Monday, July 30, 2012

Sounds like things are a little hectic, crazy at home. I hope it gets better and I am grateful to hear that everyone is handling it so well. That really is the true sign of character is how you handle yourself when stress comes and also when no one is around and your life is stressful. I love that we have the Lord on our side helping us know that all of these things will be but a small moment. I have never recognized that so much until I came here on the mission and my life was placed in 6 weeks increments that have nothing to do with me necessarily but everything to do with others and then I realized that life isn't about living in the moment for yourself, but for others. Christ lived and died in the service of us all. He served us in His life by setting the example of what our lives should be like and His death was a service to us that we might repent and be made whole. His resurrection was a service that we too might live again and all of these things come together to give us the opportunity to live eternally blissful with our Father who art in Heaven above. Why then should we not make our lives as similar to His as we possibly can while in this tabernacle of clay? Even when focusing on how we can be better and improve it can be a service to others- they are effected by that decision. Our posterity is blessed according to our faithfulness, and our families become eternal as we strive to keep the covenants which we have made by being and doing good things to all. I truly do believe that although we at times think that if we are thinking at all about me it's not about others, but if we think about it as me becoming who I need to be so I can with Christ set the example of the believers than your me is for others. However, we do have a very me society where many love to think that we means me and visa versa and everything is actually about them.. I think that's when we reflect upon my favorite LIGHT saying "Look in, Look up, Reach out". Look in for only a moment to recognize that  all you are comes from above and guidance is given there to help us reach out beyond ourselves. If the world was centered around me and created for me than God would have placed me on an island all by myself named Sista Fili chili... but He didn't He placed us on earth together to help one another and to come to God as a family, both spiritual and physical together. Oh how I wish I could help EVERYONE understand this a little more.. I don't even fully get it. I just act like I do. ba ha. I love the perspective that the gospel can give us in this world we live in. 
   So this week was a little insane at the beginning. Monday was so fun to be on the beach and just be in the fresh air- I think I just laid there for a lot of it. it helped me feel better though for a second, but that night we came home and died!!! (but hey Pres. Rasmussen let us watch 17 Miracles... joy joy.)  So we decided Tuesday we were going to nip this cold in the butte and get it gone so we can get back to not infecting people with disease... well Sister Laborero was getting a little cabin fever and decided that she would clean out the shower drain that kept backing up and the water would rise super high (gotta love mission flats that just continually get groddier and groddier over time but no one takes the time to make it better). So she wanted to fix it- I tried to help since she was disgusted by all the stuff in there and I couldn't sleep with the fuss about it.. it was pretty funny to be honest... anyways!! Nothing was really being fixed so she decided I'll shower and then call Elder Skiles to let him know finally that we need help so she just put the silver thing on the drain but didn't screw it back in... ya we had a rain forest attack down stairs. So then we really had to call the man. And not to mention she clogged the toilet again. So Elder Skiles told us to move all our stuff over to the Troedyrhiw flat while they fix it... nice idea for resting our bods from a chest infectious head cold thing.... it took 3 car loads to get over there what we needed. By the end of the day I was basically ready to poop out and then the Elders call us and tell us they need to steal our car for a day... ok ... so the next day on Wednesday we walked over 15 miles, which wasn't terrible but we are already about 5-6 miles outside our area, so it took a while to get where we needed to be and then we were only there for about .2 seconds in comparison to the rest of the day... why we didn't just take the bus I dunno.. I think we wanted to be pioneers or something. It was a fun day- actually hot, super nice, but tiring when Sis. Nelson and I were still getting over the cold thing. So we get this call from this man named Brian who spoke to Sis. Lewis on the streets of Abergavenny back in April and he had been in Afghanistan (he's an SMO in the ARMY) for a while, but is back because of a leg injury. Anyways, he asks for us to come by and so we did on Thursday evening. It was the most incredible experience of my entire mission. The man said that he was never fussed over religion and in fact was more angry than happy about talking about it with anyone. So when Sis. Lewis gave him a card he was irritated, but as he walked across the street he said he felt like he was walking on clouds and found himself turning around to talk to her about it again. I guess he waited for her for a moment and then they spoke for a solid half hour. He took a restoration leaflet and read things he knew were true. In fact he said he'd never prayed before but that Moroni 10:4-5 became his prayer every night. He had even cut back on smoking because he began to feel it wasn't right and that God wouldn't want him to do it. When we were in his house listening to him Sis. Nelson and I started crying the spirit was so strong. (sis. Laborero isn't much of a public crier) By the end he said that he hadn't felt this way since that night he met Sis. Lewis on the street... this man is elect and I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to teach him!!
The week was full of up's and downs and ended with Sis. Laborero getting ill and now we are once again planning on going to Swansea for another district beach day.. aaahhh butta. I am grateful for God in my life. I am grateful that we are His servants and that He always blesses with people to serve because He loves them and gives us opportunity to grow and learn to love as he does. He loves us so much it is incomprehensible and that knowledge is outstanding and forever healing if we let it be. I hope we continue to get through the trials placed before us and make room for more friends around us. I love you all so much and can't wait to hear from you again next week ;) (oh by the way next week is transfers so I won't email till Thursday probably... gosh I can't believe it is already here again, and this time I don't want it to be!!!) Oh well- Mum to answer your question that I think I may have left out last time I didn't get pictures on an email.. super sad, but try again!! I want to see them, 3 months is too long!)
Moroni 8:3   Sista Fili

Monday, July 23, 2012

Hold Your Light Up!

so this week has been eventful to say the least. Started with a great exchange (picture with other sisters) I went to Stroud with Sister Javed from Pakistan. What a fun time and it was interesting. She had me help her learn some English... so hard to teach and use other simple words to explain complicated words... our language is not as simple as we think. Bless her heart it's been an adjustment in everyway to come here, but she is amazing. She taught me how strictly obedience blesses you. Since she's been out (only about 4 months now) her father has been baptized and so has her uncle. She said it was a complete miracle and I told her it was a miracle wrought by faith and obedience. She is amazing. I felt bad for her though we had an appointment with their investigator who is supposedly an athiest (but I think she only doesn't 'believe' because she knos if she does she'll have to give up all her 'lusts' to keep the commandments) and we taught her the 10 commandments.. it was all good in unity until we came to adultery... then the investigator threw loads of information at us about her... life.... that Sister Javed did not know how to handle since in their culture PDA is a sin... let alone sex before marriage and even if it occurs it's not talked about, it is all very hidden. Needless to say by the end of it we were in fits of laughter.... it was so awkward  and open what she told us and everything that all we could do was laugh (not rudely.. she just got more into it like when you laugh with a child about something silly they did and they continue to try to make you laugh with it over and over again...) ya interesting. Sister Javed is a legend though. By the end  she was very bold and just let her know it wasn't good. haha. What an awesome exchange.
So, we had a baptism this weekend!!! Kimberly Jane Sullivan was baptized and confirmed by Matthew Llewellyn on the 21st and 22nd of July 2012.... woot woot. I have never seen any couple sooooo happy. On Saturday morning we went to go see her and she wasn't doing well. A little ill, a little nervous, and super overwhelmed with everything people were throwing at her. Bless her. But we prayed and that evening before the baptism you could tell she was ready, excited and willing to take his name upon her. The service was lovely. so cute... After she was baptized she walked up the stairs to where we were and Matthew was walking up his and then as they were closing the font doors he run through the water over to her and gives her a big ole kiss... ya we werre like, thank you for that. so precious. I am just so happy that this is the beginning of her life with Heavenly Father and also with Matthew as well. I love helping others progress and fullfill the commitments they made with God before the world was created in order to return to Him. How wonderful. After the baptism before she came back in to sit down and enjoy the rest of the service their were a few testimonies and then I got to sing "Saviour, Redeemer of my Soul" accompanied by Elder MacGarther... side note Kim's family, who are obviously not members, thought that Elder MacGarther and I were married... ya, kinda funny becuse I am more of a nun right now than single even.... So there is a picture depicting our humour of the whole situation too... it went well and the spirit was strong. Kim said afterwards that she felt so good and comfortable. Just really relaxed. The spirirtt speaks to us in all sorts of ways and I think that that is what it is all about. We all speak to one another differently according to how others respond, femaleor male, old or young, depressed or chipper, etc. The spireit recognizes those thigs and knows us better than we know ourselves simply because he is God's messenger to us all and therefore speaks to each of us in such a way that is necessary for our understanding. We just have to listen. After everything we went to this chinese buffet with the family and it was "cheap" for the UK... ya right. But we were getting ready to pay at the till and Matthew's older brother Richard comes up and goes, well sisters I think it's time for you to go and we said ya we know we're just about to pay and he said no you should just go and gives us this big smile and head flick towards leaving and we got the picture... we just felt so grateful for his generosity. We felt like that was this families thank you to us for I guess whatever we did with Kim.
Well Sunday morning came and Sister Nelson hasn't been well, and I caught on to it too. So the confirmation was lovely, but after church the Clare's sent us home to bed. Quite forcfully infact.. but at least we're being taken care of I guess. Kim said after the confirmation that she felt something she's never felt before and didn't know how to describe it. Yep sure sounds like the Holy Ghost to me!! What a lovely weekend that ended with a cold. I even tried to sing hymn #123... can't think of the name with my foggy brain right now... for prelude in the Heads of the Valleys Ward, I guess it went well. Fun stuff.
Today we are gonig to the beach in Swansea as a district and gong to enjoy the sun.. since it never comes we thuogh we'd take advantage of it all together.. even if sis. N and I are ill... we'll take it easy on the beach and call it good. can't wait!!
I am grateful for my Saviour and for the gifts He gives me and all those around me in being able to serve Him and His children. I love this work!! Yippee!! I am a missionary. I love it.
Talk to you soon!!! Love you mucho.
Sista Fili
Moroni 8:3- you are all in my prayers. Mum and Dad thank you for the updates on everyone. I will be mindful of them all. Thank you for tyour examples of perseverence.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Called to Serve Him!

It rains too much sometimes... but then it makes days like yesterday lush as ever! It was gorgeous! Sun out... mmm mm good... and no puddles that drench my feet.. I think I almost even prespired a little... phenomenol. None the less I love it here and it is only preparing me for continual drought season.. well filling up my water tank so I appreciate the boiling sun beams more. Good thing is I still got loads more to come.. brilliant :) Anyways, how was everyone's week? Ours was great. We got 2 new investigators because God loves them and blesses us with the opportunity to teach them. Dan and Garith it is. I love teaching people who initially say I only want to learn for educational purposes and than as you teach and ask inspired questions or allow the spirit to speak to them they say things like, 'this is the only doctrine that has ever made sense and matched my own personal beliefs so well' and than they spill their guts out about how this is actually not educational, it is personal... but still the next meeting put on the educational front and it all just repeats again and again.. I adore it. They'll pop when we pop the question.. and only God knows when it is right. I stil feel so blessed that we get to be apart of it.
SO Kim Sullivan is the cherry on top of the week, she passed her baptismal interview and is getting baptized this Saturday the 21st. She is great. 22, has been dating a member, Matthew Llewellyn (who looks like Sean Farris from Forever Strong... ya about that...) for about 6 years now. So this baptism is a long time coming, but we are so excited to be apart of it now. Funny thing is her and Sis. Laborero were freinds before the mission- weird, so it is fun to get to see the miracle of it all happening. We are excited and just humbled.
Today I was reading in Helaman 3 and a few things stood out to me:
 27 Thus we may see that the Lord is merciful unto all who will, in the sincerity of their hearts, call upon his holy name.
    Why is He only merciful to them? Maybe it means that the mercy that comes from the atonement is only given when we accept it and call upon His name. We get to choose to accept the gift He gives to us or not.
 28 Yea, thus we see that the agate of heaven is open unto ball, even to those who will believe on the name of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God. 29 Yea, we see thatwhosoever will may lay hold upon the aword of God, which is quick and powerful, which shall cdivide asunder all the cunning and the snares and the wiles of the devil, and lead the man of Christ in a strait and dnarrow course across that everlasting egulf of misery which is prepared to engulf the wicked— 30 And land their souls, yea, their immortal souls, at the aright hand of God in the kingdom of heaven, to sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and with Jacob, and with all our holy fathers, to go no more out.
Scripture power keeps me safe from sin... it is both quick and powerful. When we read, we gain an instant spirit that may take time to feel, but lasts so long and strong that we won't be able to deny it. Why then are we so forgetful to read if it is so powerful? Do you think that in 2 Nephi 32 when it talks about how the evil spirit teaches a man not to pray that it is the same for reading your scriptures... I'll fall asleep, I don't have time, I don't get it anything out of it anyways because of the old language, or it's just not for me... the excuses, but when we look at them we realize they are silly in comarison to the promise given.
 35 Nevertheless they did afast and bpray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their chumility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the dpurifying and the esanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their fyielding their hearts unto God.
context: these people of whome this verse is speaking of were being persecuted by their own friends within the church- members being rude and gossiping and not being very Christlike to say the least, just prideful.. who'd of thought (kind of scary how similar the scriptures are to us now) none the less these saints were faithful and they didn't just have faith, they exercised it. They worked for their charity by praying and fasting oft and becoming more and more humble. I am sure they served those who persecuted them for being "self righteous" when all along they were the only ones being rihteous... let us all learn from the examples of the past and learn to love. If we don't have that love, find it the way they did- fast for it, pray for it, serve for it, and become humble. Yes be careful what you ask for becaeu you will get it, but glory in it when the gift has been offered because it is yet another witness that not only does God live, but He loves us, hears our prayers, answers them, and gives us the opportunity to become like He is, perfect and refined. Yield to the Holy Spirit- the first prompting is always the right one. It is the only way to truly be happy. I know these things to be true. I love my Saviour, I love this work and I am so grateful to be here doing it! I lvoe and miss you all!! I'll be seein' you!
Love you forever and for always,
 Sista Fili

Monday, July 9, 2012

Nick sounds like he is doing amazing. I love how the mission changes boys into men so quickly. We start to see what is important and what is not. The blessings we are given is outrageous.
Mum I am so glad to hear you are doing better!! I am happy the 4th of July was a blast for you all.. we didn't even remeber till that evening what day it actually was. woops. oh well, it was a great day anyway, we met our new mission president and his wife that day!! woot woot. They are fantastic. I think they are just what we need... obviously because God called them to it. Very humble. Love it. it was weird though gonig in and President Ogden not being there... especially since Pres. Rasmussen is a small man and Pres. Ogden was a very tall man, it makes it even that much more different. I am glad though, if they were the same in the way they carried themselves it would be harder I think. Sister Rasmussen is a doll, so lovely. She is very real and we have enjoyed being with her as well.
it's been the first full week of this transfer, but we have had loads of meetings all week well with the new Mission president coming and what not and so it's been hard to get to everyone we wanted to get to, there is never enough time in the day, but this next week should be fun!!
ALERT!! Alert!! We had a miracle. So on the Friday afer our weekly planning session we had an appointment with a lady named Lisa who ended up flogging us.. sad, but not because Sis. laborero remembered a former who was near and said that we needed to go see him, well he wasn't home but she remembered that there as an inactive member on that say street just up the road a bit, so we knock on his door and he doesn't come to the door, but his next door neighbor did and said, 'did you knock on my door?' We looked at her and said oh no and then looked at eachother, smirked, and then walked toward her and told her what we were about and she let us in. So we go in and her and her sister sit there and allowed us to teach them a bit about the restoration. At about the half hour mark that she had agreed to I pulled out the Restoration DVD that's 20 minutes long and told them we could leave them with this to watch, or we could watchit now if they have a bit more time.. they wanted us to stay. By the end they were so excited about it. Joleen said that kieth (our former investigator) and her partner were good friends and that they would probabaly want to learnm togerther when her partner gets back from London... wow. Apparently they had been discussing finding a church to raise their child in, Joleen is pregnant 6 months along, qand she said that she felt this was a sign and her and her sister, Jade, were quite excited about the whole investigation. I love it when the Lord provides in such ways. I thought about it though and realized hat we weren't the deserving one's at all, but his children are and so there fore I can be confident he will prepare for us his children as we prepare the do our part.
Yesterday in church we all 3 gave talks in all 3 sacrament meetings we attended... ok to be fair Sis. Laborero and I only gave 2 of the 3 but bless Sis. Nelson's heart she had to do all 3 of them and she hates talking with a passion. It was very good and quite fun. I got a call on the Saturday before around 6 30 pm and they asked if I could speak in Beacon Heights so I said yes used tyhe skills Dad helped train me on.. except now Iam not nearly as bad as I used to be at it.. not good ether, but it's progressing, that's what we are gonig for!
I just spoke about Alma 56- standing strong in Holy places. The armies of the Nephites would not go fight on the enemies ground with their (the lamanites) strongholds but stood firm and withheld temptation until they came to their (the nephites) strong holds to fight for their freedom. It's the same with us and friends and satan in general. MAJORITY RULES. If we want to bring one back or bring one in as the Saviour did and commands us to do then we must help draw others to Him and bring them with us to feel of His matchless love, it doesn't work the other way. I have become obsessed with Christlike attributes and in the section in Preach My Gospel it says "Just as vital as what you do, is who you are." No matter the role we play in others lives it's just as important not only to do good, but to be good. Draw people towards Zion- make it attractive as Christ does. "Become who you want to be by being who you want to become, today."
I am excited for a new week and for just being a missionary- exhausted and all that jazz- no better activity in the world to make you more exhausted than missionary work! Thank you family for supporting me and always being there for me. I pray for you often and hope all goes well this week.
I'll be seein' you!
love you loads and loads!
Rwyn dy garu di!
 Sista Fili

Monday, July 2, 2012

Hello again.. so soon. Well, I wish I had loads to say.... oh wait, I do. nah I am just so grateful for everyone who has helped me get here, helped me stay, and helped me to be the best that I can be. I just feel overwhelmed with gratitude today and yesterday. We don't realize the support system we have until we go somewhere with people who don't time after time. Sister Nelson and Sister Laborero are brilliant companions and we are loving it. We taught a lesson on Friday night that had all three of our different elements in it that we have to give and ya know the lesson was full of the spirit. I haven't been in a lesson wuite like that one since Sister lauritzen. Maybe it was just the situation, but the spirit was powerful and thick. Lynette, the lady we are teaching, suffers with severe depression and has a hard time recognizing God's love because, like most depressed people, all she sees is the bad in her life and that no one has helped or could help her. What a testimony to me it was when Sister Laborero bore testimony that we were the help that God sent to her to let her know she i loved and there is a way out through His gospel. We were able to follow promptings of the spirit and relay a message to her that was just for her from her Father in Heaven. The incredible part is that it was- I don't remember what I said, what Sister Nelson said, or what Sister Laborero said, but I do know that we all felt as Lynette did- peace, comfort, and joy. By the end this lovely lady was sitting up and smiling... oh how the spirit works. Gratitude, major.
So last night we went and had primary with the Sadler children (in the picture). They are sooooo cute. Their family is going through alot right now. Their parents are divorcing and life isn't happy, but the pure happiness of these kids is outstanding because they know the Gospel of Christ. Shannon (9) said that she is planning on serving a mission. She bore her testimony in sacrament about how she helped this little boy at the Garden festival and she felt the Holy Spirit witness that it was good. She was so happy she was able to put the smile on her Mam and Dad's faces. (In Merthyr with this accent instead of Mum it's Mam... so they spell it like that too. I think they just pride themselves in being the most different in all things from the rest of Britain). Her and her sister, Anariah (7) (also in the picture) both choristered for us in the Beaufort group, AKA the Twig, and They did so well. Our closing Hymn was conducted by Anariah and she chose the song Families Can Be Together Forever. My eyes filled with tears as I watched this gorgeous child of God just smile and conduct with confidence this song that she truly believes to be true. The best part is, I know it will be. I am grateful for the children around us that remind of what is really important in life. Life is full of stuff, but with children in our lives regardless of the kerfuffled moments they come up with, it is full of joy. They bring us to earth and remind us that no one is perfect, but because we are all Children of God we can become perfect through the Atoning sacrifce of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Let us all serve a bit more, forgive sooner, love better, do instead of try, and always look heavenward for guidance.
I wish I could express to you what this gospel means to me. I wish I could properly ask each of you for giveness for anything I have done wrong knowingly and unknowingly, I pray that someday I will be able to properly, but for now know that I am sorry and do forgive me of my imperfections toward you. My heart is full of gratitude for my Saviour and love for His children. I know that it is all true. All that happens in this life is for our good. We are not without hope for the future and eternity. It is all in our favour if we do it in the Lord's way. He died for us, let us live for Him.
I love you all!! Hope that the week is going well and that all things are looking up!!
Loves in hugs and kisses (only cause you are woman or family...)
  Sista Fili