Monday, October 15, 2012

Dear fambam.
Miracles do happen. oh you don't believe me, well then I have a short tale for you!!
So this week was SUPER slow.. no one liked us. tuesday and Thursday went a little like this, " ya about that.. we're not interested anymore.. infact could you just tell them to have missionaries STOP COMING fullstop? oh and tell Stucki we miss her".. lame sauce. Devastation.. all in the pouring rain.. buckets over my head like type of rain. Which was well fun, but after a while the weather fit the mood and it was just one of those days you don't tell people about before they come cause then they won't be as excited to come.. but hey, that's wales for you! No bother because Saturday happened and made up for every bit of rejection! So Friday night we were in teaching Steve Cross about the word of wisdom and faith. during it we all remembered that there is a wedding being held at the church the same day of his scheduled baptismal date. Well we left it with him and Lisa, his fellowshipper who introduced him to the gospel and us, to decide when would be best for him. Well we wake up the next morning to a text- "can u ring me please u wonderful ladies asap. can u make it over sometime after 5 pm today? and can u make a baptism for next weekend? yes next weekend!! hehehe exsiting times x" who wouldn't want to wake up to that message every morning.. someone wants us to come over, some called us wonderful, and to top it off pelase we need a baptism and your life next weekend.. oh ok.. done. maybe in some missions this is a normal thing, but for here this is a miracle. Infact anywhere this is a miracle. Whether iti s a common thing or not. Steve felt the spirit the night prior as we taught about faith and the word of wisdom. When we left and they were reading the assignments we left they continued to feel the spirit and he knows. he doesn't need to be convinced because the man is humble and is ready. he said it all makes sense in my hea, but more than that it feels rgiht in my heart and I can't deny it.. I don't want to wait. I want to be baptized next weekend. That is a miracle. The power of the Holy Ghost in our lives is a miracle. Interesting too earlier on Friday morning we were making goals for weekly planning and the first two goals are people being baptized and confirmed in the coming week.. well we obviously had no one scheduled and don't want to be accountable for what we do not have logically, but I knew as I crossed it out that i was wrong there would be one. Well I stand corrected, there was one. I had been praying it would hapen, but it just didn't seem likely. Yesterday it aws announced in church and he is so excited. It will be an insane week but we are sooooo o excited. I actually get to see the man baptized! and give my first talk on the mission at a baptism.. that's kinda cool. We are soooo excited and things just seems to keep getting better.. I hope tht iti s like that.. but there's always opposition. it happens, it's a sign of a good thing. 2Nephi 2:11. My joy is over flowing and I am feeling so good about how things are right now.
Yesterday my silly bishop got me. We had this joke that he would somehow get me to do a farewell talk before I leave.. but this last week was fast sunday, next week is the primary presentation and the next, me last sunday, is stake conference. I thought i was safe.. and then he said before everyone comes to give their testimonies i am gonig to ask sister filichia who is returning home soon.. and ya know the shpeal. So I did and it was sooooo awkward. I didn't have words. i didn't know what to say.. goodbye? see you next week actually! ha! But whatever came out I think it was alright because people commented on it in their testimonies, but I have never felt so seperated from my body in all my life of bearing testimony. It was an odd feeling. One i kinda hope doesn't repeat itself again. oh well bishop won.. he always wins. bah
Ha anyways! I finished the book of mormon yesterday for the last time on my mission and it was so interesting. I was thinknig alot about the mission of Mormon and Moroni and how NO ONE cared. EVERYONE there were haneously evil and disgusting about it infact and they did not convert the masses as you see all the other prophets in the book do. Infact the only baptisms those two men will ever have had are all in the future to what they are writing, yet they did labour diligently that they might perform the great work they had to perform whilst in this tabernacle of clay. (Moroni 9:6) I am so grateful they did. From the efforts of these two men in abridging and writing and protecting, sealnig and delivering the Book of Mormon in all the ways in which God commanded them we are able to bring the world the Lord's truth. They have helped to convert millions, not masses. I love the book of mormon. i love what it stands for. i love that we have it in our lives and that we get to share it. I know just as these men did and do that no effort is wasted. it does not matter the amount of people you see converted, it only matters that you did all you could so that one day they will.  I can't wait to meet moroni and mormon and all of the prophets and disciples and missionaries from the book of mormon and shake their hands and thank them for following the spirit and doing what they did then recording it and passing it down so that we could all benefit from it. Then I thought of the record and legacy I will leave.. what effect will i possibly have on others? i hope it is good. Yesterday Bryan bore his testimony and said the most heart felt amazing things to all of us.. especially me. He weeped with joy that he has found this gospel and told me over the pulpit that I will not leave without having changed a soul's life.. I wanted so badly to cry, but I couldn't.. I could only smile and thank God for allowing me to be His vessel at that point. Really I think the thing I have learnt the most the past few weeks is that it is not me or any of us it is God through us. We just have to be worthy and even is we aren', He'll make up the diffrerence for no elect soul will be lost. I hope that each of us realizes just as prophets testified of last weekend that whether we are a member or missionary it makes no diffrerence we are all God's children and we are all called to serve our king in anyway we can. if we struggle becuse iti s not the way others think is right at this time.. it doesn't matter. What matters is what God beleives and knows to be true. iti s God's opinion and that is true confidence. I lvoe this service of the lord. i love my God and king and I am excited for all that the future holds :) Crazy how time flies when you are having a good time. Testimony comes sometimes through rejection and through rejection we come to know our Saviour every moment of the mission is worth it because every moment you grow closer to Him. Whether by miracle or by failure. it's all" done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things."(2 Nephi 2:24)
I love you all sooooo much. I pray for you daily, infact in almost ever prayer you are in it. I owe you all the world and hope you forgive me for making postcard promises and failing to follow through.. life is psycho and I am grateful! Nothing better!
Till next week... last time... what the heck!
Moroni 8:30 "Farewell, my family, until I shall write unto you, or shall meet you again. amen."
Sista Fili

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