Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Well this week has been great. Sorry it's taken till now to email, (bank holiday and then yesterday the computers at the library weren't working properly) so it's a Wednesday letter, but it's all good!!
ha this week I got bit by a chihuahua... the tiniest dog with the most evil eyes.. I was frightened. I knew he wanted a piece of me and just wasn't sure about committing to that, but I guess I did against my will. His owner kept saying just stand still and he'll lay off, the first time I could and he did lay off the second time I was in the midst of moving and then he came up with another one and I was so frazalled I forgot, so I got bit. I guess that's like us with Satan, the Lord tells us to 'be still and know that I am God',. then we can conquer Satan because he will have no power over us, but by fear of him we frazel and show our weakness so that he has the power now to bite us... how silly are we that we don't just listen to the owner and stand still and save ourselves that hurt of being bitten by something that is in reality much smaller than us. After that experience, I am looking at the world a little bit differently. It is so simple, just read the owner's manual.
   Well mum, I would like you to know your daughter is cooking, and well might I add. I am putting stuff together randomly and coming out with yummy things for my cute future family to eat!! haha It is fun. You find that members give you lots of random stuff, then you buy some random stuff put it together and walla!! a dish of food. haha ok so it's not all that random, but still I am taking one step farther into maturity land.
   The work is going well, Debbie is incredible. She and Kevin are doing well and she gets what the church and the gospel are all about. She goes to church and feels at home there, more at home there than in her own home.. wonder why? We as LDS members who have been brought up in the church don't recognize the feeling of the spirit at church as strongly as those who have NEVER had it in their lives. She feels it so strongly and it has made me want to recommitt myself to looking for the feeling at church and anywhere that the ward parties are.. she feels it there as well, in fact anywhere ward members are she seeks to feel it and finds it. She loves it and I only pray that this continues. The devil is working hard to fight for the souls of those we teach and any who have not been able to hear the message of our dear Saviour, it's up to us to fight back, and how willing are we to fight? How hard will we fight so that we do not loose this real true battle we are fighting with Satan. I was reading Mosiah 25 this morning and it struck me with all the emotions that these people felt for their brethren all at the same time. They felt joy for those who had been delivered, but sorrow for those who were slain, thankful for the gifts God gives to His children as he provides a way for their deliverance and anguish for those who know not of God yet.. these too can be our emotions of the people all around us. You don't have to go far too find it. I am certain that our Saviour's main plead to all of us who know Him and know don't yet know Him is to Come to Him, when we do we will leave all wordly things behind and will truly embark in the service of our God.
   How is everyone donig? the babies happy? man I love them.. haha man alive I just miss this glorious family of mine!! haha but I don't at all at the same time... I feel blessed to know that the Lord is taking good care of you!
   I am so grateful for all things in my life, for answers to prayers and for the comfort of the Lord that He knows me personally. He knows my heart, thoughts and desires. This morning I was struggling deciding if my way of focusing was right, but then I realized in some ways it is the exact same for us all. But if we go to God and discuss it out, He will tell in what way you need to focus because He does know me. Man, I am grateful for that. I know that He lives and I know that the Book of Mormon is the Word of God and can answer the questions of the soul if we have faith to see the miracle of it.. miracles come by the amount of faith we exercise to see them. I am seeing the simple miracles of life all the time and oh how grateful I am for that. No other Gospel can show you that so well.
Welp, it's been a year since a lot of things and my my how the time flies... I realized this morning if time flies even faster than this for the rest of the mission I will be home before you know it.. which is happy and sad in all sorts of ways. I love it here though and don't want to leave for a very long time.. Which is good, cause I'm not... hahaa but my love for the family just keeps getting bigger, which is ridiculous cause I sure was obsessed with you all BEFORE I ever came out here.. man can you imagine how much God loves us then? Does my head in thinking about it. Well family I love you and I am grateful for you!! Hope this all made sense.. my mind is racing and I am running out of time. Loves!! Till monday :D
oh ps.. President's interviews tomorrow!! super excited.. and next week Elder Bednar and many other General Authorites are coming to visit us. If you have good ideas for a brilliant question for him that you or I should or want to know let me know on Monday and I will ask it on Saturday and tell you the next Monday!! booyah!!
I love you love you love you!!
Sister Filichia

Monday, August 22, 2011

Alright my bright and beautiful family, 
   It's been an incredible week... well every week is incredible I guess when you are a missionary, if you look for it that is. I don't want to give off false pretenses to these future missionaries that it's all about everyone saying yes and excepting- most don't, or go half way and then reject (that's even harder to see) but it is the greatest work. It is just as Alma tells Helaman in Alma 36 about his conversion story- the pain we feel for others who reject is deep, but the joy we feel in regards to others and their accepting is just as sweet as was our pain. I love this work because I am being converted every step of the way. I love it because I see miracles everyday and I love it because I am helping other people come closer to their Father. I love that I have never felt so high on love yet so low all at the same time. Not too many LOVE  you but the one's that do- you take every ounce of it in. Nothing can be taken for granted on a mission, and with life- it all makes us more.
   Debbie has a baptismal date. September 17th family!!! I am soooooo excited, I hope it all works out for it to be on that date, but I know she knows it's true. She is first hand seeing the effects of coming closer to God. She is even noticing how important it is to others, sometihng not even we Mormon's recognize, we just expect. We should always continue to be amazed and in awe of the dedication of other Latter-Day Saints. Even the prophets and apostles talk about their amazement- and they're legit.... sooo ya... anyways what I am talking about is that there is this family from Spain in our ward. 1/2 the family speaks english well enough to get by and understand or at least get the gist of it the other half knows as much english as I know spanish. They come to all 3 meetings and have a smile on their face, if someone can translate they ask for it, and if not then they just feel of the spirit and gather what they can from it. The mother and father of the entire family sat in front of me and Debbie and Sunday and I was so impressed and touched. This man sat and translated to his dear wife so close and friendly the entire time. I told them after I am so grateful to know them and to be able to witness such love, care and dedication for each other and the gospel. He looked at me and said, I can't afford NOT to come to church, she understood enough to know what was being discussed and said (well he translated it to this) it is what brings me joy regardless of how I have to learn and understand it. They get it and Debbie heard it and it touched her. Our dedication to God and the gospel is not only for us, but for all who choose to see and partake of the miracles of another's conversion.
   I am in love with this gospel... I really am, it sounds... interesting... but I am. I am sooo grateful for our family. Sometimes I have different things like dad laughing so hard he's jiggling or Matt making me kiss his biceps... or numerous amounts of funny and other stuff pop into my mind of the family. It's not a bad pop into my mind, I am where I need to be and doing what I need to be doing... you ain't gonnna see me for a while, don't you worry, but it's kind of a tender mercy for me. Nothing makes me happier than to see my family smiling. I know it's because of the love we have in the home that I am soooo excited about my future home- that's why I'm obsessed mum, it's your (the entire family) fault for being so amazing and loving me so much that I can't wait to have what I have that in my own family. I love you and hope that you will keep in touch. Mum, Dad can I get both Hunter's addresses, Ward and Amber's, Grandma's and Mel's address, Spence and Barb's, and if you have Clint's (dad's bro's) that's cool too!! and Heather and Steve's!!! address prease... Liz I think I know yours... but hers too just to double check. umm... ya for now I think that's all.. oh if we can get Camille and Ryan's, Cherise and Aaron's, Damon and Leslie's... that would be cool.... but if not I understand. Is Celeste still at Clint and Mikki's? alright family that I love, I will be talking to you soon. You always put the smile on my face. I'll be sending a letter again today in reply to your emails :D loves!
Rwyn dy garu di - welsh for I love you
Sista Fili

Monday, August 15, 2011

My goodness you wonderful people in my life!!!
   What a great week it has been, and last week Dad's emails just made me so happy to hear about the little, but good updates of my other friends. I love this work. I love being a missionary. I love where I am and who I am privileged to serve and to serve with. Sis. Lauritzen is a major blessing to me. I have always loved the work, but the rest I was still getting used to, I LOVE IT ALL .. I DO. That which we choose to indulge ourselves in becomes that which we love... so I am gonna love this for the next 14 months of my life... and most of it will go with me to love and indulge in for the rest of my life!! I can't wait. I am also excited to read what ya'll wrote me today... I caught pieces of Dad's and the camp fire bit.. I am sooooo bummed I missed it, but soooooo grateful they all were able to experience it.
   This week started off slow... er... but ended ballin'. On Saturday morning, we prayed HARD to find the elect as we call it. We went through the area book and found former investigators in the areas we chose to find in and it is incredible how the righteous desires of our hearts are met by God who knows all things, especially His children and their desires and personalities. We went to 2 places in the first area and the formers were not there, but someone else on the street was ready and prepared.. investigator #1 after a LONG morning of rejection.. and lots of it rude to be honest, but there we go, it's part of the job description.
   Then we went to the other place and visited the former there. At the door before she answered, I all of a sudden had to wee as they say here in this discrete country.. hahaha .. but whatever I thought.. So we were talking to her and she didn't shew us away but was hestitant and busy. She almost said goodbye then I said.. can I use your toilet.. which is something else discrete about this country... she said yes and Sis. Lauritzen worked her magic of friendly talking and making people feel comfortable while I did what I needed to, I came back down and they were talking about the missionaries from before and her family, we stayed 10 minutes longer and set a return appt. God uses our weaknesses (like my small blatter) for His good. I know this is true, I know this story was silly.. but it illustrates that this is God's work, He knows His children and fights for them. We must be bold enough to answer to the call...and I am talking bold people.. haha.
   Debbie!! is our new investigator and she is brilliant. Her partner is kevin who is from Salt Lake and is less active in the church. We ere referred to go see him and his family & to invite them to church because they had just moved in and may not know where to go.. we went and found not only Kevin but Debbie... oh we love her. And her kids. What an incredible family. You can already feel a difference in their home since we came the first time because she is sincerely interested and doing everything the Lord asks of her to the best knowledge and ability. I am sooo grateful I know her because I am better because of it. I see good things in her future :)
   This week, I studied Mosiah 2 and it has stuck with me like crazy glue. Please go and study it for yourselves. I love how serviceful King Benjamin is to his people he resides over, and just tells them distinctly to serve as well. By God's perfect wisdom He tells us and admonishes us to serve one another knowing it is the way we can feel God's love for God truly is the Father of our spirits and our spirits want to do good. When we do, it is as if we do it to Him because we are all a part of Him. He gave us life and all He asks for in return is that we do as He has commanded and then He'll bless us and then we are still indebt to Him.. so what have we to boast? Serve, serve, serve... it's all we can do to return a bit of love for the infinite atonement He suffered for each of us and the life and breath that we have... if it weren't for the atonement there wouldn't be life on the earth, mankind probably wouldn't have lasted too long with all the blood thirsty people there are in the BOM and Bible.. I mean let's be honest. But because He has saved us, we can live.. now and for all eternity. I praise His name this day and for the rest of my life. How grateful I am to be in the service of Him who gives us all life, love, and the will to do good things.
   Keep it up family.. you are incredible and I am soo blessed to have your prayers and examples in my life. I couldn't fulfill this mission without you in the back of my mind being the voices in my head.. Jen you are definitely in there... be exhausted.. it's gettin' there and I am only beginning... so let it begin and continue :D I love you all!!

ps I got grandma's letter and money, tell her I love her sooo much :D

pps... I am excited about the new bishop, but I will miss Bishop Halbert.. who my Mission president and his wife know.. sooo cool. Mormon world is BITE SIZE! Keep it up.

Love you all!!

Sista Fili

Monday, August 8, 2011

How are you? Well, I just emailed you... but hope you are excited for some happy news... remember Elicia that sang at the fireside..i told you about her a little while ago? Well, she went to Young Women's camp this last week right after the fireside and at the end she bore her testimony to say that she wanted to come to church and to join the church basically... so the YW president took her home and asked her mothers permission to let her come to church and YW activites and her mom gave her permission to do so.. Amy Wilcox, the YW president, called me at 10:45 pm to tell me the news on Friday night.. probably the best part of my week at that moment but... then there was church- she came, she loved it- she bore her testimony again to say basically the same thing. After church, we went over to the Hutchinson's for dinner and she was there hanging out with Elena and we were able to teach her a bit. She is absolutely fabulous and we couldn't be happier, we just pray it continues!! How lucky we are to know and have this Gospel. She has inspired me so much with her faith, knowledge and wisdom. Think about the fact that someone can see an example, recognize it's right, hear what others believe and identify with it so fast. She said that she was never taught to pray, but she knew there was God out there so she has always prayed, and God has always answered. What a wise person... 'O be wise what can I say more.'- right Mom? haha
My thoughts have been on the Wadsworth family quite a bit the past few days. I hope they know I love them so much. I sent the package today ..FINALLY... and there is a card in there for them from me. My companion and I pray for them every night together and every personal prayer I have is for them as well. life is altered so quickly how important that firm foundation is. I found a card today that says ' I get up. I walk. I fall down and I still keep dancing' or something like that... but I thought about how precious that is to think about. We all have hard days and times, we have much to endure but oh, how we can still find joy in the journey of life through our Savior Jesus Christ.
Brielle walking?!!! What is crazy to think of her not as a baby in my arms sleeping so peacefully and so adorably, man pictures could be very necessary family :D haha it's cool. how has the week been? Mom and Dad your letters ALWAYS make me cry. Sorry I don't reply to them sooner, but hopefully I will be able to be better now that Sister Lauritzen has the same habit I do of writing a letter and an email a week :D But this one shall be epic and so .. ya jusy love it-it won't happen for a very very very long time. Haha i love you family!! Has school started up again? Crazy. Time is flying and then I think... no it's not it's been just as long as it feels, it's just everyone is growing and I am not seeing it happen so it's crazy. I do get grandma's letters and money, tell her thank you- there's a letter for her in the package as well, thought it would save on postage.


Alright I love you and hope all is well, if I missed something I am very very sorry- a lot is in the package home of questions that need answering. I love you family and Mum I hope you had the best birthday ever- pa thanks for the emails I will definitely read and reply next week :D can't wait!!! tada butt!!

I love you with all my heart
Sister Filichia

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Alright family!!
What a week!!! Sister Nadsady is... dead.. but lives again.. in Scotland :D Man, I miss her a lot and if she reads this I hope she knows I talk about her (all good things) probably too often to EVERYONE.. but it's because I love her and fond memories are wracking my brain constantly... they usually always apply to the conversation happening of course, but she is mentioned often. I love how close you become with people and I am so privileged to serve have been given this opportunity to serve with Sis. Nadsady. Others aren't boasting about their companions, but I can boast about mine with sincereity!! I am sooo grateful. Find reasons to rejoice and to want to boast, it's when we look for the bad that we find it and therefore are not the person others want to be around which makes it a big fat circle crumbling and twirling annoying mess, not fruitful.
I am now serving with .... bum bum bum.... SISTER LAURITZEN from Southern California. She is great. I love her. We know each other from sleepovers before, so it isn't a complete getting to know you, it's more natural. I have a good feeling about this transfer. We have work to do and both of us are excited about doing it and building it up again. I am excited to learn about her ideas and to apply all that I have learned from Sis N thus far. I feel rejuvenated and ready to go.. even though I am COMPLETELY nackered. I could sleep for hours if someone would let me, but there's work to do so we'll leave that for later, probabaly not though.
This week the granddaughter, of an old couple in our ward, passed away. Basically the same story as Timmyman. 26- incredible- RM- EVERYONE KNEW HER- you just looked at picture of her and felt the Spirit- mission was successful but not a walk in the park with illnesses and such. She was just a missionary for life. Not married, praying for it but nothing yet. She was in a car accident going to see her brand new nephew and died instantly. Their family is one EVERYONE knows and loves and I happened to be in Merthyr which is her home ward when it happened, so that night we went over to see the family.. can I pelase say FLASH BACKS. My heart aches for their family, but as I saw them just love others and reach out to them I was inspired to a new level. Being reminded of hard things is in fact hard, but renewing.. I recommitted myself to this work remembering that missionary work isn't a choice, it's a commandment nd something that is vital to me, to you, to all in every nation. We are all children of God and He wants all of His children to come home to Him and he faithful. I know that He loves us and wants the best, which is not always what we think is best, but its always the best thing for us! haha I am learning more and more to be patient, to learn and grow the way God needs you to, and to just be happy with the knocks that come.. they'll come- so get on with it and rejoice that God is on your side and all you have to do is choose- He's already won the battle, which team you are you on? The end is good, so rejoice in that if anything.
The fireside happened and it went well. A lot better than I thought it would, I was soooo nervous after our rehearsal, but the Spirit was there, the angels descended and people heard and saw the good and God covered up the bad apparently.. except I shied away from the high notes on 'oh happy day'.. I couldn't hear it in my head, it wasn't natural to me yet, and so I almost did it but faked out on them and just went down.. super lame, super funny- but I just figure they'll thank me later, they still have good hearing. But I am so excited that it went well many came and brought friends!! We had 10 nonmembers there and a couple said they wanted to come back to church after that.. hopeful :) and one less active... which is sad, but I think it was good for her. I was able to sing 'I Know He Lives' and it was an incredible experience to sing that to people we teach... incredible. I loved every moment of it. The power of music is out of this world, gottas use :D
Story of the week... so last ngiht Sister Lauritzen and I are on our way back to Cardigan and we go get petrol because we are out. No background, real fast- Sis L had a different version of our car that took unleaded petrol in the car, this version that we have takes diesel ... hmmm- well we go to fill up and both of us are oblivious to the fact that things are different, I've never had anything else and she's never had anything else either. So she puts unleaded in the car and i think she's putting diesel because I am working on something else... so we get down the road a bit and the car starts slowing down regardless of her pressing the accelerater.. story short because of time... we got caught, saved, and now we are good- but we definitely learnt about prayer and God protecting His children... crazy!!! I love you all and can't wait to hear from you. |sent a package and it should be coming this week. Happy Bday Mum, Heather hope it was your best birthday yet. Loves and Bye.
Sista Fili