Thursday, August 4, 2011

Alright family!!
What a week!!! Sister Nadsady is... dead.. but lives again.. in Scotland :D Man, I miss her a lot and if she reads this I hope she knows I talk about her (all good things) probably too often to EVERYONE.. but it's because I love her and fond memories are wracking my brain constantly... they usually always apply to the conversation happening of course, but she is mentioned often. I love how close you become with people and I am so privileged to serve have been given this opportunity to serve with Sis. Nadsady. Others aren't boasting about their companions, but I can boast about mine with sincereity!! I am sooo grateful. Find reasons to rejoice and to want to boast, it's when we look for the bad that we find it and therefore are not the person others want to be around which makes it a big fat circle crumbling and twirling annoying mess, not fruitful.
I am now serving with .... bum bum bum.... SISTER LAURITZEN from Southern California. She is great. I love her. We know each other from sleepovers before, so it isn't a complete getting to know you, it's more natural. I have a good feeling about this transfer. We have work to do and both of us are excited about doing it and building it up again. I am excited to learn about her ideas and to apply all that I have learned from Sis N thus far. I feel rejuvenated and ready to go.. even though I am COMPLETELY nackered. I could sleep for hours if someone would let me, but there's work to do so we'll leave that for later, probabaly not though.
This week the granddaughter, of an old couple in our ward, passed away. Basically the same story as Timmyman. 26- incredible- RM- EVERYONE KNEW HER- you just looked at picture of her and felt the Spirit- mission was successful but not a walk in the park with illnesses and such. She was just a missionary for life. Not married, praying for it but nothing yet. She was in a car accident going to see her brand new nephew and died instantly. Their family is one EVERYONE knows and loves and I happened to be in Merthyr which is her home ward when it happened, so that night we went over to see the family.. can I pelase say FLASH BACKS. My heart aches for their family, but as I saw them just love others and reach out to them I was inspired to a new level. Being reminded of hard things is in fact hard, but renewing.. I recommitted myself to this work remembering that missionary work isn't a choice, it's a commandment nd something that is vital to me, to you, to all in every nation. We are all children of God and He wants all of His children to come home to Him and he faithful. I know that He loves us and wants the best, which is not always what we think is best, but its always the best thing for us! haha I am learning more and more to be patient, to learn and grow the way God needs you to, and to just be happy with the knocks that come.. they'll come- so get on with it and rejoice that God is on your side and all you have to do is choose- He's already won the battle, which team you are you on? The end is good, so rejoice in that if anything.
The fireside happened and it went well. A lot better than I thought it would, I was soooo nervous after our rehearsal, but the Spirit was there, the angels descended and people heard and saw the good and God covered up the bad apparently.. except I shied away from the high notes on 'oh happy day'.. I couldn't hear it in my head, it wasn't natural to me yet, and so I almost did it but faked out on them and just went down.. super lame, super funny- but I just figure they'll thank me later, they still have good hearing. But I am so excited that it went well many came and brought friends!! We had 10 nonmembers there and a couple said they wanted to come back to church after that.. hopeful :) and one less active... which is sad, but I think it was good for her. I was able to sing 'I Know He Lives' and it was an incredible experience to sing that to people we teach... incredible. I loved every moment of it. The power of music is out of this world, gottas use :D
Story of the week... so last ngiht Sister Lauritzen and I are on our way back to Cardigan and we go get petrol because we are out. No background, real fast- Sis L had a different version of our car that took unleaded petrol in the car, this version that we have takes diesel ... hmmm- well we go to fill up and both of us are oblivious to the fact that things are different, I've never had anything else and she's never had anything else either. So she puts unleaded in the car and i think she's putting diesel because I am working on something else... so we get down the road a bit and the car starts slowing down regardless of her pressing the accelerater.. story short because of time... we got caught, saved, and now we are good- but we definitely learnt about prayer and God protecting His children... crazy!!! I love you all and can't wait to hear from you. |sent a package and it should be coming this week. Happy Bday Mum, Heather hope it was your best birthday yet. Loves and Bye.
Sista Fili

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