grateful for the opportunity I am given to learn how to love. Truly love. May we all take that opportunity into our lives and practice the golden rule. We are all brothers and sisters in God's family, but more importantly we are ALL GOD'S CHILDREN. Remember the divinity of a person before you go to say something about them or to them that could be unkind and torturous. We don't realize the power of a human's words on another human. It is everything. I am working on this, and it is a struggle sometimes, but I am learning and becoming more of the person I want to be around by doing so. Someone tell Sister Larson thank you for that little book she gave me-best thing ever. I know this Gospel is true and that Jesus Christ died for us, and now lives that we too might live again. 2 Nephi 10:23-25 really struck me today. Read the whole chapter to get it more and think about what Jacob is saying. I am soooo grateful for my Lord, Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ and I will praise His name forever.
I love you with all my heart and then some,
Love you!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Alright so this will be short, sorry... district pday coming up and it should be fun!! but they gave us about 5 minutes to email so this here should be the quickest thing ever.
This week... Sharon got really led to her being worried about the kids' future without her (she has had problems lie this before and is nervous about it happening again)... so she wants a break... and with Josh, he is confused like crazy the Jehovah Witnesses came by and spoke with him and he doesn't understand anymore why the Book of Mormon must be written in 'gibberish'. So, they want a break from learning, we are welcome as friends, but nothing more for the time being... soooooooo sad... Thursday night was intensely a downer for Sis. Nadsady and I. We had overstepped our boundaries with them, without realizing and found that it became a determent to the work. Always remember when preaching the Gospel that although this is the Lord's work and we do it in a diligent & persistent manner that people do still have feelings and emotions, manners, and weaknesses. That sickness is still the same then as it is when you aren't a missionary. Don't push so hard that they push back. It only hurts worse. But the work still continues and it is amazing how God may not show Himself in the way you want, but our prayers are answered just by smiling the next day. Having that capacity to smile the next day is a blessing from God.
I am grateful for my Savior and for all He has done for me. How blessed we are to live as we do and to know that God lives and loves His children more than we can ever know and or express. He chastens us with love.. just as we would our own children (someday for me). It's all about love. Remember the next time you go through a trial it is by our faith that miracles are wrought but don't ask why, ask how, what, and where. He will make these known unto you. I am sooo grateful for it all!! Next week is transfers so don't expect much till Thursday maybe, but I will have a new companion and Sister Nadsady will be dateable... crazy!!! hahaha, I will miss her, but I can feel myself growing and becoming better because of her. Hope all is well. Heather, hope your birthday was a ball and Davin too and Mum this next week... Hopefully my package can get sent off soon!! k I love you!! Hope all is well in Lava Land!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

WELL THIS WEEK HAS BEEN BRILLIANT- AS ALWAYS. We have been able to find and teach a new couple-Emma and Lee. They are great. I do honestly love them. They understood the Restoration better than anyone- it was just like well ya- that makes sense. I feel almost too blessed to have been able to teach them and Sharon and Josh who just get it. Incredible. We love them and they just said they want us to be like members of their family- the Gospel brings the Lord's family together. It is binding not only between immediate families, but between the eternal spiritual family. I am so grateful for it. Sharon and Josh want to get baptized in the sea- near to the middle/end of july... in the SEA boo yah that will be soooo cool. How many people can say they've witnessed that.. not many. I am just so happy they are making this step. We asked Sharon if we could teach Philip and Chelsea (9 and 8) and she said yes. Their dad doesn't want them to be baptized the same time as Sharon and Josh, though. He wants them to really want it so like around age 10 if they fully understand and want it, he's okay with it. Which is cool and respectful- we'll continue to teach and have faith and God will take care of the rest and do it in the timing He knows is best.
Linda was baptized this last weekend (pictures with letters home) and it really was marvelous. I am sooo proud of her. I feel like I really can see a difference in her countenance. I wanted soooo badly to cry when it all happened because I knew at that moment how precious of a covenant she was and is making. All her sins were washed away and she was made clean. I can only imagine at age 45 after having a life full of good and bad but reflecting and seeing more of the bad, how incredible it would feel to not worry and to be as clean as a newborn baby. I am so happy that I get to witness these things and to view it for what it really is. We are witnesses of christ at baptism and must continue on that path throughout life and know that it truly is the path that leads to knoweldge and happiness. It is the path that we were preordained to follow and that path is as Jesus Christ 's was- to spread the good news of the gospel and bring others back into the fold. What a privilege it is to do His will. The song that is on the Reflections of christ CD #2 "Come see the light" that our dear friend Freddie Ashby sings (can I pelase be more obsessed over his voice- probably not) Has had a huge effect on me the past 2 days (since I found it and listened to it... alot...) With all that i am learning since the baptism and just on this mission I truly can feel the real meaning of 'forsake all doubt and arise, feel the wounds and fall at his feet, hear the voice. Come see the light" When I think of how this applies to my life it brings tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart to know that I can know for a fact that God lives. I want to show others what I believe, use the atonement in my life, and fall at His feet in prayer so that I can truly commune with my Father- me to Him and He to me, it is then that we see the light of life in all that we encounter. The nature, the people (good and bad) and every situation given us. He truly does love us and beckons for us to come fall at His feet. He only wants to speak to His children so he can let us know what we don't know- he knows all. Never doubt, never fear. Look up that song if you haven't already: it is based on 3 Nephi- it will change your life.
We got kebabtized yesterday. Apparently in the UK missions kebab's are really popular.. and so after you have a baptism you kebabtize yourself- well hear the proper kebab is with lamb meat- I liked it for the first 10 bites or so and then I kinda wanted to puke- but I persevered (whether I should have or not, I dunno: that is the question of the hour) and finished most of it. You will see pictures of my kebabtism that may possibly be my last one. The popular kebab's hear are not on a stick- so there is a lot more food- like crazy alot. With veggies on top - always. So you get through that half full and then look and have a 1/4 pound of lamb's meat which fills you up way faster than chicken's can gobble. Yes-so that was fun.
We are putting together a fireside for the ward, which I was really excited about at first because you know me always loving the musical firesides no matter where I go-but now I am nervous as all get out. We brought the ward in to help supervise and put it together (I wanteed it to come more from them and then I would organize it as much as I could but we don't have that much time). Well they gave me a trillion songs that I have NO CLUE what they are and ya... frustrating and a theme that is more or less soooo broad you can work with it, but with songs you don't know you wanna cry... so I have infact done the crying bit and much prayer and Sis. Nadsady and I are getting it there- we're putting in stuff that we know along with stuff we don't know. So it should be a good mix.
Well, I feel soooooooooooo humbled all the time and so grateful for the family I have. This really is a time to refine yourself. We get bombarded with people who like to nicely invite us in and then tell us our religion is rubisch and why-so we smile and say ok-this is why we know it's true but thank you for your input have a nice day!! haha Everytime they do that they don't realize they are only strengthening my testimony. Silly people, tricks are for kids! ha
It's transfers today(hence why this is 'late' and i am staying here in New Castle Emlyn with Sister Nadsady- which means I will infact be killing her aka she will go home after this transfer. Soooooooooooo sad. I love her, I do. She is like a sister to me. I am blessed and happy about it.).
I sang at the baptism- ccapocco- and it was "When I Am Baptized". I felt awkward but it worked, anyways a man in the ward said--- do you cook? I said, uh I'm learning we'll say that, and he replied---then you won't have a hard getting married when you get home, just sing sister, sing---hahaha. Well, I hope I can do more than sing for my future hubbylubby, but anyways thought it was funny. Kindalike what dad talks about with the lady who is beauutiful until she takes her make up off--- ha oh well. I love you family and friends more than you can ever know!! You are in my thoughts and prayers and you are my strength to get me through the hard times, my encouragement , and my joy. I love you one more time and will talk to you soon!!
Ta/Da Butt (goodbye in Welsch)

Sister Filichia

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pictures & Lauren's captions on the back

"My first companion! Sister Nadsady. 'We just fit!'"
"The wind took it out, guess I won't float like Mary Poppins"
"Their houses are so bright! All unique-I love the pink and blue-colors of my heart!"
"I one. But it's tradition."
"Intense name for a street"
"The Birmingham Sisters! Sis. Baker and Sis. Stucki! Love them-can't wait to be companions!"
"My view at around 8:30-9 pm...yep, God lives."
"Want a branch? We stick our hands out of the car when driving through roads of pretty weeds that don't exist in AZ. We pick flowers for each other-we get the urge to show our love for each other-she got me a branch, guess she loves me a lot."

Monday, June 13, 2011

Well hello my dear & beautiful family,
This last week I was inside for two and a half days- I read ALOT but I was grateful because I had to give a talk yesterday (again I know and we have at least 60 people in our ward... we haven't even had speakers since I last spoke...) but none the less it was good for me. I was soooo grateful when we were able to get out and do the Lord's work because I was able to better apply all that I had studied.
This week was slow though even when we did go out, but we met one girl and she let us in. She is a beautiful girl who is so kind and sweet- she says her husband is not at all so the ' Eternal families' thing sounded like ... not joy to her. Which made me sad, but we talked to her about how these principles and doctrines and faith can help to make your relationship better so you will want to be together for and time and all of Eternity. When we were talking to her at first she asked which religion we were (because EVERYONE thinks we are j-dubs) and we said Latter-Day Saints, ya know Mormon's? and she went oh yes!! my friend Rachel is one of you!! She and her sister were such good happy girls! I am so grateful for good LDS youth, good LDS people for that matter- they help us so much. This girl Rachel in our ward has been an angel to so many. It seems like everyone knows her and all know that she is LDS, know what she stands for, have never been offended by her and are always positive about the church because of the example she renders- may we all be that way. Be a disciple of Christ always that if they don't know you are Mormon because of the lack of words let them know there is something different with you because of all you do- they will ask if they are ready and curious. We all have the Light of Christ in us that testifies of truth- when we are being true to ourselves, it is testified to the masses. I know this. I am experiening the results and blessings of this behavior. I look back on my life before the mission and I pray I was that, and if not, then when I get home, I will work and strive for it like nobody's business.
So earlier this week when we went tracting we knocked on this door for this man named Stephen. He most definitely rejected us and said things that were interesting about us- but what made me cry was when he disgraced the Book of Mormon, He spoke of God as being as little as possible and tears came to my eyes. I bore strong testimony, but it only made the fire in his eyes more fierce- I have never been so afraid in my life. We didn't hardly speak after a while knowing that there was nothing we could do-but a few minutes after we left, he came back and told us about all the times he had been watching us and HOLY COW  when he left I was crying sooooo hard. Yes, I am a bit of a baby, but it was my first yucky man experience on the mission. The thing though that is my point is that he yelled and disgraced God and I didn't care about what he said about me, but about God- that is another story. God loves all his children- that is His child and someday he will come to know the truth. I pray he accepts it because it will bring him more joy than he could ever imagine. We aren't going back to that side of town- because it would be too dangerous probably, but I hope someday someone finds him when his heart is softened. I think about him everyday and wonder on what poor things have happened to him that now his life is so horrible that you feel so vicious toward the being who gave you and still continues to give you life.
I know that God lives, I know that He loves us and that he is watching over and protecting us. I am trying to understand all His ways, but I can't right now but in time I will. I pray that I will always allow myself to progress as the Father has planned for me to.
Linda is being baptized this next weekend on the 18th!! Sooo fun, I'll send pictures after I get them from it asap.. for sure!! I am so happy for her. She really is smiling more now that she is not smoking and believing more and more everyday. Joseph Smith was a prophet and Thomas S Monson is a prophet today. We listened to the prophets words with her the other day before her interview because that was her one thing she couldn't fully say yes to- we just found his special witnesses video and highlights from this last general conference hoping it would do that job-  OH MY GOODNESS soooooooo much was said about Joseph Smith and we didn't even realize it. So much was said about living prophets and all though it isn't perfect for her, it helped her realize prophets are real and true. Needless to say, it wasn't a problem in her interview and I know that she will be an amazing member!!
I love this Gospel. I love this work. It is all true and if you don't know it and have a conviction for it yet, get one. Prayer is the key. Ask and be specific- He will answer. I know this to be true. I love you family and will be sending a letter home today that is actually a reply to emails-- Jen, Kendra, Carrie-please send your addresses so I can write you for real- my emails back are pathetic and I feel horrible. And I want to send you pics.. yes please. Dad, can I get Jeanette's email? I promised her some and she ain't gettin' none- unless you just forward them on oh that would be nice and she can email back---or whatever. Welp, I love you all. You are always in my prayers!!

Sister Fili

Monday, June 6, 2011

It's been perfect weather the past few days. I even got a nice burn on my left arm and a tanned face... soon to depart I am sure since it is more overcast now. Maybe it will come back, oh how I pray for it. It was sooo nice.. but on Saturday it may have possibly been too much. We were fasting and it was  HOT (well for Wales) and we went and saw our less active friend, Mair, and we sat outside of course because you have to take advantage of this loveliness. I was in the sunniest part and BOOOM BABY I got a great burn.. and mybe a little smidge of a heat stroke. We left and I was sooo dizzy for the next hour, I finally said to Sister Nadsady... I know I have the Lord's strength.. but I also have that natural body thing called fainting sneaking up on me.. I need a little water and I will be fine. She of course was luck- Sister don't be crazy you could have taken a drink a while ago and I would have understood!! Silly me... ha, oh well.
This week at church was incredible we had a perfect 3 in 1 (it's our president's main goal for us 3 investigators at church, one with a baptismal date. Soon if we are lucky we will have a 3 in 3!! haha let's pray about it. none the less it was amazing). Bro. Farnden hasn't come to church in 11 years.... that is a very long time. I love this man though, so kinda and caring, he'd do anything for anyone!!! I am sooooo happy and proud to say the man who refused to come back for 11 years has now come back and bore his testimony. He made it sound like to us that he was coming back for good. I made a goal though after speaking with a few members on the subject- to never say anything to offend, to make up for it if I do, to visit the less actives in the ward REGARDLESS of if I enjoy them or not, to find what I love about them, to not only be their visiting teacher but to be their friend and to NEVER speak bad about anyone regardless of the mistakes they have made or what I don't understand about what they are going through. God loves all His children, so don't speak badly about them... their HIS children, love one another as I have loved you: His great commandment. God speaks badly of no one, so don't do it about others. I learned that this week ... we gain such a positive relationship with so many of these people and to hear anything negative about them from someone who doesn't know, but thinks they do, breaks my heart. Whether its true or not... it doesn't matter. I am so grateful to know that God loves me and He thinks I am great... I can use refining that He offers me. He loves me as I was yesterday, today, and tomorrow... remember that as we look into the eyes of every child of God. He loves them, and so should we because we are all great in the sight of God.. which is the true way to look at a person.
What an incredible week though full of long days with no fruits, but long hours of tracting. Then Sunday comes and all the people that we had prayed to be there came plus some more. Oh how I am grateful that the Lord knows me and is so mindful of what I need. I have been feeling soooo lazy (which is funny cause we're working allllll the time) but when we aren't, I was just letting myself relax and was honestly being a waster which was irritating myself since I had made a goal to not do that. This morning we woke up and for the past few days Sister Nadsady has had a chest infection. This morning, it got bad and Sister Ogden told her to sleep in for a bit and then go to the doctor's office... pretty sure I read ALOT this morning. I know that I am better focused when I use every second to do the Lord's work. I never understood how that was possible, until I realized that the main conversion I need to constantly be striving to have is my own. I can constantly do that when I am constantly on the Lord's errand. Down time is fine, but use it to gain more knowledge- this life is the time to prepare to meet God. I need sooooo much more preparation. I feel so much closer to Him than ever, yet I realize how little I know and how much there is to learn. I know this Gospel is true and I know I am here for a purpose. Those purposes (people) have come to church and I am excited to find more... but I am extremely excited to become who the Lord knows and wants for me to be. My life's greatest work is and will ever be myself (which sounds self centered but I will explain). I can only control myself. I can only think for myself. I can only only choose for myself. As I help others I grow. This life is not about me, it's about others, but as I make it about others, I personally will grow and benefit- if I bring back one soul to Christ that was fully converted to him all the way and that soul was my own and I did all I could for others but they chose not to heed to it, the Lord will still say 'well done thou good and faithful servant'. I am striving to be my best and in response the Lord is blessing us with the fruit of our labors. Others see and want and stick to it. Goodness is contagious- look in, look up, reach out. Dad it goes through my mind daily and oh how true it is. This is the true Gospel. This is the greatest work and God loves His children. Love them as well.
I am soooo happy for Sarah. and HOLY COWZERS THAT WAS FAST!!! so EA ain't happening. How are her parents doing? I kinda felt like this might happen... man crazy gorgeous girl just being!! You see with great effort and faithfulness we'll get what our heart truly desires, she is for sure. Lucky her and SJ just being bomb sisters!! so fun.
I love you soooo much and thank you for your time in reading this GINORMOUS email.  I had more time today which is great for ya'll... well that is still up for grabs I guess. I love you with all my heart and then some. You are always in my prayers.
Moroni 8:3

I love you more than words can say+1bajillion.
        Sister Lauren Lee Filichia

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Alright so this week has been the first off-I am driving on the wrong side of the road.. and at first I was scared to bits, but now I am driving 60 on the roads it is legal to! & They are not straight!!!!!!!! Man, Arizona freeways will be boring when I get home!
ANYWAYS, this week we had area conference on Sunday and it was amazing!! Elder Kearon, Sister Thompson, Elder Perry, and President Monson all spoke. I know that this church is true simply because of the spirit I felt during that meeting and what happened after... so remember last week when I spoke to you about that family that we tracted into and the 14 year old is like a mini Joseph Smith? Well last night we had our third lesson with them and they had come on Sunday to the area conference (which I swear was perfectly all meant for them... every talk answered a question they had asked during the previous 2 lessons) Josh (14) said 'you know how that man (Elder Kearon) spoke about baptism? How would I go about doing that? Do I need to fill something out? Pay for it?' pretty sure our jaws dropped. We had had the LONGEST day of tracting with absolutely no success... well that's not true, but to say the least, things weren't going well... and then the Lord blessed us with this.. some ASKING  to be baptized!!! We talked to his mum who said 'i am fine with it..' she wasn't sure how acceptable it would be for her because she sometimes has to work on Sunday's... we assured her that's not an issue. So we then watched the video 'The Restoration' and answered the many questions they had after it. The mum then said... 'so I have arthritis in my knees and can't bend them so what are they gonna do with me when i get baptized?' once again joy... joy joy joy.... can I please say we are obsessed with their family. This lady and her children have so much faith and are probably the most polite family in the sharing of food that I have ever met!! They feed us sooooo much... which is sometimes nice but nights like last night I kinda want to puke because it was too much, but none the less, I am sooo grateful for their example. I know that the Lord has been able to 'open their eyes to a new way' (in the words of Sharon) so fast becasue of the way they live their life. They are practically already Mormon... just the whole coffee drinking bit and Lord's name in vain... but those are side things that should be fine. They have a willingness to serve God. Just like I was saying before about how Sharon was so worried about the coming to church bit.. she gets it!! We haven't even taught that lesson and she gets the importance!! They asked about tithing and we were able to share experiences and they got it. She said I am so grateful you explain so well and for how well you know the scriptures... can I please say that my scripture knowledge is lacking.. my companion's is good, but the spirit is better. The Lord wants these people taught in His way and in His timing and it is being done. He leads and guides the conversations and the scriptures that are used during the discussions. I have nothing to do wtih it, I can assure you that. Any time I try to interfere.. it goes.. less than perfect.. a lot less. haha. humility. Really though we are so excited.
The first week I got here was all the 'eternal investigators' that I had to get to know and are not progressing but we are still working on them and less actives like CRAZY that we get to know but are set in their ways. We were praying and fasting for a new investigator that we hoped would start to lift our spirits- we found them a week after and a week and 3days later they ask to be baptized. yep spirit lifted. The Lord blesses us as we strive for perfection in word deed, and mission rules ;)
Linda, our investigator with a baptismal date, is struggling... she can't give on the druggies... one a day isn't sooo bad... my goodness, it's so hard to reason with people, but that's why we must be converted by God and the spirit with a willingness to follow Him in always possible. We are going to do the stop smoking program with her.. I have a feeling it's going to take a little patience and control of the frustration and lots of checking in with more prayers than ever on her behalf... but the Lord will bless us and I think if this happens the way it should that she will gain that pure testimony that she needs to be fully converted and happy in life. Life is too short to worry, but also too important to just sit back and relax. 'Face your doubts, master your fears!!' - Elder Holland. We only fear when we let Satan get past that first point of doubt, but call upon God immediately and he will show you the light to be the master of your fears instead of the servant to them. God loves us and I know this to be true!! Till next time!! Ta Da Butt/Duck (butt for boys duck for girls... it's a welsch thing..)

Love you forever and always and beyond!!

Sister Lauren Lee Filichia