Monday, April 30, 2012

I'm Singing in the Rain!

What a beautiful world we live in. What a beautiful time we live in. This week has been stormy and raining and every morning you wake up and wonder how beautiful your future husband will actually get.. I might have a Brad Pitt looking fellow... lucky me. :)  (missionary "superstitions" are that you drop a BOM and your future spouse gets ugly, tract in the rain and he/she gets more beautiful). But today the sun is out and I woke up knowing that God was going to bless us all with some type of miracle, even if it is that someone asks you the right question, at the right time, in the right setting. Or something as simple as a smile from a random person. The miracles in life that come our way only take a little bit of recognition from the reciever to become a blessing in someone else's life. We had Zone conference this week and many spoke about the impact we have on one another and how we don't always realize the effect we have on one another. It is so important that we look in, look up and reach out. Especially in times of trial, when it is the hardest. You think about all the pictures drawn of Christ's atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane and none have Him looking down, but always looking up, to His Father. Christ truly is the perfect example of how to handle our own Gethsemane moments, which we will all have because that is life. It is the purpose of it, to become like Him. How do we use the Atonement? Suffer even as He did and turn to Him. That's how we meet in the middle. I am so very grateful for the thought an Elder gave us to think about and I would like to share it with you all. There are billions of people in the world now,, before we were here and after we are gone. Only a fraction of them are members and have accepted the gospel and for this, the atonement. He said that at one point He was really struggling and was pondering on this and all the people he needed to talk to to let in on the knowledge and how many don't accept it and got down. He went to God to find comfort and realized the great love Christ has for us that He not only gave His life for us, but for everyone. We know that and it's "common" knowledge to us that he did, but do we ever think that He did it for us as if we would accept knowing well that most wouldn't. This gave me great comfort and I pray that it will bring you that same comfort. He loves us and there is nothing we can do to make it change. I can not deny it and for that I have great gratitude. Zone Conference was incredible. Dad, President Ogden is now into doing what you do to the kids. call them up to give a talk without too much warning. I love it!! The spirit is so strong that way. Also, Sister Giles and I got to sing Born to Testify and the spirit was really strong. I am so grateful for the opportunity. It was President and Sister Ogden's departing testimony and it was brilliant. So much spirit the place almost exploded pretty much.
"Give the Lord your problems, ask him your questions, live close to the spirit so that you may receive answers, then have the faith to follow." The spirit (and Brydon Brett) also taught me about a little thing called 'growing pains' or a period of discomfort while you are growing. Usually this is referred to in a physical sense, but it definitely applies figuratively and spiritually. When we are stretched as we are progressing, we may experience a period of discomfort as we adjust to a new 'normal.' All that means is that we are bettering ourselves and are on the right track. Those are the times you need to just enjoy the ride and look forward with faith that you will feel like yourself again soon. (From Kendra)
So the next day, friday, we took our car in to get fixed and we were supposed to have it back that night, but it actually became a bigger problem than we had thought it would be, so we are still without a car. So the next day we had to do some bussing into our area... we live about a 20 min. car ride outside of our area so walking would be possible, just would take far too much time without enought people around to make it wortit. So as we are doing this I realize I have no money... oh great. I was praying so hard that something would work out. So we went in to check the bus times and my account and what a blessing that some money had been put in- oh not to mention somehow I got a parking ticket for 35 pound.. dumb.... so we walk up to the flat and a post man drops off a letter from Grandma Nancy with some cash in it and the reserve fund I have from Grandma Connie joy... i felt so blessed that the Lord was watching over me, knowing I would be in need this weekend. Thank you all for following the promptings. it sure did help me out :)
Elder Fanning, the Seniour couple elder in peterborough, is in the hospital. He had a bad heart attack and fall and now a staff infection all in the past 2.5 weeks. Life has been crazy here and we have been praying so hard that it all goes well. he almost died. 15 minutes of his heart stopping and someone was in the right place at the right time miraculously to come in and perform CPR just in time. I am so blessed to know them. the fannings help us so much. we come everyweek to email, eat lunch and just spend time together. I tihkn we'll be calling from their phone. or skyping... your choice. May 13!!! woot woot. Their phone is free international calls on both sides, so either way you don't have to pay :) just let me know and we'll work out the time. on their computer it says 6:53 AM (Idaho time) and on the clock it  says 1:53 PM (England time) So if you want to work that out and let me know. I can't wait!!!
Thank you all for all you do. I can not get enough of you. Mum to answer some of your questions- driving on the otherside is definately different the first time, switching back when I get home (in the far distant future) I have heard isn't too bad, just takes a little getting used to, but no biggy. I pray. My companion is doing well. This week is her Seniour week, so she will have the opportunity to take the lead in like ..everything. It will be good :) She is great and I have gained such a love and respect for her. I love how as a missionary you are put with people you'd usually not be with for one reason or another and it brings you together and helps you recognize that love is not just for people like you, but for everyone. it is as President utchdorf said once spelled, T I M E. and S E R V I C E... I am not always perfect at it. I am terrible sometimes in fact, but through the grace of God I can be better everyday.
I love you all soooo much and hope you forgive me for my tiny ridiculous email last week. Probably thought I was an elder for a second ;) baa.
I pray for you all and think about you when it is appropriate... but it is enough for you to know I love you dearly. May God be with you and never cease to pray pray pray. It will get you through the hard times.
 Alma 1:25 "Now this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; neverthless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them." In this chapter these people are being persecuted, but as they continued faithful it was still hard, but they did prosper. I pray that we will all standfast in our covenants and in our faith, that we may "stand blameless before God at the last day" (D&C 4:2) and have "much peace among the people" (Alma 1:33).
"Faith is a gift of God, bestowed as a reward for personal righteousness. It is always given where there is righteousness, and the greater our obedience, the greater will be the amount of faith." Bruce R. McConkie
Love you loads and loads!!!
Sista Fili

Monday, April 23, 2012

I love you all. thank you for all you do. it's been a great crazy week and I am so grateful for it. All I can say is that I love the Lord. In Him my soul delights.
I heard a great analogy for the Plan of Salvation this weekend using the story of Cinderella. So Cinderella like us, started with her Father. Everything was just right and she was happy. But she was seperated from her Father by death, or for us our ability to die (imperfection). She suffered alot but learnt loads and became who her Father imagined her to be because she heeded to His counsel and never forgot Him. She than meets prince Charming (we'll make Him Jesus Christ for us...) and she has to go through the hardest trials of her life, but according to how she handles it she is able to win the prize and inherit the kingdom with Him. During all of this she has a fairy God mother.. the Holy Gohst. We can relate this in soooo many ways. I would love for each of you to think of Cinderella's attitude during all of this.. just singing away. Sometimes it was hard and she would get frustrated, but still she isn't a complainer. What are we? one of the step sisters who hold themselves in well too high esteem and whine about EVERYTHING or a controlling manipulative step mother who makes everyone's life a living.... Satan's pit....I am hopeful that my nickname resides with me forreal... but who knows. I love you all. Sory this is short, next week will be better. miracles happen. you are all great and I lvoe you!!!
sista Fili.  

Monday, April 16, 2012

Good News! Good News! The Gospel is True!

Alright family we have some big news this week. I call it:
now we can get better car insurance too :) Joy... I think so.
So, our car hass been dodgey since transfers. It's automatic, but I have to put it into the right gear sometimes anfor the test I just didn't want to deal with that distraction and because they are sooooooo picky about EVERYTHING with it, we were afraid that would just kill it for passing it if I did anytihng wrong regarding it. We fasted yesterday for multiple reasons, it being one of them (since my year mark is in a week [whoa crazisauce] and I can't drive after that without an English license). I said a prayer before taking it that I would be calm (I hate tests that mean alot and have great urgency) and that the gears would work just right it. I am happy to tell you what you already know, God answers prayers. The gears worked just right and i only had to fix it once and to top it off, I was able to have a calmness come over me. I didn't do perfect, but the confidence the Lord gave me the ability to have showed through and the man showed mercy for my Americanism driving and passed me!!! I am so grateful for miracles big and small. The only time I have had miracles occur in a car in England regarding a test is when I fast... I think there is much to say about that. Mark 9:29 "And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting." Miracles are ever among us, we just have to do our part to be wortghy of them.
Last night we had our musical fireside "My Brother, my Saviour, My Friend". We were soooo nervous for it because it wasn't coming together as well as we were hoping. To be fair we did it really fast and so it would make sense that it would be rough. We ended up having a very small crowd and no investigators... :( but we ha one less active who we are not allowed to see. One of the sisters participating is married to him. So by some sort of miracle he came. He usually doesn't even if she is performing in it. If it has to do with God he will not be there, but last night he came, and she didn't even have to force him, he just said he would. The spirit was strong and although it wasn't perfect, the power of the message was real and many commented afterward about how grateful they were that we did it and we did it focused on Him, not on anything else but Christ and His life. It was motivating, uplifting, and inspiring. I am grateful God gives us opportunities to share our LIGHT with others. Matthew 5:14-16 "Ye are the lgiht of the world. A city that is set on a hill can not be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlstick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven." We are given talents and abilities to do the Lord's work and to touch the hearts of men around us that they might see hte glory of God as we shine our Light in His direction. I am grateful for this truth that i have become so familiar with over the course of my life thanks to the different opportunities given and the different experiences had to give me enough confidence to follow through on the opportunity and prompting. Hopefully that less active member will be our success story from that particular fireside.
We had a really cool experience while in our cute little trio this week with an investigator who we have a very hard time understanding his views, because they are so scewed, and him understanding the spirit we try.. try... to bring. It's hard to explain, but to make it short he loves to argue. You'll come in with the spirit and try to maintain it, but he just enjoys the banter and will do anything to get you there. His wife is a RM and we just didn't know exactly where to go. But Sis. Carter was bold enough to just say what the spirit told her to say, even though it was not easy and he was literally confounded before her. I don't think it could have come from anyone but her for him. She is a very recent convert (January 14, 2012) and has an incredible conversion story and testimony. I was so grateful that we saw how much God cares about him by sending her to us for the week. It really is increidble how it all works.. I can't even imagine what heaven is like if we can witness His love like this here! It's basically blowing my mind. You too? ..figured.
Then there were funny moments. So yesterday after Sacrrament we did our normal go with Sis. Jessop to take Angelina home real quick and come back to church and I always let Angelina out and swap places with her in the car and as I got out and gave her a hug she went for a kiss... ya.. I turned my head to the side and she tried to follow my llips, but I was quick and kept it to the cheek. Bless her. I didn't really come on a mission to get kissed by a drunk man (although that almost happened twice too) or an old lady. So I turned the other cheek as the Saviour says to do.
Well, sounds like everything is going well for all of you. Dad thanks for your email. I am sad to hear my firends didn't make it into YA's but I sure do hope that they continue to try or recognize how blessed they are to have had some similar (not the same.. but similar) experiences in LIGHT that many of those who try and get in have not had. We are so blessed to have had and to understand the meaning of performing besides pure enjoyment for you and the audience. I am just grateful that they got the experience of the auditions and call backs.. it really is the best. I learnt so much from just that. Even if that's all I get, I'll be happy. I hope they feel the same way :) They are amazing though. Check out Mitchell helping the auditions.. who does that that isn't a YA already... oh Britney Bowman... haha ok still, weird. He should just be excited for that!! Major compliment for sure :)
I hope that Tim's birthday celebration went so well. I think of him soooo often and know that he is helping me along the way. I know he is. Whenever the scriptures about Angels being among us are brought to our attention I always think of him and then the spirit just overwhelms me with a knowledge that it is true. The best part is that it's not just for me, but for you too. I hope you all enjoyed it and i pray i will be back for it next year!! Crazisauce again. I love you all so very very much. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you have the best week of your lives!!
Love you with all my heart +2... zillion :)
Sista Fili

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hello family. It is soooo good to hear from you all.....
this week has been good, yes? well mine has!! it's been fun to be a
missionary during this easter season. The Lord is working through us
like crazy!!! but the insane part is people are coming to us.. so it
has absolutely NOTHING to do with us. I feel so humble to know I am
here right now. This area is full of potential and it keeps rising. I
am just the Lord's servant working with what He gives and I know that
just as sure as i know I am sitting here.
Easter was great. I had the lovely privilege of speaking in chruh. It
went pretty well and I learnt so much from it. It was on Peter's
denial and why we must stand up for Jesus Christ. I learnt that peter,
someone who knew Christ face to face and knew by the power of the
spirit who He was could even be effected by the crowd. At first the
denying was a protection, but being placed in the worng crowd he began
to want to blend in more until the last and final time he denied out
of shear fear of man and not of God. until the Saviour of the world
caught his eye and in that moment he knew what he had done. Isn't it
the same for us all. In what ways do we outwardly deny Christ that
sooner or later after the crowd has made us question so many times and
we fall under pressure do we inwardly deny Him until we catch a
glimpse of his eye and fall into despair and repentance. We must stand
up for Christ in all ways in all things and in all places for as we do
that we live, we live by His spirit. We don't have to droop in sin, or
feel despair. The things we wear, say, do and even give attention to
are all outward expressions of our inner commitment to follow our
Saviour Jesus Christ. Just as Peter found, people notice who we are,
what we stand for and who we stand by and once we stop they notice. I
found this so interesting that for a moment peter was probably
frustrated that people recognized him for what he was, but think of
who he stood by the light that Christ shared nd reflected. We too can
have that relationship with Christ that others regardless of who they
are in our lives, random person you pass on the street or the closest
firend will know where our light comes from and who we stand by and
for. We don't have to deny Christ 3 times to figure out what it feels
like to not have the light with us ever so prominently, we can learn
from the mistakes of others and glory in the Lord in all things and
ways and in all places. I have learnt this so much as of late and I am
eternally grateful for all my Saviour did on that day for me through
the atonement. I know because of it I can accomplish the goal the Lord
has for me. If God's work and glory is to bring to pass the
immortality and eternal life of man than it is a goal I can
accomplish. I can become even as He is, perfect.. but only by Him. Let
us all recommitt ourselves this day to follow Christ and to be THE
examples of the believers in word in conversion and in every deed. I
lvoe you all!!

thank you mum for the card, it made me cry and warmed my heart.

Monday, April 2, 2012

"Impossible isn't a word, it's just an excuse not to try. The difficult we do right now, the impossible takes a little longer."

Dear Family,
   What a joy it is to be alive. I loved conference as many of you did I am sure. They sure did hit on a lot we can all work on, but alot I viewed within myself.. and infact continue to view today, loud and clear. Thank you. But I hope with all of us we can view it, pray about it, and fix it. The gift of the Atonement is just that. We can view it, pray for strength and then actually fix it. I am sooo grateful for modern day prophets that help us to see what God sees and give us a new found hope that we can accomplish thee things and become even as our "Father who art in Heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48) he doesn't leave us without a way and a will, the Lord's will and glory and purpose. Us. Our eternity with our Father and Brother. We are a pretty big deal to Him.. even in our weakness and smallest moments, He loves us and nothing is impossible when it is done with God and our Saviour's atoning grace. If ever you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders I pray that you immediately go to Him in prayer and plead that He will give you that love and peace you desire. Sis. esplin of the primary presidency illistrated this so well with the story about the Mother and the child and their efforts in praying to feel God's love and mercy and therefore getting over the "natural" man within them. (Mosiah 3:19) I know that as we live life in a way that we keep the commandments of God we will be happier. We will be able to overcome the trials that do beset us ever so often. it isn't easy to be alive and to be human and to be not perfect... it's not easy to be righteous and to fight the good fight of faith, but the prize in the end is greater than anything easy to obtain in life through the adversery. If we help the Lord keep His promises found in the Book of Mormon and the Bible we will be stronger people with a firm testimony in our Lord and Saviour, our great Redeemer. He has Redeemed us, don't forget that. We don't have to be slaves to the evil one. (Mosiah 2: 22-24, 32-33, 41) i am grateful for little children. I grateful for all they do for us 'adults' with our vast amounts of knowledge and 'wisdom'. They humble us and remind us who we are and what we stand for. I decided this morning after studying Mosiah 3 that Parents are the role models for the children and children are the examples to the parents. The great thing is, we are all children to God, so we can even as we grow older, grayer, wiser, more worried, more impatient, more testy, more this and that become as little children to God and submitt our will to Him. That's all He wants is our heart. That's all He asks for and who are we to keep it after all He has done for us. He paid a heavy load for us and we pay a little to dwell with Him in reality, although it seems heavy in the moment. It's like tithing.. seems great, look at what you could do with that 10%, man... it's rough, but then you give it up and have surplus that even with the 10% would have never been imaginable. So it is with our lives. We give the little He asks of us and He gives back 10 fold... PLUS. I am so grateful for the incredible examples of righteousness I have in my life. You are all so incredible and so hard working. How do you do it? I think I am figuring it out.. grace.
   This last Thursday we met with damien's other sister, Treena. She is 31 and has 3 kids (10, 11,15) no husband, but a great addiction to alot of stuff. So we went over to see her and to hopefully teach her the rest of the Restoration. When we went though she let us in and we asked about her reading if she had done it yet and she said she han't and then immediately suggested we read what we had left her (Alma 26) and so she gets the book and opens up to where her leaflet was (what we had marked the desired chapter to read with) and it was on 3 Nephi 19. So I read the chapter heading and felt prompted to go with it.. so we did. Now if you recall that chapter is when Christ comes back to the America's and establishes his disciples and they speak much about baptism. So we read it.. she asks about prophets.. modern prophets and GC comes up.. super cool get her excited and thinking about how incredible it is that we have one now. Then it hits all the purifying through baptism verses and she asks about that and how terribly she wants to be made pure and be rid of these addictions. Then her son asks about baptism as we were finishing explaining it all to her and finally by the end she said she wanted to be baptised and we set a date with her. Then she spoke about how she wants it for her kids, asked her son Donovan who was home ill from school and he said he wanted it too. I love how the Lord works. He blesses us and leads those who will recieve it to us. Miracles are happening all over it is just being awake enough to notice it. I am grateful to be apart of it for this moment... and I pray for the rest of my life. easter pageant time ya'll.... invite!! it's the way to be. Many love it and it's not anything many are too objected towards. What an opportuinty to do a bit of His work by watching his life and letting Him do the rest!! It's perfect!!
I love you all and hope all things at home get better and better. I hope that you all know how much you are in my prayers and how I love you dearly. I can't get over it and pray I never do.
I love you, good luck with all things.
Sista Fili