Monday, October 1, 2012

Bryan's Baptism!!

What a week!! I lost my mind. I got chewed out by some lessactive members, almost got Bryan evicted from his flat and then I helped save his soul. Opposition in all things. Bryan was doing ace so it's gotta come from a different angle. Silly devil, tricks are for kids! Anyways, It began and ended well and that's what matters. So Thursday we taught bryan in the front corridor of his building because we weren't able to get a sister to come with us. issues. so someone told on us ... this was stuff we didn't know mind... and they had a big chat with him about not preaching in public. Anyways, he got a warning but they said they would evict him next time. Whoa. drama. But it's cool. So then we had some miss understandings with some less actievs thwat were gonig to feed us LAST sunday. As we were heading oer to their hous we end up with a blow out and one on the way, so we got the elders to help us put our spare on and then had to wait for the zoneleaders to come for their spare as well. Hence we didn't make it to the da. well i had called her as it happened and said we were on our awy but this happened and we aer so sorry it won't work out tonight, eat without us and we'll come by sometime this week to make up for it. so the husband calls later that ngiht and says, well are you coming? ...nooo.... sometime this week we will, at this point they are just putting on the other spare and it is already our curphue mind. So obviously we can't go over. so apparently i told them friday, well I ddin't write it down and I don't remember saying it. well friday was a total flop day and I lost my mind nd had completely forgot what I had said.. compltetly, not gonna lie I still don't remember saying it, but there we are. it makes sense if I did. That's when we are usually in that area. So Friday night we had the most amazing final lesson with Bryan and our member came and gained some answers of her own and we all just had a spiritual feast to say the least and we get a call at about 9pm from these certain LA members and sis. javed answers the phone and puts it on speaker phone and holds it up to my ear and he had a proper go at me like none other, and said a few things hat have actually never been said to me before and it hurt like furry! I was so embarrassed and felt like the worst missionary. I cried so hard that night because well... these people are a little sensative to this stuff, but none the less we offended them and that is not the objective. The next day was golden.. we went by a potential who we havenot seen since she became a potential and got a Return Appointment and then met this polish guy who is totally into whatwe share about families, so amazing. and then we made another big mistake, but this time the member was understandingi enough... like i said I lost my mind like... good riddens! So then we go to the baptism. and I had forgot to st up someone for prelude. we only have 2 people who can play in the ward and the one is unlikely and the other is well the RSpresident... so I guess I figured they would figure it out themselves through common sense.. well I sinned because you should never assume anything. You also shouldn't assume your ward is gonig to come to their new RC baptism.. because they don't always. It's super sad. But there we are. bring on the opposition! Anyways, it was spirit feeling for the prelude and that's about it, but the best part is that regardless, it was still the best baptism I have ever taken a part of. The speakers were spot on and the spriit was strong. The investigators there fel it and 2 became even more so solid for their baptism dates. Steve, our investigator, actually became excited for his. before he was wondering what he had actually committed himself to, but once he saw that he bcame excited and then church the next day made him even more excited about the baptism and the gospel in general. He is excited about everything. What a miracle. In pakistn after baptisms they invite those who have been baptized to come and bear their testimonies and conversion stories.. so we thouht we would do that with Bryan, oh my goodness it was the best idea ever. it was so powerful and i can not tell you how humbling it wa to hear our Recent convert bear testimony about the gospel, and the book of mormon and tell his story in such a profound way. I realized then thatI did nothing. His testimony didn't come through our teaching or what we said, it came through the book that he read on his own time. It came through the power of the holy ghos testifying of truth. We were merely vessels for the lord giving him the proper materials to gain the answers that he was seeking. How incredible is that. The next day at church he was confirmed a member and it was so cool to hear temple work in the blessing especially from someone who hadn't attended the baptism or any of the lessons, how would he know that Bryan was so excited for the temple and had people who nedded him to do this work for them- he didn't, but God did. We had a lesson with steve and lisa after curch and was brilliant talking to him about the plan of salvation. he asid that after last night he would even consider movinmg his date up- now that is called the spirit! So amazing. I am so happy this week, regardless of the silly things that happen there is always more joy to be had!
How is everyone? dad your email inspired me sooooooo much. I cried. I feel like I am doing that alot lately. such is life :) oh well. I love you all!! I can't wait for next week... to hear about GC!!  I I love general conference. I love that because we have prophets we have the priesthood and with priesthood authority comes saving ordinances such as baptism and after that endowment and sealing and because of all of these new revelations we get to have an eternal family. What a weekend to reflect upon those thigns that matter most. I am so happy to be a missionary. I wake up so excited everyday. I can't believe how lucky I am. I hate running dad, but I have learned how better to pace myself. Right now though... the sprint is on, my brian may be lost at times, but my energy is more than it's ever been for this great and glorious work, all I can pray for is that yours is as well. How can we not be excited about it. we can actually save the souls of others as we submitt our will to the Lord and allow Him to use us un worthy servants for His works. With or without a badge. Dad thank you for reminding me of your dedication. it gives me a renewed strength. I love you all so much. I cannot even stand it. I pray fro you and hope that all is well. let me know what more I can do.
Sorry the postcard didn't come last week.. it got a little ridiculous with time. this week it will be a bit late, but you'll get it.
I love you soooooo much rwyn dy garu di!! I'll be seein you... in no time. eeek. yaya!! it's a love hate relationship for me people. be kind. understand. keep cal and carry on. tada butt!
 Sista Fili Ether 12:27

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