Monday, September 24, 2012

Ether 6:17

Well it's only been a few days since I have last written you all and not much has changed, but yet I have learnt so much. The updates were fantastic mum... I can not believe it.. Jenny and Scott, Leslie!!! I am happy I will get to be apart of them. Thanks also for all the info about getting home.. that was weird to hear. I don't think it had hit me till then, but there we are I'll let it bounce off for now. A day earlier.. well night earlier then I had anticipated. Which means I will be flying and waiting all day by me self.. great. :( haha oh well as they say in Britain... ALL THE TIME... these things are sent to try us. :)
I am not going to lie I am at a loss of words right now. Surprising.. I am aware. My mind has been reflecting alot on what is coming and how you are all doing with it. I have never actually been home for 7 Oct. since Tim left us for home, but this year I guess it's kinda dear to me because it's the exact day and everything is the exact timing and all.. so nuts it's been that long. Luckily nothing is the same here as it is there, but my heart is the same. I know the plan of salvation better than I ever have. I have learnt how to cope with this loss and last year I had my dearest friend Sis Lauritzen with me to help me thru even though the Lord blessed us with such a busy time I couldn't even think about it. It is the same now.. but maybe a we bit different and i don't know what it is. Maybe the events this year that have happened while I have been away that make me feel quite ...I don't know is tender the word? I hope so because I am using it. I just want you all to know that I love you. I love my family so much. The other day Sis. Javed was asking me about how it felt to be sealed to my family and because in Pakistan they don't have a temple and not many even know or understand all that happens I had to explain to her about being born into the covenant because my parents were sealed for their original marriage ceremony. I thought about how lucky we are that we have parents that not only have been sealed, but remain worthy of that covenant. We have a temple near.. well multiple temples near, that we can have that ordinance performed for us and then I thought about Tim... as we live worthy of the covenant our parents made and as we were born and baptized that we could make it as well we can be with him, not just see him again, but literally be with him in God's kingdom prepared specifically for us. thank you mum and dad for living worthy of these promised blessings. I know it probably seems premature to speak about, but it's been on my mind and mum as you brought it up and I sat for about 5 minutes not knowing what to say in return I knew I had to speak about my gratitude for these things. I pray we all go to the temple within the next 2 weeks and remember what we promised God and our families and help Tim in the missionary work he is doing and involved in. These people depend on us. We depend on them. It's soooo close to us, make it a priority to go. Surely it is a massive part of our purpose in this life. D&C 128:18. I have a sincere love for the temple and would love nothing more than to be there with you all soon.. and the best part is, I will be.
I was reading in Ether 6 just the other day and it was speaking about Jared and his brother and their people and their journey to the promised land. In v. 3 it states "and thus the Lord caused stones to shine in darkness, to give light unto men, women and children, that they might not cross the great waters in darkness." The Lord gave us the Light of Christ that we might not cross the waters or trials of life in darkness. So as they cross they have this light that never fades or goes away; however, "the Lord God caused that there should be a furious wind blow upon the face of the waters, towards the promised land; and thus they were tossed upon the waves of the sea before the wind." This was not a lite little nudge in the right direction, He pushed them along. The water would come into the boat and wouldn't sink it because it was tight and they had prepared it well, but when "they were encompassed about by many waters they did cry unto the Lord, and He did bring them forth again upon the top of the waters." "and it came to pass the the wind did never cease towards the promised land while they were upon the waters; and thus they were driven forth before the wind." "and they did sing praises unto the Lord; yes, the brother of Jared did sing praises unto the Lord, and he did thank and praise the Lord all the day long; and when the night came, they did not cease to praise the Lord." (v.5,7,8,9) This was not a short journey it was the more part of a year .. and then some. 344 days to be exact. I thought about how this reflects in our lives. Every trial we are given may so possibly, infact it is, a push in the right direction towards the promised land. A lady said to me yesterday after I shared this in a talk I had to give, she said, "when I read it I thought why couldn't it be a nice little wind giving them some push but sailing easy" don't we all think that about our own lives? How many times in the Book of Mormon does He occassionally let people sail easy enough that after a little trial what happens, they get greedy and don't understand where the blessings come because they no longer feel they need to depend on their Saviour. The harsh winds led them a bit faster and I don't think that these people could forget who they depend on because they depended so much. It doesn't tell us of all the things they had to encounter, only the winds and waves, but how much else could come from a result of those two things.. alot probably. Yet they prayed and God didn't calm the storm but he brought them back on top of the waters that they could handle it. These winds never ceased.. and yet they praised the Lord each day, all day and even into the night. They arrived safely and with great gratitude to the promised land. If we but look at the trials we have been given are given and will be given as the wind and waves pushing us towards eternal life and remember always to pray without ceasing and above all praise without cesing we can live and know that no matter how hard it will get the Lord will help us to overcome and arrive safely home. I love the scriptures and all they do for us. They really do teach us everything we need to know. Yes there may be more we want to know, but that's what eternity is for.
Saturday evening I was sent a text from our bishop saying, hey tomorrow will you give a talk in the beaufort group.. alright I thought and just carried on with the work. So in the morning I just thought of the theme, looked a bit through PMG and the Christ like attributes section of it and thought well ya, I'll just briefly do this and that and it will be proficient enough for a few minutes before the main speaker. Obviously wanting to give a good talk, but having so little time I thought let the holy spirit guide :) haha Well we go there and bishop announces the speaker... the one and only speaker.. me. I had about a half hour to kill.... nice prep eh? haha but for the first time I was completely calm to give a talk. I used the section I had planned and been inspired to use to go along with "but seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." (3 Nephi 13:33) and then as I spoke this chapter I just shared with you came to my mind and I was able to use it as well. I thought as I went home from that experience and being so chuffed that I was able to do that when we all know my ability prior to the mission was lacking in public speaking. (thank goodness for LIGHT devo's otheriwse I would never have been even almost mediocore to say the least). I am sure it wasn't that great, but I thought again and thought about how blessed I am to be a missionary, I am blessed to be a member. To know what I know, to be worthy of the spirit, and to be able to reach the opportunites that the Lord gives me to grow. Steven this week asked some tough questions, Natalie (a Recent convert in the ward) asked me some tough questions and without hestitation I was able to answer them with knowledge that I had gained.. at some point... but  to me it felt like it was all just right in the moment and not even me speaking. It was a testimony builder to me of being endowed with power from on high to help uplift, inspire and teach people the ever lasting gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't ever want it to leave, I don't know what gifts I have now that are just missionary gifts and what gifts the Lord will allow me to have to accomplish this plan he has for me on this earth. I wish I knew, but for now I will just give gratitude to Him for helping me in each situation I am put in.
Steve a new investigator of 2 weeks has a baptismal date. The first time we taught him it went completely over his head, bless. So we repented and made restitution and forsook and made it right.. he understood it in result and felt the spirit as we invited him to baptism and was so chuffed to say yes! He is amazing and we are excited. 10 November is the day.. So I will be excited to hear how it all goes! and a little alot sad to not be here for it, but there we are.
Bryan passed his baptismal interview and is extatic about this Saturday the 29 September 2012 to become a member of the true church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What a choice and blessed man. I am so excited to be able to know him.. even if he can't remember the difference between me and Sis. Javed sometimes. His memory is rubish with unimportant things, but when it comes to his conversion it is spot on. It was really funny though when he said that Sis. Javed was the pretty one in the companionship and then called her my name and then said you need to where name tags across your foreheads... because we don't already have them on our chest.. maybe that's a positive though.. alright he lost like 10-12 points in friendship, but then gained them all back with his testimony. It's all about the important things people!
Alright I love you all. Heather I hope you get better, Liz thank you for your words of wisdom to Mum. Matt I am so glad you are doing so well! and apparently looking good too ;) Dad I hope your travels are safe and enjoyable. I hope you and Mum enjoy conference- you deserve it!! The birthday party thing when I get back sounds good mum and I hope I didn't leave anything out. Happy birthday Aunt Mel, Brielle, and Grandpa.. sorry I am so rubish at birthday's right now.. forgive me. Oh by the way, how is Cherise? I hope well.
Till next week, Rwyn dy garu di!! I LOVE YOU!!
 Sista Fili

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Top of the Morning to Ya!

family.. this is it. my last transfer. well  we shall speak of it briefly and then get focused on other things in a rather fluid manner ;) (spoken in quite a posh english accent that you never actually here because only Mary Poppins has acquired it from heaven. it's not actually one of the regional accents here unless someone is putting on.. how daft!) Sister Javed is still my companion, lucky me.. lucky her :) haha We are now only covering the one area, Heads of the Valleys... halelujiah!!! It was pretty insane with the two very demanding wards but uneven investigator pool. I will miss Beacon Heights, but just the one is great. It's pretty insane to have as many weeks as I have fingers on ONE hand... creepy.. but it is good. I am so excited to work harder than ver nd just wear myself out so bad that you may find yourself a sister filichia high off of lack of sleep and super emotional from fatigue at the airport.. don't worry I will work on the emotional bit, but get the camera out for the drunken bit.. it could be humorous. We are still teaching the one and only Bryan Nicholls... what a legend. Really he is. We went through what he wanted for his baptismal service and he had written down diffrerent hymns he enjoyed when ever he heard them in church that worked perfectly with his service .. maybe not for everyone but definately for him!! He just knew exactly what he wanted and I am excited I get to sing at it!! no clue what, but we'll see!! This week we were able to gain 2 new investigators.. we picked Kevin back up from forever ago.. you remember? no.. ok neither did our WML but he soon remembered after we said the guy that had the dream about Joseph Smth!! yes he is ace and our member who came with us said that she is pretty for sure he will be baptized someday even if today he doesn't think so. He knows truth, just doesn't understand it all and how to act on it yet. Exciting. The other, Steve (not to be confused with Steven Sullivan) is a member referral who we get to teach at the members house.. he seems super nice and we're excited to find out more about him and teach him more for understanding.
This week I have learned that God knows us, loves us, and cares what happens to us. He places the right people in our path, He inspires us, He chastens us, and He gives us assignments that help us to know where we need to work and that he has confidence in our ability to do so. If His work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and Eternal life of man than He will never give us anything we can not handle, otherwise His work and glory would never come to pass. This was all manifested to me when I was able to go an give that talk at sisters conference.. ya the Lord showed me I needed that attribute and that it was and  is something I can actually accomplish. Then at the end of it after a great night of a sleep over and talking about how president is gonig to assign 'experienced sisters to the mission and we were so excited that we didn't have to orry about it because we were soon leaving.. we got the call. well I am actually very honoured. At first I felt like it was one more thing to make the next 6 weeks fly by.. which is just ya kno.. rude.. but then I realized how much I needed it. It has inspired me with the understanding of the things I need to work on. I have so much to work on and I wish I had been better at perfecting it earlier, but the Lord's timing is perfect and His atonement is everlasting. That's the best thing I am learning now is that i am at my peak of the mission and doing the work now (even though I still know next to nothing) but it's not to be wasted after.. it's all by design. The Lord knows that is how it will go and He expects us to not leave it behind but to go fortyh with faith and serve His children with all the experience you have. Is it harder to be a missionary or a member? How do you look at it.. full time dedication super strict schedule and someone always with you to remind you what your purpose is... or your own life, having to make things priorities and use your agency wisely every moment. Both have their perks, both have their lows, both are difficult, but I believe that we are called to missions to help us for the greater more difficult fight against satan later on our own... and that is our personal reason, let alone what we do to help others come unto Christ. This work is so much more than we understand and or realize.. It's the greatest thing in our lives. I remember Tim and I once chatting about the stuff we talk about and he said to me that what we care about most and think about most is what we talk about most. it is soooo true. I hope that the gospel peeps in our conversations more than anything else... not that we go around only talking about gospel like things.. but that we are open to a principle of it being apart of any conversation that we have. It's interesting how vast yet simple it is.. I love it. think about it. it's super true.
Guess what I also found out ... President and Sister Rasmussen are BEST FRIENDS with Summer Price's.. now something else.. family. They live next door to them.. and moved when they moved to be near them and Sis. Rasmussen said that when Tim died she remembered Summer having a hard time and talking with her about it. It was quite interesting to hear the connection. Amazing the small world we live in.
Well I hope you are all well. It all sounds amazing at home. Everyone is so busy... I love it. My favorite way to be. I am glad that the kids are growing up and so glad that I get to go home to Cade being taller than me... someday I will look tiny again next to him as well. I now realize that I was a small person not just in height but ya know.. size.. .. ok not tiny like sister Javed.. but I was small. Ya let's all be grateful for what we are today because it could always get worse tomorrow!! But then again it can also be better tomorrow it's all about how we see it and act upon it. Yay for the word of wisdom!! Well I will end this sermon from wales and wish you all the best week ever!
I love you!! Rwyn dy garu di! Proverbs 28:25
     Sista Fili

Monday, September 10, 2012


What a week of joy and love. I LOVE MISSIONARY WORK. I am OBSESSED with it. And this week I felt it alot. We had alot to make up for since that last week was ... umm... ya about that. Hospitals are great! Anyways, I have really found a love for my companion this week. She is quite funny. She just desires so much to make people laugh and smile... and sometimes I don't know she is teasing.. ok most of the time if I am honest. Girlfriend can hold a straight face and some of it doesn't seem like a joke, because it's sometihng you do naturally or get frustrated with naturally or what not and her joking is doing it falsley .. but naturally.. I dunno if that makes sense. Not gonna lie that kinda defines the humour as well, but none the less it is great to serve with her and get to know all of her little idiosyncrasies. (I taught her that word this week.. it's funny to listen to her say it). I am having such a great time serving my Saviour though. I love people. I love that if you are going to a Dinner Appointment and you are not sure if you are at the right house or even if you are trying over at a less actives house or referrals (cause that happens all the time.. .not) and you egt the wrong house there is always  purpose to share with them and we never feel awkward.. well you know what i mean. I lvoe how unifying this gospel is. We all have something in common, it's the gospel of Jesus Christ. We don't always recognize that or think of that, but at the end of the day that's it. We had the opportunity last night to visit with a family who is goin through a massive divorce and both losing everything. It is heart breaking and as we listened and tried to refer all things to the gospel I recognized that we are so spoiled in the love of God. No matter what He is there for us and gives us the little we have. They aren't starving, but close to, yet there is still always something to eat. I decided that we could make a little service project out of it though and I hope it works and helps the ward get involved as they should do. When we got home our power was out. You pay here for your electricity in a didfferent way than you pay a bill... you top it up and put in money for a certain amount of time. So it's not about paying a company it's more of the landlord or do it yourself. Anyways... interesting... so we get in and it's off. Sister Javed hates the dark. I personally thought it was quite peaceful. So as we were calling in she was pleading with me to call the landlord and so after we were finished I did and everything was sorted in 5 min. As the lights came on I wanted to cry. I thought about how blessed we are... spoiled in fact. We were at these people's homes who have nothing in fact they rarely have the lights on to preserve the electricity. They have nothing, and we have endless supplies it seems. We make one call and it is taken care of and they pray that with one call they can find someone with enough mercy to help them get it taken care of. They give praise for what they do have and get on with it. we winge when we don't have what we are used to for 5 seconds. We all do it. How much our saviour must love us to put up with us.
This week I was also given a call by Sister Rasmusen who issued an assignment to me for the Sisters Conference coming up on Wednesday. It is a talk/lesson (however I want to do it) for 10 min. on humility. Then she adds this, President Rasmussen believes you to be a very humble missionary. oh I was so chuffed that he would say that, a little overwhelmed and have a pure knowledge of my undeservingness... is that a word, hmm... but I said I would do it. Well this week the Lord has given me the opportunity to know that I have the potential to be humble, we all do, but no I am still working on this massive attribute and far from actually being able to be called 'humble'. I am so grateful though that they issued the assignment because although I feel silly talking or teaching about this with people of whome I served with or around who praobably know better, I know that the Lord is preparing me and helping me to become more humble so that I can have the strength and wisdom enough to do what He has planned for them. When we study something out, and it is on our minds often and we pray to obtain, not only is the experience given, but it can also be achieved in some form of the way, not perfectly, but a step in the right direction. God answers prayers and even prays not spoken. The thing is that we must never forget is that He knows everything. He can see the bigger picture. He knows the attributes we ned to accomplish any task put in our way at that time and I know that for this last bit of the mission I need humility, otherwise well... I won't be very effective. The Lord needs humble servants and when we think we know what's going on and what we are doing.. well He will soon teach us we are quite wrong. I don't think I have ever stopped learning though since I got here. Man my companions are outstanding and I wish I could be like all of them. I have been sooooo blessed.
Bryan. so I have been spelling his name wrong all along. woops. B- ryan. thanks Bro. Stowell for that :) haha. Anyways, he is doing amazing. Amongst all the trials he has had to face since coming to the knowledge of God, he never fails to have charity or faith. He said that the other day some silly chav (uh.. I'll explain when I get home.. think punk) kicked his kane from underneath him and although inside he was furious he just looked at him and said, 'well thank you lad, I think I will walk home without it now.' The woman next to him said.. 'how did you do that?' and his reply was.. 'well why get mad when he's done me a favour really.' I am outstanded by his faith, hope and charity he is devleoping. He said 'before Jesus came into my life I would have fallen out with the lad, but now I don't see the necessity. Christ wouldn't do it.' He is teaching me by his example and I just feel privileged everyday for how the Lord blesses us. 29 of September will be the best day ever for him, and I can't wait to see the joy that the cleansing power of baptism by water and by fire bring to this man and to many others on the day.
Steven.. sooo funny. well it wasn't, but it is. So last week on Saturday we get a call off him saying I dont want to be a part of your religion anymore I am fed up of sis. lewis not responding to my requests so therefore I am fed up with her religion as well. ok a little harsh. So we go and give him what he had asked sis. lewis for ages ago and a note saying to not let this little thing come between you and eternal happiness, as you do. .. well that wasn't good enough so he left me a note explaining why this whole situation hurt him so bad and how he thought that I was a major part in it so he wanted to hold off on lessons till I leave.. ouch. daggers to my soul. We had a member with us, of whom heard the letter as well and she felt so bad for us. I kept my cool and really I did recognize that Steven has a few mental difficulties given from his past that add to the why of this letter and entire situation actually. I know that Go provdies though for His children and we prayed that his heart would be softened and that he would recognize that it was not me and she was not trying to be rude, she's just busy in a another area. well yesterday we recieved a call and he apologized and told us of his deep gratitude for all we have done and hopes that he hasn't ruined it with us. man the Lord provides and quick!! I love it. I love these people... even with the drama they acquire, I get it, their bored and hurt from the past. It's rough.
So then we have Lynette- oh my goodness, super cool. So before we went in we were.. not so sure if this would be the last time or not, simply becaue we would go by and she would just chat about her enless problems and we would become more like counselors.. with the scriptures than anything. So we asked God to help us know what to do. Allow her to say how she actually feels about all of this and show us without us asking (if we ask she gives the answer we want to hear). Well we go in and within 5 minutes she brings up that she has been desiring baptism alot lately and been reading (lynette DOESN'T read.. ever.. miracle) So we open up the scriptures and she goes oh let me go get mibe, they were in her room and she was anxious to participate in what we had to say. This was massive steps for her. So as the lesson went on we were able to committ her to nov. 3 for a baptism. It's far away, but to her that is sooo close. God loves His children. You can't say it enough because it's still unfathomable.
I love the lessons I am learning, the people I am meeting, the souls I am helping to save and the person I am able to become while here. Nothing could be better.
The family seems great. I am glad ya'll were able to attend Caleb's homecoming and see so many families there. He sure does have alot of people that love him :) Sam and Laura.. that was like a thing on the '09 AOL tour.. and now yet again. look at that. super cool. Hope it all works out for them. She needs a good Sam :) I bet they are all super adorable. I can't wait to see them.
I am so glad Matt found a job!! And one he can get buff at. lucky kid. Hopefully he'll be able to hook me up in a little while. it's gonna need to happen. Hey dad, keep thinking and praying about what to do with youth and performing, but please let me know. I want to help. I like that sound of what you are saying and want to be apart of it. Like that is some surprise or something.. haha.
i hope all is well and continues well. Everything will work out alright!!
I lvoe you all, you are in my prayers and I thank you for your prayers!
Hiraeth! ( welsh word that means like a longing for a love.. or home in this case.. not a trunky longing for though people!)
      Sista Fili

Monday, September 3, 2012

Charity Never Faileth

I feel like being a mock Relief Society President this week because my whole week I have felt more like a mother than anything else. It's been great. Infact, Sis. Rasmussen even told me I am going to be a great mum ... ya well, we'll see. Ha So last week the hospital saga started, ya? Oh don't you be worrying about it ending there, cause it didn't! (in the best twang cheesy accent I can do) Well After we got the antibiotics last week we took them home and bless Sis. Javed's heart she HATES tablets with a passion. She whines, kinda like a child every time she has to take them, so when she would take them and then 'throw up'.. sounded more like a try to cough like.. I thought she was just over reacting- well... I repented from that thought when it was actually her body rejecting them. Ya motherhood step one- take everything into consideration even if you think they are being silly about life. So we go back and get different ones and this time she has the aches and pains ALL over and turns out with a fever- odd. Lesson one was learnt so I made the necessary phone calls and we were told to go back. Now this last time before we went back we were gettting alot of advice from members expecting it to be the worst because something similar had happened to a sister prior to about 18 months ago. Well then we have Elder Hales (the mission doctor) and Pres. Rasmussen asking some pretty pointed questions about how much this is physical and how much this is actually emotional. Now you see here's the deal, Sis. Javed is saint.. a saint who loves the work  and hates hospitals so sometimes when it would come to her health she would tell the truth to me, but then when it would come to the people who she really needs to say this and that HONESTLY to it would be a lack of honesty and more 'dignity and strength' because she wants to work and more than that doesn't want to go to the hospital again. I'm with ya sister.. but not fully.. Well They were both catching on to this and could sense that I was doing this for the good of my companion and doing my best with what I was percieving and the little information she was giving me- lesson # 2 of motherhood.. just do it no matter how they winge, it's for their good. So finally after being firm... lesson 3... we were able to get some honesty out of her and take the necessary steps to getting her well and sorting out what was actually going on. Well the night prior to we went to go recieve a blessing from the Elders. After the blessing Sis. Javed looked at me and said I know I will be alright- I don't think it will be that bad anymore. Man she has faith.. but ya know me, oh ye of little faith... I think it was the stress of the week and her lack of honesty that i said- well we'll see but sometimes we have to do more than that... people can we please say daft chicken spices. Anyways, on our way to the hospital on Saturday afternoon I was getting frustrated and so was she. We have 2 areas we have had a total of 4 lessons this week and that's about all we've been able to do and just alot of other stuff that matterd, but the view of the bigger picture was lacking. So I was honest and so was she and by the end we had an understanding of how one another felt, and why we felt it and how we were going to now handle it... step 13, works everytime ;) (see preach my gospel page 150) So we get to the hospital and after waiting, and doing the urine sample thing for her they told us we had an appointment for that evening so we could leave till then- THANK YOU. The joys of a proper hospital. So we went and worked a little. It was great. Well we come back that evening and they see us after a bit of a wait and the GP tells us that her urine is clear... amazing.. then has Sis. Javed move this way and that way and that pain comes that she has had all week. She told us that it was a strained muscle in her back. it might have started off as something else, but it's ended up as this. So as we leave Sis. Javed looks at me and says ' I have feelings this is result of blessing'. My amazing little pakistany companion once again proved her faith to me. Miracles do happen. Everything is alright. I am a drama mama who just cares too much and needs a little more faith and little less logic. I am grateful that the Lord was able to teach us this and that the saga is finally over. One thing I did learn this week is that no matter what it is that we are doing, we can always remember that we are donig a great work and can not come down. We had Zone Conference at the beginning of the week and that was the talk it was all based off of, "I'm doing a Great work and Can not come Down" by President Uchtdorf from Oct. 2011 GC, priesthood session. it's an amazing talk and one I would definately encourage you to look up. We talked about desires and what matters most and about well... missionary work at it's best. Of course. During it I decided that I would really work on my focus this week. Going above and beyond that of which I had been doing previously. I am not a bad missionary, but we can always focus more- we are still human! So then all of the saga happened and it was one of the hardest weeks to focus because it was alot of waiting and not ya know... going and doing. Well I decided to not let this get me down. I can tell you that I proved to myself this week that it's not always about how much you are showing your diligence that equals actual diligence but how you are following the promptings to be diligent when it doesn't seem possible. We had some incredible chats with people and an amazing few lessons. We were able to learn alot about others and gain charity for our spiritual brothers and sisters here on earth in a different way than usual. Sis. javed and I were able to grow closer as a companionship and to be more unified in purpose. I know that God blesses us with the things we need, not always with what we want and or think is right for this time, but  He has the grander vision and knows what is best. If we put it in his hands and walk by faith and not by sight I know that we can accomplish all the Lord has for us. I love this work. I love being a missionary. I love my Mission President and his wife. We got to know them super well this last week.. haha but how greaterful I am for their patience and love. They truly are called of God.
Oh by the way the departing tstimony went well- I said things I didn't even know, but I do know one thign that God knew what I need to say for myself and hopefully for others... but who knows. It felt good and I am grateful I had the opportunity to bare the testimony that has grown within me over the past 16 months... even if it seems a little premature.
I am so glad that everyone is doing so well and that life is picking up again.
Dad- the next 2 months may possibly go as fast for you as they will for me! Good luck! I hope LIGHT works out this week- if not maybe it is for the best, even if it kills me to say that.
Mum- I am happy you are grasping on to the program well and enjoying school. it should be really good for you to get back in the swing of things.
Cassy- you are potty trained.. I bet your parents are  more happy than you are!!!
Heather- I hope you are only going to have to suffer with morning sickness for a little while longer.. sounds unenjoyable. your in my prayers.
Liz- heard you are donig fantastic and such- can't wait to hear more!!
Matt- I heard you got a letter from Elder Allred, lucky duck! I hope you enjoyed it.
I love to hear about all the family. it brings me more joy than you will ever know. I can't wait to hear from you again. You are in my prayers and I love you all so much!! May the Lord bless you for your faith!!
   Sista Fili Moroni 8:3