Monday, August 15, 2011

My goodness you wonderful people in my life!!!
   What a great week it has been, and last week Dad's emails just made me so happy to hear about the little, but good updates of my other friends. I love this work. I love being a missionary. I love where I am and who I am privileged to serve and to serve with. Sis. Lauritzen is a major blessing to me. I have always loved the work, but the rest I was still getting used to, I LOVE IT ALL .. I DO. That which we choose to indulge ourselves in becomes that which we love... so I am gonna love this for the next 14 months of my life... and most of it will go with me to love and indulge in for the rest of my life!! I can't wait. I am also excited to read what ya'll wrote me today... I caught pieces of Dad's and the camp fire bit.. I am sooooo bummed I missed it, but soooooo grateful they all were able to experience it.
   This week started off slow... er... but ended ballin'. On Saturday morning, we prayed HARD to find the elect as we call it. We went through the area book and found former investigators in the areas we chose to find in and it is incredible how the righteous desires of our hearts are met by God who knows all things, especially His children and their desires and personalities. We went to 2 places in the first area and the formers were not there, but someone else on the street was ready and prepared.. investigator #1 after a LONG morning of rejection.. and lots of it rude to be honest, but there we go, it's part of the job description.
   Then we went to the other place and visited the former there. At the door before she answered, I all of a sudden had to wee as they say here in this discrete country.. hahaha .. but whatever I thought.. So we were talking to her and she didn't shew us away but was hestitant and busy. She almost said goodbye then I said.. can I use your toilet.. which is something else discrete about this country... she said yes and Sis. Lauritzen worked her magic of friendly talking and making people feel comfortable while I did what I needed to, I came back down and they were talking about the missionaries from before and her family, we stayed 10 minutes longer and set a return appt. God uses our weaknesses (like my small blatter) for His good. I know this is true, I know this story was silly.. but it illustrates that this is God's work, He knows His children and fights for them. We must be bold enough to answer to the call...and I am talking bold people.. haha.
   Debbie!! is our new investigator and she is brilliant. Her partner is kevin who is from Salt Lake and is less active in the church. We ere referred to go see him and his family & to invite them to church because they had just moved in and may not know where to go.. we went and found not only Kevin but Debbie... oh we love her. And her kids. What an incredible family. You can already feel a difference in their home since we came the first time because she is sincerely interested and doing everything the Lord asks of her to the best knowledge and ability. I am sooo grateful I know her because I am better because of it. I see good things in her future :)
   This week, I studied Mosiah 2 and it has stuck with me like crazy glue. Please go and study it for yourselves. I love how serviceful King Benjamin is to his people he resides over, and just tells them distinctly to serve as well. By God's perfect wisdom He tells us and admonishes us to serve one another knowing it is the way we can feel God's love for God truly is the Father of our spirits and our spirits want to do good. When we do, it is as if we do it to Him because we are all a part of Him. He gave us life and all He asks for in return is that we do as He has commanded and then He'll bless us and then we are still indebt to Him.. so what have we to boast? Serve, serve, serve... it's all we can do to return a bit of love for the infinite atonement He suffered for each of us and the life and breath that we have... if it weren't for the atonement there wouldn't be life on the earth, mankind probably wouldn't have lasted too long with all the blood thirsty people there are in the BOM and Bible.. I mean let's be honest. But because He has saved us, we can live.. now and for all eternity. I praise His name this day and for the rest of my life. How grateful I am to be in the service of Him who gives us all life, love, and the will to do good things.
   Keep it up family.. you are incredible and I am soo blessed to have your prayers and examples in my life. I couldn't fulfill this mission without you in the back of my mind being the voices in my head.. Jen you are definitely in there... be exhausted.. it's gettin' there and I am only beginning... so let it begin and continue :D I love you all!!

ps I got grandma's letter and money, tell her I love her sooo much :D

pps... I am excited about the new bishop, but I will miss Bishop Halbert.. who my Mission president and his wife know.. sooo cool. Mormon world is BITE SIZE! Keep it up.

Love you all!!

Sista Fili

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