Thursday, January 19, 2012

Alrighty family... how are all of you!!! man every week is so fantastic and everyweek something happens when I think of at least one of you if not all of you and go.. yes I am so appreciative of my family and or I am in awe with your testimonies. I was thinking this week of the miracle it is that sooooo many are so strong in the church. Being with so many who aren't (less actives) and then knowing some of the needs of the faithful strong members you begin to realize that a testimony is nothing short of a miracle. It is hard work to keep up and having a faith in jesus Christ is not always 'cool' by the standing of the world, but how 'cool' is it really... we know God. The creator of the universe the Father of our spirits, the supreme being and the coolest part is he not only knows us, he loves us and each of us can have a very personal relationship with Him if we but walk into His light.. I don't know any celebrity of higher up in the world that has such easy ccess.. because really someone who is perfect is no respector of persons, because he loves perfectly and has no prejudice. man we are sooo lucky to know these things.
in Relief Society this week we were talking about Charity. It was the 2nd lesson in the George Albert Smith book ... brilliant isn't it... and I was able to share an experience or two about my airplane rides and then I just said.. ya know my mother has neverfr met a stranger, and she is sooo observant of people, I think that's why. She recognizes her borther and sisters when she sees them, because she allows herself to see them and then to speak with them. Now our whole family and alot of our friends are like this and at that moment I realized how blessed I am to have grown up with these examples of righteousness. One of the ladies comments and said, you're right no one is really a stranger, they're just not seen for who they really are. Isn't it sooo true. Never see anyone as a stranger, you might not be able to remembe their name from before and hey may frustrate you but deep inside ll people is our brother and or sister and how glorious the reunion will be on the otherside when we talk and joke about sorry I didn't recognize you I was a little lost, but you said hello to me and it sparked something in me, I just couldn't put my finger on it. I hope I can be that for someone.. I hope we can all be that for everyone.
This last week, Damien, our investigator who is getting baptized this weekend slipped up a bit on his smoking stuff and he's been working for a about 4 months for baptism and it's finally at his finger tips and oh the broken heart he had when he thought all was lost. The chains of the devil are binding, but the light and lvoe Christ gives is freeing. We called president to find out if he had to push the baptism back or not and president's reply was it's up to you and sister Brooks, if you think he's repentant and truly repentant then we can't deny him the cleansing power of the atonement through baptism. That is alot of responsibility president, thank you... ahhh.. that's how we felt. But we botyh prayed soooo sincerely and in my thoughts this morning I thought about choice and agency. I thought about how when forced to do things that are good and put down if not doing them we kick against them and justify our bad behaviour, but when we're given a choice between right and wrong not condescending, but with consequences on both ends, given the whole side of it we actually begin to use logic. What a concept the lord allows us to figure out. he gave us the option before we came to eartyh to choose His plan and forego Satan's but while on the earth we still can choose what plan we want because the war is not over and some do choose satan's plan after a while and they are bound to him and it is the saddest thing to watch becuse they llose everything and have no choice. Even when the good option is given, they don't like it becasaeu it's hard or they feel unworthy and will never be good enough for it and therefore forego the blessings of freedom in God. This morning I was reading in Ether 15 and Coriantumr finally figures out that the prophet Ether was telling the truth. his prophesies have come to pass every whit and goes and repents. However his people do not and forefeight that option to have the spirit of Christ with them to help them win the battle against Shiz (literally and metephorically ;)) and in verse 19 it states what the consequense was.. satan had rule over them and he would not save them, for he does not love them. How merciful our God is to give us a choice.. I pray we will never forefeight the choice to have joy in our lives. That we will never forget that God is freedom and loves us unconditionally. here is a quote my lovely companion gave me 9oh by the way it was transfers this week and we are staying the same!)
'We must be willing to place all that we have not just our possessions (they may be the easiest things or all to give up) but also our ambition, pride, stubborness, and vanity. We must place it all on the altar of fgod, kneel down in silent submission and willinggly walk away.' - Jeffrey R. Holland
I love you all!! keep up the good member missionary work you are so incredible at!!
Sista Fili!!!!

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